6-K 1 tsm-fsx20231114x6k.htm 6-K Document

1934 Act Registration No. 1-14700
Washington, D.C. 20549
For the month of November 2023
(Commission File Number: 001-14700)
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd.
(Translation of Registrant’s Name Into English)
No. 8, Li-Hsin Rd. 6,
Hsinchu Science Park,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F  x            Form 40-F  o
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in papers as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): o
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in papers as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): o

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Date:   November 14, 2023 By    /s/ Wendell Huang
  Wendell Huang
   Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


EX-99.1 2 tsmc2023q3consolidatdfinan.htm EX-99.1 Document
English Translation of Financial Statements Originally Issued in Chinese
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

Consolidated Financial Statements for the
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 and
Independent Auditors’ Review Report

11073 台北市信義區松仁路100號20樓

Deloitte & Touche
20F, Taipei Nan Shan Plaza
No. 100, Songren Rd.,
Xinyi Dist., Taipei 11073, Taiwan

Tel :+886 (2) 2725-9988
Fax:+886 (2) 4051-6888


The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited


We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) as of September 30, 2023 and 2022, the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the consolidated statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the nine months then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements, including material accounting policy information (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers and International Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” endorsed and issued into effect by the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Republic of China. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the consolidated financial statements based on our reviews.

Scope of Review

We conducted our reviews in accordance with the Standards on Review Engagements of the Republic of China 2410 “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity”. A review of consolidated financial statements consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our reviews, nothing has come to our attention that caused us to believe that the accompanying consolidated financial statements do not present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company as of September 30, 2023 and 2022, its consolidated financial performance for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, and its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers and International Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” endorsed and issued into effect by the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Republic of China.

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The engagement partners on the reviews resulting in this independent auditors’ review report are Shih Tsung Wu and Shang Chih Lin.


Deloitte & Touche
Taipei, Taiwan
Republic of China

November 14, 2023

Notice to Readers

The accompanying consolidated financial statements are intended only to present the consolidated financial position, financial performance and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in the Republic of China and not those of any other jurisdictions. The standards, procedures and practices to review such consolidated financial statements are those generally applied in the Republic of China.

For the convenience of readers, the independent auditors’ review report and the accompanying consolidated financial statements have been translated into English from the original Chinese version prepared and used in the Republic of China. If there is any conflict between the English version and the original Chinese version or any difference in the interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese-language independent auditors’ review report and consolidated financial statements shall prevail.
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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

September 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 September 30, 2022
Amount % Amount % Amount %

Cash and cash equivalents (Note 6)
$ 1,311,806,535 24 $ 1,342,814,083 27 $ 1,296,012,784 28
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Note 7)
378,526 - 1,070,398 - 4,705,434 -
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (Note 8)
154,838,390 3 122,998,543 2 126,209,422 3
Financial assets at amortized cost (Note 9)
84,261,089 2 94,600,219 2 71,857,468 1
Hedging financial assets (Note 10)
37,451 - 2,329 - 88,431 -
Notes and accounts receivable, net (Note 11)
222,467,653 4 229,755,887 5 260,447,134 6
Receivables from related parties (Note 31)
356,257 - 1,583,958 - 1,091,174 -
Other receivables from related parties (Note 31)
82,363 - 68,975 - 76,143 -
Inventories (Note 12)
262,090,072 5 221,149,148 4 218,335,874 5
Other financial assets (Note 32)
26,938,240 - 25,964,428 1 24,855,999 -
Other current assets
19,221,060 - 12,888,776 - 10,552,495 -

Total current assets
2,082,477,636 38 2,052,896,744 41 2,014,232,358 43

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Note 7)
111,637 - - - - -
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (Note 8)
7,933,799 - 6,159,200 - 6,784,978 -
Financial assets at amortized cost (Note 9)
79,379,651 2 35,127,215 1 42,347,584 1
Investments accounted for using equity method (Note 13)
28,921,558 1 27,641,505 1 26,663,336 1
Property, plant and equipment (Note 14)
3,132,664,367 57 2,693,836,970 54 2,411,490,251 52
Right-of-use assets (Note 15)
41,254,711 1 41,914,136 1 42,349,743 1
Intangible assets (Note 16)
23,410,569 - 25,999,155 1 26,706,552 1
Deferred income tax assets (Note 4)
71,030,144 1 69,185,842 1 63,058,097 1
Refundable deposits
8,388,839 - 4,467,022 - 4,451,490 -
Other noncurrent assets
8,983,470 - 7,551,089 - 5,217,377 -

Total noncurrent assets
3,402,078,745 62 2,911,882,134 59 2,629,069,408 57

$ 5,484,556,381 100 $ 4,964,778,878 100 $ 4,643,301,766 100


Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (Note 7)
$ 132,768 - $ 116,215 - $ 611,010 -
Hedging financial liabilities (Note 10)
26,879,550 - 813 - - -
Accounts payable
52,150,883 1 54,879,708 1 60,147,405 1
Payables to related parties (Note 31)
1,621,423 - 1,642,637 - 1,870,819 -
Salary and bonus payable
28,657,288 1 36,435,509 1 31,380,029 1
Accrued profit sharing bonus to employees and compensation to directors (Note 27)
37,708,203 1 61,748,574 1 45,041,965 1
Payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
230,848,866 4 213,499,613 4 159,780,369 3
Cash dividends payable (Note 19)
155,592,426 3 142,617,093 3 142,617,093 3
Income tax payable (Note 4)
102,953,391 2 120,801,814 3 76,005,324 2
Long-term liabilities - current portion (Notes 17, 18 and 29)
7,420,132 - 19,313,889 - 23,426,667 1
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (Notes 15, 20, 29 and 31)
326,069,886 6 293,170,952 6 266,550,606 6

Total current liabilities
970,034,816 18 944,226,817 19 807,431,287 18

Bonds payable (Notes 17 and 29)
932,479,423 17 834,336,439 17 842,386,471 18
Long-term bank loans (Notes 18 and 29)
5,013,050 - 4,760,047 - 3,055,178 -
Deferred income tax liabilities (Note 4)
212,549 - 1,031,383 - 1,466,389 -
Lease liabilities (Notes 15 and 29)
29,415,325 1 29,764,097 - 30,182,353 1
Net defined benefit liability (Note 4)
8,615,678 - 9,321,091 - 8,503,262 -
Guarantee deposits
983,928 - 892,021 - 907,991 -
Others (Note 20)
164,983,505 3 179,958,116 4 197,052,676 4

Total noncurrent liabilities
1,141,703,458 21 1,060,063,194 21 1,083,554,320 23

Total liabilities
2,111,738,274 39 2,004,290,011 40 1,890,985,607 41

Capital stock (Notes 19)
259,320,710 5 259,303,805 5 259,303,805 6
Capital surplus (Notes 19 and 26)
69,879,218 1 69,330,328 1 69,316,391 1
Retained earnings (Notes 19)
Appropriated as legal capital reserve
311,146,899 6 311,146,899 6 311,146,899 7
Appropriated as special capital reserve
17,228,363 - 3,154,310 - 35,064,663 1
Unappropriated earnings
2,682,157,537 49 2,323,223,479 47 2,066,562,035 44

3,010,532,799 55 2,637,524,688 53 2,412,773,597 52
Others (Notes 19 and 26)
8,616,930 - (20,505,626 ) - (3,419,487 ) -

Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent
3,348,349,657 61 2,945,653,195 59 2,737,974,306 59

24,468,450 - 14,835,672 1 14,341,853 -

Total equity
3,372,818,107 61 2,960,488,867 60 2,752,316,159 59

$ 5,484,556,381 100 $ 4,964,778,878 100 $ 4,643,301,766 100

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Except Earnings Per Share)

For the Three Months Ended September 30 For the Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %

NET REVENUE (Notes 20, 31 and 36)
$ 546,732,758 100 $ 613,142,743 100 $ 1,536,206,985 100 $ 1,638,359,424 100

COST OF REVENUE (Notes 12, 27 and 31)
250,090,294 46 242,644,026 40 692,864,282 45 679,189,547 41

296,642,464 54 370,498,717 60 843,342,703 55 959,169,877 59

OPERATING EXPENSES (Notes 27 and 31)
Research and development
51,137,762 9 42,977,507 7 131,960,076 9 118,675,177 7
General and administrative
14,998,124 3 14,499,002 2 42,637,461 3 36,567,623 2
2,572,905 - 2,709,953 - 7,615,158 - 6,929,370 1

Total operating expenses
68,708,791 12 60,186,462 9 182,212,695 12 162,172,170 10

131,230 - 11,959 - 131,095 - (759,626 ) -

228,064,903 42 310,324,214 51 661,261,103 43 796,238,081 49

Share of profits of associates
1,166,970 - 2,077,809 - 3,339,974 - 6,061,304 -
Interest income (Note 21)
15,595,274 3 6,615,044 1 42,885,113 3 11,834,868 1
Other income
78,165 - 120,905 - 403,727 - 941,465 -
Foreign exchange gain (loss), net (Note 34)
(791,543 ) - (3,748,421 ) (1 ) (1,838,720 ) - 5,859,265 -
Finance costs (Note 22)
(3,111,922 ) (1 ) (3,370,018 ) - (9,080,763 ) - (8,415,015 ) (1 )
Other gains and losses, net (Note 23)
938,648 - 4,671,334 1 3,919,901 - (2,999,124 ) -

Total non-operating income and expenses
13,875,592 2 6,366,653 1 39,629,232 3 13,282,763 -

241,940,495 44 316,690,867 52 700,890,335 46 809,520,844 49

INCOME TAX EXPENSE (Notes 4 and 24)
31,145,221 5 35,722,460 6 101,429,019 7 88,498,811 5

210,795,274 39 280,968,407 46 599,461,316 39 721,022,033 44

Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Unrealized gain/(loss) on investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
(8,655 ) - (103,591 ) - 987,893 - 68,610 -
Gain on hedging instruments
- - - - 39,898 - - -
Share of other comprehensive income of associates
107,972 - 21,431 - 62,956 - 76,518 -
Income tax benefit (expense) related to items that will not be reclassified subsequently
- - 31 - (25 ) - 262 -
99,317 - (82,129 ) - 1,090,722 - 145,390 -
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations
27,637,865 5 34,872,636 5 28,594,668 2 68,084,934 4
Unrealized loss on investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
(1,856,201 ) (1 ) (2,973,821 ) - (1,455,025 ) - (11,263,186 ) -
Gain (loss) on hedging instruments
(19,068 ) - 4,989 - (55,327 ) - 1,347,573 -
Share of other comprehensive income of associates
187,312 - 299,724 - 237,518 - 591,374 -
Income tax benefit related to items that may be reclassified subsequently
- - - - - - 6,036 -
25,949,908 4 32,203,528 5 27,321,834 2 58,766,731 4
Other comprehensive income, net of income tax
26,049,225 4 32,121,399 5 28,412,556 2 58,912,121 4
$ 236,844,499 43 $ 313,089,806 51 $ 627,873,872 41 $ 779,934,154 48
Shareholders of the parent
$ 210,999,939 39 $ 280,865,780 46 $ 599,785,521 39 $ 720,626,072 44
Non-controlling interests
(204,665 ) - 102,627 - (324,205 ) - 395,961 -
$ 210,795,274 39 $ 280,968,407 46 $ 599,461,316 39 $ 721,022,033 44
Shareholders of the parent
$ 237,285,511 43 $ 312,889,198 51 $ 629,307,238 41 $ 780,221,513 48
Non-controlling interests
(441,012 ) - 200,608 - (1,433,366 ) - (287,359 ) -
$ 236,844,499 43 $ 313,089,806 51 $ 627,873,872 41 $ 779,934,154 48
Basic earnings per share
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79
Diluted earnings per share
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

Equity Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent
Gain (Loss) on
Assets at Fair
Foreign Value Through Unearned
Capital Stock - Common Stock Retained Earnings Currency Other Gain (Loss) on Stock-Based
Shares Legal Capital Special Capital Unappropriated Translation Comprehensive Hedging Employee Treasury Non-controlling Total
(In Thousands) Amount Capital Surplus Reserve Reserve Earnings Total Reserve Income Instruments Compensation Total Stock Total Interests Equity

25,930,380 $ 259,303,805 $ 64,761,602 $ 311,146,899 $ 59,304,212 $ 1,536,378,550 $ 1,906,829,661 $ (63,303,361 ) $ 574,310 $ 120,536 $ - $ (62,608,515 ) $ - $ 2,168,286,553 $ 2,446,652 $ 2,170,733,205

Appropriations of earnings
Special capital reserve
- - - - (24,239,549 ) 24,239,549 - - - - - - - - - -
Cash dividends to shareholders
- - - - - (213,925,638 ) (213,925,638 ) - - - - - - (213,925,638 ) - (213,925,638)
- - - - (24,239,549 ) (189,686,089 ) (213,925,638 ) - - - - - - (213,925,638 ) - (213,925,638)

Net income
- - - - - 720,626,072 720,626,072 - - - - - - 720,626,072 395,961 721,022,033

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax
- - - - - - - 69,359,198 (11,207,118 ) 1,443,361 - 59,595,441 - 59,595,441 (683,320 ) 58,912,121

Total comprehensive income (loss)
- - - - - 720,626,072 720,626,072 69,359,198 (11,207,118 ) 1,443,361 - 59,595,441 - 780,221,513 (287,359 ) 779,934,154

Share-based payment arrangements
1,387 13,870 438,029 - - - - - - - (265,177 ) (265,177 ) - 186,722 - 186,722

Treasury stock acquired
- - - - - - - - - - - - (871,566 ) (871,566 ) - (871,566)

Treasury stock retired
(1,387 ) (13,870 ) (2,989 ) - - (854,707 ) (854,707 ) - - - - - 871,566 - - -

Disposal of investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
- - - - - 98,209 98,209 - (98,209 ) - - (98,209 ) - - - -

Basis adjustment for loss on hedging instruments
- - - - - - - - - (43,027 ) - (43,027 ) - (43,027 ) - (43,027)

Adjustments to share of changes in equities of associates
- - 2,582 - - - - - - - - - - 2,582 - 2,582

From share of changes in equities of subsidiaries
- - 4,117,167 - - - - - - - - - - 4,117,167 12,348,992 16,466,159

Decrease in non-controlling interests
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (166,432 ) (166,432)

25,930,380 $ 259,303,805 $ 69,316,391 $ 311,146,899 $ 35,064,663 $ 2,066,562,035 $ 2,412,773,597 $ 6,055,837 $ (10,731,017 ) $ 1,520,870 $ (265,177 ) $ (3,419,487 ) $ - $ 2,737,974,306 $ 14,341,853 $ 2,752,316,159

25,930,380 $ 259,303,805 $ 69,330,328 $ 311,146,899 $ 3,154,310 $ 2,323,223,479 $ 2,637,524,688 $ (11,743,301 ) $ (10,056,353 ) $ 1,479,181 $ (185,153 ) $ (20,505,626 ) $ - $ 2,945,653,195 $ 14,835,672 $ 2,960,488,867

Appropriations of earnings
Special capital reserve
- - - - 14,074,053 (14,074,053 ) - - - - - - - - - -
Cash dividends to shareholders
- - - - - (226,900,972 ) (226,900,972 ) - - - - - - (226,900,972 ) - (226,900,972)
- - - - 14,074,053 (240,975,025 ) (226,900,972 ) - - - - - - (226,900,972 ) - (226,900,972)

Net income
- - - - - 599,785,521 599,785,521 - - - - - - 599,785,521 (324,205 ) 599,461,316

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income tax
- - - - - - - 29,942,174 (434,126 ) 13,669 - 29,521,717 - 29,521,717 (1,109,161 ) 28,412,556

Total comprehensive income (loss)
- - - - - 599,785,521 599,785,521 29,942,174 (434,126 ) 13,669 - 29,521,717 - 629,307,238 (1,433,366 ) 627,873,872

Employee restricted shares retired
(419 ) (4,195 ) 4,195 - - 4,614 4,614 - - - - - - 4,614 - 4,614

Share-based payment arrangements
2,110 21,100 564,868 - - - - - - - (235,582 ) (235,582 ) - 350,386 - 350,386

Disposal of investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
- - - - - 118,948 118,948 - (118,948 ) - - (118,948 ) - - - -

Basis adjustment for loss on hedging instruments
- - - - - - - - - (44,631 ) - (44,631 ) - (44,631 ) - (44,631)

Adjustments to share of changes in equities of associates
- - (1,236 ) - - - - - - - - - - (1,236 ) - (1,236)

From share of changes in equities of subsidiaries
- - (18,937 ) - - - - - - - - - - (18,937 ) 11,264,847 11,245,910

Decrease in non-controlling interests
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (198,703 ) (198,703)

25,932,071 $ 259,320,710 $ 69,879,218 $ 311,146,899 $ 17,228,363 $ 2,682,157,537 $ 3,010,532,799 $ 18,198,873 $ (10,609,427 ) $ 1,448,219 $ (420,735 ) $ 8,616,930 $ - $ 3,348,349,657 $ 24,468,450 $ 3,372,818,107

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.
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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

Nine Months Ended September 30
2023 2022

Income before income tax
$ 700,890,335 $ 809,520,844
Adjustments for:
Depreciation expense
374,654,167 323,122,219
Amortization expense
6,888,324 6,550,157
Expected credit losses recognized on investments in debt instruments
41,161 33,282
Finance costs
9,080,763 8,415,015
Share of profits of associates
(3,339,974 ) (6,061,304 )
Interest income
(42,885,113 ) (11,834,868 )
Share-based compensation
355,701 222,091
Loss on disposal or retirement of property, plant and equipment, net
335,393 91,532
Gain on disposal or retirement of intangible assets, net
(2,308 ) -
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment
- 790,740
Gain on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss, net
(27,022 ) -
Loss on disposal of investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, net
372,631 346,125
Loss on foreign exchange, net
4,178,853 12,532,183
Dividend income
(387,837 ) (260,534 )
(280,262 ) (292,572 )
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss
857,225 (4,622,312 )
Notes and accounts receivable, net
7,288,198 (62,861,124 )
Receivables from related parties
1,227,701 (375,850 )
Other receivables from related parties
(13,388 ) (14,612 )
(40,940,924 ) (25,233,553 )
Other financial assets
263,031 (4,371,124 )
Other current assets
(5,852,289 ) (1,072,295 )
Other noncurrent assets
(378,730 ) -
Accounts payable
(2,728,825 ) 12,861,802
Payables to related parties
(21,214 ) 433,633
Salary and bonus payable
(7,778,221 ) 7,577,929
Accrued profit sharing bonus to employees and compensation to directors
(24,040,371 ) 8,517,224
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
(34,382,658 ) 38,582,192
Other noncurrent liabilities
26,776,501 100,127,809
Net defined benefit liability
(705,413 ) (2,533,617 )
Cash generated from operations
969,445,435 1,210,191,012
Income taxes paid
(122,307,435 ) (86,473,728 )

Net cash generated by operating activities
847,138,000 1,123,717,284

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

Nine Months Ended September 30
2023 2022

Acquisitions of:
Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss
$ (323,973 ) $ -
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
(54,832,622 ) (49,269,573 )
Financial assets at amortized cost
(115,641,029 ) (123,508,899 )
Property, plant and equipment
(779,656,605 ) (745,827,757 )
Intangible assets
(3,387,581 ) (5,471,086 )
Proceeds from disposal or redemption of:
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
28,804,766 41,221,410
Financial assets at amortized cost
89,166,171 20,620,129
Property, plant and equipment
391,764 801,029
Intangible assets
2,308 -
Proceeds from return of capital of investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
117,897 300
Derecognition of hedging financial instruments
66,776 1,591,074
Interest received
41,015,135 9,440,363
Proceeds from government grants - property, plant and equipment
20,756,650 462,822
Proceeds from government grants - others
1,152 874
Other dividends received
387,837 260,534
Dividends received from investments accounted for using equity method
3,076,482 2,749,667
Increase in prepayments for leases
(50,173 ) -
Refundable deposits paid
(4,053,259 ) (1,904,318 )
Refundable deposits refunded
357,210 437,209

Net cash used in investing activities
(773,801,094 ) (848,396,222 )

Decrease in short-term loans
- (111,959,992 )
Increase in hedging financial liabilities - bank loans
27,908,580 -
Proceeds from issuance of bonds
75,900,000 188,093,561
Repayment of bonds
(18,100,000 ) -
Proceeds from long-term bank loans
2,450,000 500,000
Repayment of long-term bank loans
(1,244,444 ) -
Payments for transaction costs attributable to the issuance of bonds
(78,448 ) (403,162 )
Treasury stock acquired
- (871,566 )
Repayment of the principal portion of lease liabilities
(2,132,449 ) (1,767,753 )
Interest paid
(11,363,895 ) (6,498,170 )
Guarantee deposits received
230,116 199,190
Guarantee deposits refunded
(217,446 ) (43,314 )
Cash dividends
(213,925,639 ) (213,925,639 )
Increase in non-controlling interests
11,046,506 16,264,358

Net cash used in financing activities
(129,527,119 ) (130,412,487 )

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

Nine Months Ended September 30
2023 2022

$ 25,182,665 $ 86,114,017

(31,007,548 ) 231,022,592

1,342,814,083 1,064,990,192

$ 1,311,806,535 $ 1,296,012,784

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.    

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC), a Republic of China (R.O.C.) corporation, was incorporated on February 21, 1987. TSMC is a dedicated foundry in the semiconductor industry which engages mainly in the manufacturing, sales, packaging, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices and the manufacturing of masks.

On September 5, 1994, TSMC’s shares were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). On October 8, 1997, TSMC listed some of its shares of stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs).

The address of its registered office and principal place of business is No. 8, Li-Hsin Rd. 6, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan. The principal operating activities of TSMC’s subsidiaries are described in Note 4.


The accompanying consolidated financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on November 14, 2023.


a.    Initial application of the amendments to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS), IFRIC Interpretations (IFRIC), and SIC Interpretations (SIC) (collectively, the “IFRSs”) endorsed and issued into effect by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)

Except for the following, the initial application of the amendments to the IFRSs endorsed and issued into effect by the FSC did not have a material impact on the accounting policies of TSMC and its subsidiaries (collectively as the “Company”):

Amendments to IAS 12 “International Tax Reform - Pillar Two Model Rules”

The amendments introduce a temporary exception to the requirements in IAS 12 by stipulating that the Company should neither recognize nor disclose information about deferred tax assets and liabilities related to Pillar Two income taxes. The amendments also require the Company to disclose that it has applied the exception and separately disclose its current tax expense (income) related to Pillar Two income taxes. In addition, for periods in which Pillar Two legislation is enacted or substantively enacted but not yet in effect, the Company should disclose qualitative and quantitative information that helps users of financial statements understand the Company’s exposure to Pillar Two income taxes. The requirement that the Company applies the exception and the requirement to disclose that fact is applied immediately upon issuance of the amendments in May 2023. The remaining disclosure requirements are applied for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023, but not for any interim period ending on or before December 31, 2023.

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b.    The IFRSs issued by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and endorsed by the FSC with effective date starting 2024

New, Amended and Revised Standards and Interpretations

Effective Date Issued

Amendments to IAS 1 “Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current” and “Non-current Liabilities with Covenants”

January 1, 2024

c.    The IFRSs issued by IASB , but not yet endorsed and issued into effect by the FSC

New, Amended and Revised Standards and Interpretations

Effective Date Issued

Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 “Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture”
To be determined by IASB

As of the date the accompanying consolidated financial statements were issued, the Company continues in evaluating the impact on its financial position and financial performance from the initial adoption of the aforementioned standards or interpretations and related applicable period. The related impact will be disclosed when the Company completes its evaluation.


Except for the following, the accounting policies applied in these consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.

For the convenience of readers, the accompanying consolidated financial statements have been translated into English from the original Chinese version prepared and used in the R.O.C. If there is any conflict between the English version and the original Chinese version or any difference in the interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese-language consolidated financial statements shall prevail.

Statement of Compliance

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers and IAS 34, “Interim Financial Reporting,” endorsed and issued into effect by the FSC. The consolidated financial statements do not present all the disclosures required for a complete set of annual consolidated financial statements prepared under the IFRSs endorsed and issued into effect by the FSC (collectively, the “Taiwan-IFRSs”).

Basis of Consolidation

The basis of preparation and the basis for the consolidated financial statements

The basis of preparation and the basis for the consolidated financial statements applied in these consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.

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The subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statements

The detail information of the subsidiaries at the end of reporting period was as follows:

Establishment Percentage of Ownership
Name of Investor Name of Investee Main Businesses and Products
and Operating
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,


TSMC North America

Sales and marketing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

San Jose, California, U.S.A.





TSMC Europe B.V. (TSMC Europe)

Customer service and supporting activities

Amsterdam, the Netherlands





TSMC Japan Limited (TSMC Japan)

Customer service and supporting activities

Yokohama, Japan





TSMC Design Technology Japan, Inc. (TSMC JDC)

Engineering support activities

Yokohama, Japan





TSMC Japan 3DIC R&D Center, Inc. (TSMC 3DIC)

Engineering support activities

Yokohama, Japan





TSMC Korea Limited (TSMC Korea)

Customer service and supporting activities

Seoul, Korea





TSMC Partners, Ltd. (TSMC Partners)

Investing in companies involved in the semiconductor design and manufacturing, and other investment activities

Tortola, British Virgin Islands





TSMC Global, Ltd. (TSMC Global)

Investment activities

Tortola, British Virgin Islands





TSMC China Company Limited (TSMC China)

Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Shanghai, China





TSMC Nanjing Company Limited (TSMC Nanjing)

Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Nanjing, China





VisEra Technologies Company Ltd. (VisEra Tech)

Research, design, development, manufacturing, sales, packaging and test of color filter

Hsin-Chu, Taiwan





TSMC Arizona Corporation (TSMC Arizona)

Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.





Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing, Inc. (JASM)

Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Kumamoto, Japan




a), c)

European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company GmbH (ESMC)

Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Dresden, Germany




a), d)

VentureTech Alliance Fund II, L.P. (VTAF II)

Investing in technology start-up companies

Cayman Islands





VentureTech Alliance Fund III, L.P. (VTAF III)

Investing in technology start-up companies

Cayman Islands





Emerging Fund L.P. (Emerging Fund)

Investing in technology start-up companies

Cayman Islands




TSMC Partners

TSMC Development, Inc. (TSMC Development)

Investing in companies involved in semiconductor manufacturing

Delaware, U.S.A.





TSMC Technology, Inc. (TSMC Technology)

Engineering support activities

Delaware, U.S.A.





TSMC Design Technology Canada Inc. (TSMC Canada)

Engineering support activities

Ontario, Canada





Growth Fund Limited (Growth Fund)

Investing in technology start-up companies

Cayman Islands




TSMC Development

WaferTech, LLC (WaferTech)

Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices

Washington, U.S.A.





Note a:    This is an immaterial subsidiary for which the consolidated financial statements are neither reviewed nor audited by the Company’s independent auditors.

Note b:    Under the terms of the development agreement entered into between TSMC Arizona and the City of Phoenix, the City of Phoenix commits approximately US$205 million toward various public infrastructure projects in the area of the proposed manufacturing facility, conditioned on TSMC Arizona’s achieving a minimum project scale with defined spending and job-creation thresholds.

Note c:    TSMC’s shareholding and the proportion of voting rights in JASM are 71% and 81%, respectively.

Note d:    ESMC is established in June 2023.

Retirement Benefits

Pension cost for an interim period is calculated on a year-to-date basis by using the actuarially determined pension cost rate at the end of the prior financial year.

Hedge Accounting

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for similarly to cash flow hedges. Any gains or losses on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge are recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated under the heading of foreign currency translation reserve.
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The gains or losses relating to the ineffective portion are recognized immediately in profit or loss.

The gains and losses on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge, which were accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve, are reclassified to profit or loss on the disposal or partial disposal of a foreign operation.


Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax. The interim period income tax expense is accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected total annual earnings, that is, the estimated average annual effective income tax rate applied to the pre-tax income of the interim period.


The same material accounting judgments and key sources of estimates and uncertainty have been followed in these consolidated financial statements as were applied in the preparation of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Cash and deposits in banks
$ 1,297,689,297 $ 1,327,884,602 $ 1,277,760,695
Commercial paper
9,408,778 9,566,430 16,458,450
Money market funds
3,336,162 1,406,792 -
Repurchase agreements
1,229,906 1,133,310 -
Government bonds/Agency bonds
142,392 2,451,570 1,793,639
Corporate bonds
- 371,379 -

$ 1,311,806,535 $ 1,342,814,083 $ 1,296,012,784

Deposits in banks consisted of highly liquid time deposits that were readily convertible to known amounts of cash and were subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Financial assets

Mandatorily measured at FVTPL
Convertible bonds
$ 231,022 $ 122,852 $ -
Forward exchange contracts
147,504 947,546 4,705,434
Mutual funds
111,637 - -

$ 490,163 $ 1,070,398 $ 4,705,434

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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

$ 378,526 $ 1,070,398 $ 4,705,434
111,637 - -

$ 490,163 $ 1,070,398 $ 4,705,434

Financial liabilities

Held for trading
Forward exchange contracts
$ 132,768 $ 116,215 $ 611,010

The Company entered into forward exchange contracts to manage exposures due to fluctuations of foreign exchange rates. These forward exchange contracts did not meet the criteria for hedge accounting. Therefore, the Company did not apply hedge accounting treatment for these forward exchange contracts.

Outstanding forward exchange contracts consisted of the following:

Contract Amount
Maturity Date (In Thousands)
September 30, 2023
Sell NT$ October 2023 NT$ 10,026,983
Sell US$ October 2023 to November 2023 US$ 173,000
December 31, 2022
Sell NT$ January 2023 to March 2023 NT$ 79,610,590
Sell US$ January 2023 to March 2023 US$ 752,486
Sell RMB January 2023 to March 2023 RMB 1,448,371
September 30, 2022
Sell NT$ October 2022 to November 2022 NT$ 104,780,845
Sell US$ October 2022 to December 2022 US$ 1,871,955
Sell RMB October 2022 to November 2022 RMB 1,481,748


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Investments in debt instruments at FVTOCI
Corporate bonds
$ 80,389,109 $ 66,116,166 $ 66,420,737
Agency mortgage-backed securities
36,337,585 28,367,926 29,680,882
Government bonds/Agency bonds
24,061,844 18,961,888 20,259,681
Asset-backed securities
10,419,593 9,274,697 9,580,806
151,208,131 122,720,677 125,942,106
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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Investments in equity instruments at FVTOCI
Non-publicly traded equity investments
$ 7,933,799 $ 6,159,200 $ 6,784,978
Publicly traded stocks
3,630,259 277,866 267,316
11,564,058 6,437,066 7,052,294

$ 162,772,189 $ 129,157,743 $ 132,994,400
$ 154,838,390 $ 122,998,543 $ 126,209,422
7,933,799 6,159,200 6,784,978

$ 162,772,189 $ 129,157,743 $ 132,994,400

These investments in equity instruments are held for medium to long-term purposes and therefore are accounted for as FVTOCI. For dividends recognized from these investments, please refer to consolidated statements of cash flows. All of the dividends are mainly from investments held at the end of the reporting period.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, as the Company adjusted its investment portfolio, equity investments designated at FVTOCI were divested for NT$189,390 thousand and NT$195,301 thousand, respectively. The related other equity-unrealized gain/loss on financial assets at FVTOCI of NT$118,948 thousand and NT$98,209 thousand were transferred to increase retained earnings, respectively.

As of September 30, 2023 and 2022, the cumulative loss allowance for expected credit loss of NT$49,497 thousand and NT$38,718 thousand was recognized under investments in debt instruments at FVTOCI, respectively. Refer to Note 30 for information relating to the credit risk management and expected credit loss.


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Corporate bonds
$ 126,268,615 $ 81,041,056 $ 70,840,021
Commercial paper 22,166,254 48,742,817 43,404,235
Government bonds/Agency bonds 15,297,477 - -
Less: Allowance for impairment loss (91,606 ) (56,439 ) (39,204 )

$ 163,640,740 $ 129,727,434 $ 114,205,052

$ 84,261,089 $ 94,600,219 $ 71,857,468
79,379,651 35,127,215 42,347,584

$ 163,640,740 $ 129,727,434 $ 114,205,052

Refer to Note 30 for information relating to credit risk management and expected credit loss for financial assets at amortized cost.

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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Financial assets - current

Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ 37,451 $ 2,329 $ 88,431
Financial liabilities - current

Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ - $ 813 $ -
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations
Bank loans
26,879,550 - -

$ 26,879,550 $ 813 $ -

Fair value hedge

The Company entered into interest rate futures contracts, which are used to partially hedge against the fair value changes caused by interest rate fluctuation in the Company’s fixed income investments. The hedge ratio is adjusted in response to the changes in the financial market and capped at 100%.

On the basis of economic relationships, the value of the interest rate futures contracts and the value of the hedged financial assets change in opposite directions in response to movements in interest rates.

The main source of hedge ineffectiveness in these hedging relationships is the credit risk of the hedged financial assets, which is not reflected in the fair value of the interest rate futures contracts. No other sources of ineffectiveness emerged from these hedging relationships during the hedging period. Amount of hedge ineffectiveness recognized in profit or loss is classified under other gains and losses, net.

The following tables summarize the information relating to the hedges of interest rate risk.

September 30, 2023

Hedging Instruments
Contract Amount
(US$ in Thousands)
Interest rate futures contracts - US Treasury futures
US$    54,400 December 2023

Hedged Items Asset Carrying Amount Accumulated Amount of Fair Value Hedge Adjustments
Financial assets at FVTOCI
$    3,615,318
$    (37,451)

December 31, 2022

Hedging Instruments
Contract Amount
(US$ in Thousands)
Interest rate futures contracts - US Treasury futures
US$    74,300 March 2023

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Hedged Items Asset Carrying Amount Accumulated Amount of Fair Value Hedge Adjustments
Financial assets at FVTOCI
$    4,008,179 $    (1,516)

September 30, 2022

Hedging Instruments
Contract Amount
(US$ in Thousands)
Interest rate futures contracts - US Treasury futures
US$    78,900 December 2022

Hedged Items Asset Carrying Amount Accumulated Amount of Fair Value Hedge Adjustments
Financial assets at FVTOCI
$    4,148,778 $    (88,431)

The effect for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 is detailed below:

Change in Value Used for Calculating Hedge Ineffectiveness
Nine Months Ended September 30
Hedging Instruments/Hedged Items 2023 2022
Hedging Instruments
Interest rate futures contracts - US Treasury futures
$ 101,369 $ 276,460
Hedged Items
Financial assets at FVTOCI
(101,369 ) (276,460 )

$ - $ -

Cash flow hedge

The Company entered into forward contracts to partially hedge foreign exchange rate risks or interest rate risks associated with certain highly probable forecast transactions (capital expenditures or issuance of debts). The hedge ratio is adjusted in response to the changes in the financial market and capped at 100%. The forward contracts have maturities of 12 months or less.

On the basis of economic relationships, the Company expects that the value of forward contracts and the value of hedged transactions will change in opposite directions in response to movements in foreign exchange rates or interest rates.

The main source of hedge ineffectiveness in these hedging relationships is driven by the effect of the counterparty’s own credit risk on the fair value of forward contracts. No other sources of ineffectiveness have emerged from these hedging relationships during the hedging period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, refer to Note 19 (d) for gain or loss arising from changes in the fair value of hedging instruments, the amount transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items and the amount reclassified to finance costs of hedged items.

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The effect for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 is detailed below:

Change in Value Used for Calculating Hedge
Nine Months Ended September 30
Hedging Instruments/Hedged Items 2023 2022
Hedging Instruments
Forward exchange contracts (capital expenditures)
$ 39,898 $ -
Forward interest rate contracts (issuance of debts)
$ - $ 1,378,928

Hedged Items

Forecast transaction (capital expenditures)

$ (39,898 ) $ -
Forecast transaction (issuance of debts)

$ - $ (1,378,928 )

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations

TSMC has designated the foreign currency bank loans as a hedge of net investments in foreign operations to manage its foreign currency risk arising from investment in overseas subsidiaries.

The main source of hedge ineffectiveness in these hedging relationships is driven by the material difference between the notional amount of foreign currency bank loans and the net investment in foreign operations. No other sources of ineffectiveness have emerged from these hedging relationships during the hedging period. For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, refer to Note 19 (d) for gain or loss arising from changes in the fair value of hedging instruments.

The following tables summarize the information relating to the hedges of net investments in foreign operations.

September 30, 2023
Hedging Instruments
Contract Amount
(In Thousands)
Annual Interest Rate Maturity
Balance in
Other Equity (Continuing Hedges)
Bank loans
JPY    124,500,000 0%-0.06%
Due by February 2024

The effect for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 is detailed below:

Change in Value Used for Calculating Hedge
Hedging Instruments/Hedged Items Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Hedging Instruments
Bank loans
$ 1,029,030

Hedged Items

Net investments in foreign operations

$ (1,029,030 )

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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

At amortized cost
Notes and accounts receivable $ 218,688,626 $ 222,761,927 $ 254,776,451
Less: Loss allowance (752,380 ) (331,646 ) (375,054 )
217,936,246 222,430,281 254,401,397
At FVTOCI 4,531,407 7,325,606 6,045,737
$ 222,467,653 $ 229,755,887 $ 260,447,134

The Company signed a contract with the bank to sell certain accounts receivable without recourse and transaction cost required. These accounts receivable are classified as at FVTOCI because they are held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets.

In principle, the payment term granted to customers during the reporting period is due 30 days from the invoice date or 15-30 days from the end of the month when the invoice is issued. Aside from recognizing impairment loss for credit-impaired accounts receivable, the Company recognizes loss allowance based on the expected credit loss ratio of customers by different risk levels with consideration of factors of historical loss ratios and customers’ financial conditions, competitiveness and business outlook. For accounts receivable past due over 90 days without collaterals or guarantees, the Company recognizes loss allowance at full amount.

Aging analysis of notes and accounts receivable

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Not past due $ 207,436,935 $ 205,053,142 $ 252,863,359
Past due
Past due within 30 days 15,751,218 24,516,277 7,958,446
Past due over 31 days 31,880 518,114 383
Less: Loss allowance
(752,380 ) (331,646 ) (375,054 )

$ 222,467,653 $ 229,755,887 $ 260,447,134

All of the Company’s accounts receivable classified as at FVTOCI were not past due.

Movements of the loss allowance for accounts receivable

Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022

Balance, beginning of period
$ 331,646 $ 347,020
420,698 27,935
Effect of exchange rate changes
36 99

Balance, end of period
$ 752,380 $ 375,054

For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the changes in loss allowance were mainly due to the variations in the balance of accounts receivable of different risk levels.

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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Finished goods
$ 35,048,480 $ 54,818,402 $ 38,572,060
Work in process
171,354,152 125,661,912 144,337,075
Raw materials
35,076,818 20,389,115 14,998,114
Supplies and spare parts
20,610,622 20,279,719 20,428,625
$ 262,090,072 $ 221,149,148 $ 218,335,874

Write-down of inventories to net realizable value and reversal of write-down of inventories resulting from the increase in net realizable value were included in the cost of revenue. The amounts are illustrated below:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Net inventory losses (reversal of write-down of inventories)
$ (1,090,783 ) $ 1,710,080 $ 1,830,238 $ 2,967,546


Associates consisted of the following:

Place of Carrying Amount
% of Ownership and Voting Rights
Held by the Company
Name of Associate Principal Activities Incorporation and Operation
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation (VIS)

Manufacturing, sales, packaging, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices and the manufacturing and design service of masks
Hsinchu, Taiwan
$ 13,103,470 $ 13,492,653 $ 12,763,668


Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd. (SSMC)

Manufacturing and sales of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
9,985,558 8,934,731 8,845,688


Xintec Inc. (Xintec)

Wafer level chip size packaging and wafer level post passivation interconnection service
Taoyuan, Taiwan
3,580,425 3,528,417 3,340,497


Global Unichip Corporation (GUC)

Researching, developing, manufacturing, testing and marketing of integrated circuits
Hsinchu, Taiwan
2,238,136 1,666,651 1,693,668


Mutual-Pak Technology Co., Ltd. (Mutual-Pak)

Manufacturing of electronic parts, wholesaling and retailing of electronic materials, and researching, developing and testing of RFID
New Taipei, Taiwan
13,969 19,053 19,815



$ 28,921,558 $ 27,641,505 $ 26,663,336

The market prices of the associates’ ownership held by the Company in publicly traded stocks calculated by the closing price are summarized as follows. The closing price represents the quoted price in active markets, the level 1 fair value measurement.
Name of Associate
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

$ 63,728,928 $ 29,926,918 $ 27,499,149
$ 31,567,198 $ 35,977,321 $ 30,174,527
$ 13,075,626 $ 10,716,449 $ 10,683,065

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September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Assets used by the Company
$ 3,132,660,998 $ 2,693,815,688 $ 2,411,465,486
Assets subject to operating leases
3,369 21,282 24,765

$ 3,132,664,367 $ 2,693,836,970 $ 2,411,490,251

Assets used by the Company

Land and Land Improvements Buildings Machinery and Equipment
Equipment under Installation and Construction in Progress Total


Balance at January 1, 2023
$ 7,661,817 $ 637,046,949 $ 4,295,942,530 $ 85,028,040 $ 1,336,842,608 $ 6,362,521,944
Additions (deductions)
- 165,720,355 938,930,779 14,788,418 (322,659,640 ) 796,779,912
Disposals or retirements
- (484,812 ) (19,043,355 ) (529,565 ) - (20,057,732 )
Transfers from right-of-use assets
- - 4,444 - - 4,444
Transfers from assets subject to operating leases
- - 80,370 - - 80,370
Transfers to assets subject to operating leases
- - (14,592 ) - - (14,592 )
Effect of exchange rate changes
135,207 365,755 2,727,400 107,811 14,648,846 17,985,019

Balance at September 30, 2023
$ 7,797,024 $ 802,648,247 $ 5,218,627,576 $ 99,394,704 $ 1,028,831,814 $ 7,157,299,365
Accumulated depreciation
  and impairment    

Balance at January 1, 2023
$ 556,161 $ 342,938,359 $ 3,264,880,880 $ 59,540,116 $ 790,740 $ 3,668,706,256
979 32,551,748 331,772,027 7,730,495 - 372,055,249
Disposals or retirements
- (482,318 ) (18,272,627 ) (528,515 ) - (19,283,460 )
Transfers from right-of-use assets
- - 1,851 - - 1,851
Transfers from assets subject to operating leases
- - 53,537 - - 53,537
Transfers to assets subject to operating leases
- - (1,702 ) - - (1,702 )
Effect of exchange rate changes
28,436 383,964 2,598,645 95,591 - 3,106,636

Balance at September 30, 2023
$ 585,576 $ 375,391,753 $ 3,581,032,611 $ 66,837,687 $ 790,740 $ 4,024,638,367

Carrying amounts at January 1, 2023
$ 7,105,656 $ 294,108,590 $ 1,031,061,650 $ 25,487,924 $ 1,336,051,868 $ 2,693,815,688
Carrying amounts at September 30, 2023

$ 427,256,494





Balance at January 1, 2022 $ 6,488,230 $ 576,597,777 $ 3,984,749,236 $ 76,154,170 $ 593,155,733 $ 5,237,145,146
Additions 702,377 44,034,103 270,334,176 6,208,437 426,656,999 747,936,092
Disposals or retirements - (83,302 ) (17,020,612 ) (890,753 ) - (17,994,667 )
Transfers to assets subject to operating leases
- - (65,779 ) - - (65,779 )
Effect of exchange rate changes
445,035 2,002,705 9,896,845 366,624 8,982,282 21,693,491

Balance at September 30, 2022
$ 7,635,642 $ 622,551,283 $ 4,247,893,866 $ 81,838,478 $ 1,028,795,014 $ 5,988,714,283

Accumulated depreciation
  and impairment    

Balance at January 1, 2022 $ 499,826 $ 306,165,242 $ 2,903,539,441 $ 51,826,663 $ - $ 3,262,031,172
Additions 1,042 26,567,909 287,390,332 6,921,986 - 320,881,269
Disposals or retirements - (72,173 ) (16,176,281 ) (890,323 ) - (17,138,777 )
Transfers to assets subject to operating leases
- - (40,266 ) - - (40,266 )
- - - - 790,740 790,740
Effect of exchange rate changes
73,997 1,514,039 8,843,768 292,855 - 10,724,659

Balance at September 30, 2022
$ 574,865 $ 334,175,017 $ 3,183,556,994 $ 58,151,181 $ 790,740 $ 3,577,248,797

Carrying amounts at January 1, 2022
$ 5,988,404 $ 270,432,535 $ 1,081,209,795 $ 24,327,507 $ 593,155,733 $ 1,975,113,974
Carrying amounts at September 30, 2022
$ 7,060,777 $ 288,376,266 $ 1,064,336,872 $ 23,687,297 $ 1,028,004,274 $ 2,411,465,486

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The significant part of the Company’s buildings includes main plants, mechanical and electrical power equipment and clean rooms, and the related depreciation is calculated using the estimated useful lives of 20 years, 10 years and 10 years, respectively.

In the first quarter of 2022, the Company recognized an impairment loss of NT$790,740 thousand for certain machinery and equipment that were assessed to have no future use, and the recoverable amount of the aforementioned assets were nil. Such impairment loss was recognized in other operating income and expenses.

Information about capitalized interest is set out in Note 22.


a.    Right-of-use assets

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
Carrying amounts
Land $ 38,056,493 $ 38,525,856 $ 39,025,511
Buildings 3,163,900 3,356,700 3,290,126
Machinery and equipment - 2,965 3,298
Office equipment 34,318 28,615 30,808

$ 41,254,711 $ 41,914,136 $ 42,349,743

Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022
Additions to right-of-use assets $ 2,006,983 $ 12,187,065

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Depreciation of right-of-use assets
Land $ 618,681 $ 571,074 $ 1,838,310 $ 1,519,635
Buildings 256,734 247,566 738,607 697,566
Machinery and equipment - 219 369 635
Office equipment 5,632 5,929 17,663 17,636

$ 881,047 $ 824,788 $ 2,594,949 $ 2,235,472

b.    Lease liabilities

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
Carrying amounts

Current portion (classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities)
$ 2,775,196 $ 2,603,504 $ 2,564,228
Noncurrent portion 29,415,325 29,764,097 30,182,353

$ 32,190,521 $ 32,367,601 $ 32,746,581

- 21 -

Ranges of discount rates for lease liabilities are as follows:

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

0.39%-2.30% 0.39%-2.30% 0.39%-1.89%
Buildings 0.47%-6.52% 0.39%-5.63% 0.39%-3.88%
Machinery and equipment - 0.71% 0.71%
Office equipment 0.28%-7.13% 0.28%-4.71% 0.28%-3.88%

c.    Material terms of right-of-use assets

The Company leases land and buildings mainly for the use of plants and offices with lease terms of 1 to 36 years. The lease contracts for land located in the R.O.C. specify that lease payments will be adjusted every 2 years on the basis of changes in announced land value prices. The Company does not have purchase options to acquire the leasehold land and buildings at the end of the lease terms.

d.    Other lease information

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Expenses relating to short-term leases
$ 155,708 $ 1,181,261 $ 1,170,143 $ 3,499,639

Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022

Total cash outflow for leases $ 4,052,060 $ 5,421,545


Goodwill Technology License Fees Software and System Design Costs Patent and Others Total


Balance at January 1, 2023

$ 5,791,821 $ 25,759,019 $ 48,675,794 $ 11,701,892 $ 91,928,526
Additions - 401,909 3,575,195 102,337 4,079,441
Disposals or retirements - - (54,677 ) - (54,677 )
Effect of exchange rate changes 212,914 2,863 7,445 27,499 250,721

Balance at September 30, 2023 $ 6,004,735 $ 26,163,791 $ 52,203,757 $ 11,831,728 $ 96,204,011

Accumulated amortization and

Balance at January 1, 2023

$ - $ 17,696,437 $ 38,838,394 $ 9,394,540 $ 65,929,371
Additions - 2,105,832 3,923,467 859,025 6,888,324
Disposals or retirements - - (54,677 ) - (54,677 )
Effect of exchange rate changes - 2,863 91 27,470 30,424
Balance at September 30, 2023 $ - $ 19,805,132 $ 42,707,275 $ 10,281,035 $ 72,793,442
Carrying amounts at January 1, 2023

$ 5,791,821

$ 8,062,582 $ 9,837,400 $ 2,307,352

$ 25,999,155
Carrying amounts at September 30, 2023
$ 6,004,735 $ 6,358,659 $ 9,496,482 $ 1,550,693 $ 23,410,569

- 22 -

Goodwill Technology License Fees Software and System Design Costs Patent and Others Total


Balance at January 1, 2022

$ 5,379,164 $ 23,533,959 $ 43,650,957 $ 11,497,309 $ 84,061,389
Additions - 2,257,739 3,431,703 185,092 5,874,534
Disposals or retirements - - (55,727 ) - (55,727 )
Effect of exchange rate changes 555,641 3,329 18,700 2,723 580,393

Balance at September 30, 2022 $ 5,934,805 $ 25,795,027 $ 47,045,633 $ 11,685,124 $ 90,460,589

Accumulated amortization and

Balance at January 1, 2022

$ - $ 14,912,293 $ 34,121,578 $ 8,205,821 $ 57,239,692
Additions - 2,076,582 3,583,345 890,230 6,550,157
Disposals or retirements - - (55,727 ) - (55,727 )
Effect of exchange rate changes - 3,329 15,282 1,304 19,915
Balance at September 30, 2022 $ - $ 16,992,204 $ 37,664,478 $ 9,097,355 $ 63,754,037
Carrying amounts at January 1, 2022

$ 5,379,164

$ 8,621,666 $ 9,529,379 $ 3,291,488

$ 26,821,697
Carrying amounts at September 30, 2022
$ 5,934,805 $ 8,802,823 $ 9,381,155 $ 2,587,769 $ 26,706,552

The Company’s goodwill has been tested for impairment at the end of the annual reporting period and the recoverable amount is determined based on the value in use. The value in use was calculated based on the cash flow forecast from the financial budgets covering the future five-year period, and the Company used annual discount rate of 8.7% in its test of impairment as of December 31, 2022 to reflect the relevant specific risk in the cash-generating unit.


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Domestic unsecured bonds $ 440,462,000 $ 379,526,000 $ 375,832,000
Overseas unsecured bonds 500,355,500 476,051,500 492,373,000
Less: Discounts on bonds payable (3,090,167 ) (3,141,061 ) (3,318,529 )
Less: Current portion (5,247,910 ) (18,100,000 ) (22,500,000 )

$ 932,479,423 $ 834,336,439 $ 842,386,471

The Company issued domestic unsecured bonds for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The major terms are as follows:


Issuance Period Total Amount Coupon Rate Repayment and Interest Payment

NT$ unsecured

(Green bond)

March 2023 to March 2028
$ 12,200,000 1.54%
Bullet repayment; interest payable annually

March 2023 to March 2030
2,300,000 1.60%
The same as above

March 2023 to March 2033
4,800,000 1.78%
The same as above
- 23 -


Issuance Period Total Amount Coupon Rate Repayment and Interest Payment

(Green bond)

May 2023 to May 2028
$ 13,100,000 1.60%
Bullet repayment; interest payable annually

May 2023 to May 2030
2,300,000 1.65%
The same as above

May 2023 to May 2033
5,300,000 1.82%
The same as above

June 2023 to June 2028
11,400,000 1.60%
The same as above

June 2023 to June 2030
2,600,000 1.65%
The same as above

June 2023 to June 2033
6,000,000 1.80%
The same as above

August 2023 to August 2028
7,300,000 1.60%
The same as above

August 2023 to August 2030
700,000 1.65%
The same as above

August 2023 to August 2033
7,900,000 1.76%
The same as above

The Company issued domestic unsecured bonds during the period from October 1, 2023 to November 14, 2023. The major terms are as follows:


Issuance Period Total Amount Coupon Rate Repayment and Interest Payment

NT$ unsecured


October 2023 to October 2028
$ 4,300,000 1.62%
Bullet repayment; interest payable annually

October 2023 to October 2033
5,500,000 1.76%
The same as above

The major terms of overseas unsecured bonds are as follows:

Issuance Period

Total Amount (US$
in Thousands)
Coupon Rate Repayment and Interest Payment

September 2020 to September 2025

US$ 1,000,000 0.75%
Bullet repayment (callable at any time, in whole or in part, at the relevant redemption price according to relevant agreements); interest payable semi-annually
September 2020 to September 2027

750,000 1.00%
The same as above
September 2020 to September 2030

1,250,000 1.375%

The same as above
- 24 -

Issuance Period

Total Amount (US$
in Thousands)
Coupon Rate Repayment and Interest Payment

April 2021 to April 2026

US$ 1,100,000 1.25%
Bullet repayment (callable at any time, in whole or in part, at the relevant redemption price according to relevant agreements); interest payable semi-annually
April 2021 to April 2028

900,000 1.75%
The same as above
April 2021 to April 2031

1,500,000 2.25%
The same as above
October 2021 to October 2026

1,250,000 1.75%
The same as above
October 2021 to October 2031

1,250,000 2.50%
The same as above
October 2021 to October 2041

1,000,000 3.125%
The same as above
October 2021 to October 2051

1,000,000 3.25%
The same as above
April 2022 to April 2027

1,000,000 3.875%
The same as above
April 2022 to April 2029

500,000 4.125%
The same as above
April 2022 to April 2032

1,000,000 4.25%
The same as above
April 2022 to April 2052

1,000,000 4.50%
The same as above
July 2022 to July 2027

400,000 4.375%
The same as above
July 2022 to July 2032

600,000 4.625%
The same as above


September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Unsecured loans $ 7,218,889 $ 6,013,333 $ 4,010,000
Less: Discounts on government grants (33,617 ) (39,397 ) (28,155 )
Less: Current portion (2,172,222 ) (1,213,889 ) (926,667 )
$ 5,013,050 $ 4,760,047 $ 3,055,178
Loan content
Annual interest rate 1.15%-1.35% 1.03%-1.23% 0.40%-1.10%
Maturity date Due by December 2027 Due by December 2027 Due by May 2027

The long-term bank loans of the Company are with preferential interest rates subsidized by the government, and the loans are used to fund capital expenditure qualifying for the subsidy.

- 25 -

19.    EQUITY

a.    Capital stock

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Authorized shares (in thousands)
28,050,000 28,050,000 28,050,000
Authorized capital
$ 280,500,000 $ 280,500,000 $ 280,500,000
Issued and paid shares (in thousands)
25,932,071 25,930,380 25,930,380
Issued capital
$ 259,320,710 $ 259,303,805 $ 259,303,805

A holder of issued common shares with par value of NT$10 is entitled to vote and to receive dividends.

The authorized shares include 500,000 thousand shares allocated for the exercise of employee stock options.

On March 1, 2023 and March 1, 2022, the Company issued employee restricted stock awards (RSAs) for its employees in a total of 2,110 and 1,387 thousand shares, respectively, with a par value of NT$10. The aforementioned issuance of new shares was approved by the relevant authority and the registration has been completed.

During the first quarter of 2023, TSMC reclaimed 419 thousand employee restricted shares that were unvested. On May 9, 2023, TSMC’s Board of Directors resolved to cancel the aforementioned shares. Subsequently, TSMC completed the registration for share cancellation. Refer to Note 26 for information on RSAs.

On May 10, 2022, TSMC’s Board of Directors resolved to cancel 1,387 thousand treasury shares. Refer to Note 19 (e) for information.

As of September 30, 2023, TSMC’s total issued and outstanding ADSs were 1,063,213 thousand units, representing 5,316,067 thousand common shares.

b.    Capital surplus

The categories of uses and the sources of capital surplus based on regulations were as follows:

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

May be used to offset a deficit, distributed as
  cash dividends, or transferred to share

Additional paid-in capital
$ 24,406,854 $ 24,183,645 $ 24,183,645
From merger
22,803,291 22,803,291 22,803,291
From convertible bonds
8,892,371 8,892,371 8,892,371
From difference between the consideration received and the carrying amount of the subsidiaries’ net assets during actual disposal
8,406,282 8,406,282 8,406,282
Donations - donated by shareholders
11,275 11,275 11,275

- 26 -

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
May only be used to offset a deficit

From share of changes in equities of subsidiaries
$ 4,210,955 $ 4,229,892 $ 4,231,119
From share of changes in equities of associates
310,627 311,863 309,904
Donations - unclaimed dividend
53,680 53,680 40,475

May not be used for any purpose

Employee restricted shares
783,883 438,029 438,029

$ 69,879,218 $ 69,330,328 $ 69,316,391

If such capital surplus is distributed as transferred to share capital, it is limited to a certain percentage of the Company’s paid-in capital each year.

c.    Retained earnings and dividend policy

TSMC’s Articles of Incorporation provide that, earnings distribution may be made on a quarterly basis after the close of each quarter. Distribution of earnings by way of cash dividends should be approved by TSMC’s Board of Directors and reported to TSMC’s shareholders in its meeting. When allocating earnings, TSMC shall first estimate and reserve the taxes to be paid, offset its losses, set aside a legal capital reserve at 10% of the remaining earnings (until the accumulated legal capital reserve equals TSMC’s paid-in capital), then set aside a special capital reserve in accordance with relevant laws or regulations or as requested by the authorities in charge. Any balance left over shall be allocated according to relevant laws and TSMC’s Articles of Incorporation.

TSMC’s Articles of Incorporation also provide that profits of TSMC may be distributed by way of cash dividend and/or stock dividend. However, distribution of earnings shall be made preferably by way of cash dividend. Distribution of earnings may also be made by way of stock dividend, provided that the ratio for stock dividend shall not exceed 50% of the total distribution.

The legal capital reserve may be used to offset a deficit, or be distributed as dividends in cash or stocks for the portion in excess of 25% of the paid-in capital if the Company incurs no loss.

Pursuant to existing regulations, the Company is required to set aside an additional special capital reserve equivalent to the net debit balance of the other components of stockholders’ equity, such as the accumulated balance of the foreign currency translation reserve, the effectiveness of hedges of net investments in foreign operations, unrealized valuation gain or loss from fair value through other comprehensive income financial assets, gain or loss from changes in fair value of hedging instruments in cash flow hedges, etc. For the subsequent decrease in the deduction amount to stockholders’ equity, any special reserve appropriated may be reversed to the extent that the net debit balance reverses.

- 27 -

The appropriations of 2023, 2022 and 2021 quarterly earnings have been approved by TSMC’s Board of Directors in its meeting, respectively. The appropriations and cash dividends per share were as follows:

Third Quarter Second Quarter First Quarter
Resolution Date of TSMC’s
of 2023 of 2023 of 2023
  Board of Directors in its
November 14, August 8, May 9,
2023 2023 2023
Special capital reserve $ (17,228,363 ) $ (6,365,562 ) $ 3,273,452
Cash dividends to shareholders $ 90,762,248 $ 77,796,213 $ 77,796,213
Cash dividends per share (NT$) $ 3.50 $ 3.00 $ 3.00

Fourth Quarter Third Quarter Second Quarter First Quarter
Resolution Date of TSMC’s
of 2022 of 2022 of 2022 of 2022
  Board of Directors in its
February 14, November 8, August 9, May 10,
2023 2022 2022 2022
Special capital reserve $ 17,166,163 $ (31,910,353 ) $ (12,002,798 ) $ (15,541,054 )
Cash dividends to shareholders $ 71,308,546 $ 71,308,547 $ 71,308,546 $ 71,308,546
Cash dividends per share (NT$) $ 2.75 $ 2.75 $ 2.75 $ 2.75

Fourth Quarter Third Quarter Second Quarter First Quarter
Resolution Date of TSMC’s
of 2021 of 2021 of 2021 of 2021
  Board of Directors in its
February 15, November 9, August 10, June 9,
2022 2021 2021 2021
Special capital reserve $ 3,304,303 $ 710,169 $ 10,201,220 $ (6,287,050 )
Cash dividends to shareholders $ 71,308,546 $ 71,308,547 $ 71,308,546 $ 71,308,546
Cash dividends per share (NT$) $ 2.75 $ 2.75 $ 2.75 $ 2.75

The quarterly cash dividends per share is affected by the subsequent number of outstanding ordinary shares, the information of the actual payout is available at the Market Observation Post System website.

d.    Others

Changes in others were as follows:

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023

Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Financial Assets at FVTOCI Gain (Loss) on Hedging Instruments Unearned Stock-Based Employee Compensation Total

Balance, beginning of period
$ (11,743,301 ) $ (10,056,353 ) $ 1,479,181 $ (185,153 ) $ (20,505,626 )
Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations
28,675,626 - - - 28,675,626
Gain (Loss) on hedging instruments designated as hedges of net investments in foreign operations
1,029,030 - - - 1,029,030
Unrealized gain (loss) on financial assets at FVTOCI
Equity instruments
- 987,066 - - 987,066
Debt instruments
- (1,837,009 ) - - (1,837,009 )
Cumulative unrealized gain (loss) of equity instruments transferred to retained earnings due to disposal
- (118,948 ) - - (118,948 )
Cumulative unrealized gain (loss) of debt instruments transferred to profit or loss due to disposal
- 372,631 - - 372,631
Loss allowance adjustments from debt instruments
- 9,353 - - 9,353

- 28 -

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023

Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Financial Assets at FVTOCI Gain (Loss) on Hedging Instruments Unearned Stock-Based Employee Compensation Total

Gain (loss) arising on changes in the fair value of hedging instruments
$ - $ - $ (15,429 ) $ - $ (15,429 )
Transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items
- - (44,631 ) - (44,631 )
Issuance of shares
- - - (585,968 ) (585,968 )
Share-based payment expenses recognized
- - - 350,386 350,386
Share of other comprehensive income (loss) of associates
237,518 33,858 29,098 - 300,474
Income tax effect
- (25 ) - - (25 )

Balance, end of period
$ 18,198,873 $ (10,609,427 ) $ 1,448,219 $ (420,735 ) $ 8,616,930

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2022

Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Financial Assets at FVTOCI Gain (Loss) on Hedging Instruments Unearned Stock-Based Employee Compensation Total

Balance, beginning of period
$ (63,303,361 ) $ 574,310 $ 120,536 $ - $ (62,608,515 )
Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations
68,767,824 - - - 68,767,824
Unrealized gain (loss) on financial assets at FVTOCI
Equity instruments
- 69,040 - - 69,040
Debt instruments
- (11,609,864 ) - - (11,609,864 )
Cumulative unrealized gain (loss) of equity instruments transferred to retained earnings due to disposal
- (98,209 ) - - (98,209 )
Cumulative unrealized gain (loss) of debt instruments transferred to profit or loss due to disposal
- 346,125 - - 346,125
Loss allowance adjustments from debt instruments
- 553 - - 553
Gain (loss) arising on changes in the fair value of hedging instruments
- - 1,347,573 - 1,347,573
Transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items
- - (43,027 ) - (43,027 )
Issuance of shares
- - - (451,899 ) (451,899 )
Share-based payment expenses recognized
- - - 186,722 186,722
Share of other comprehensive income (loss) of associates
591,374 (13,234 ) 89,752 - 667,892
Income tax effect
- 262 6,036 - 6,298

Balance, end of period

$ 6,055,837

$ (10,731,017 )

$ 1,520,870

$ (265,177 )

$ (3,419,487 )

The aforementioned other equity includes the changes in other equities of TSMC and TSMC’s share of its subsidiaries and associates.

e.    Treasury stock

For TSMC’s shareholders’ interests, TSMC’s Board of Directors approved a share buyback program on February 15, 2022 to repurchase 1,387 thousand shares. TSMC has completed the aforementioned share buyback program during the first quarter of 2022. On May 10, 2022, TSMC’s Board of Directors resolved to cancel the 1,387 thousand shares. Subsequently, TSMC completed the registration for share cancellation.

- 29 -


a.Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022

$ 473,037,347 $ 540,209,881 $ 1,342,457,631 $ 1,454,627,869
Others 73,695,411 72,932,862 193,749,354 183,731,555

$ 546,732,758

$ 1,536,206,985 $ 1,638,359,424

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Taiwan $ 36,868,992 $ 51,983,021 $ 104,596,734 $ 173,512,993
United States
360,671,111 432,369,098 969,078,250 1,072,532,079
67,735,985 48,832,450 200,699,087 171,635,229
31,507,219 29,592,683 100,697,479 81,396,101
Europe, the Middle East and Africa
24,986,738 31,192,872 92,761,775 87,590,071
24,962,713 19,172,619 68,373,660 51,692,951

$ 546,732,758 $ 613,142,743 $ 1,536,206,985 $ 1,638,359,424

The Company categorized the net revenue mainly based on the countries where the customers are headquartered.

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
Platform 2023 2022 2023 2022

High Performance Computing $ 227,816,587 $ 238,237,286 $ 667,707,961 $ 669,423,118
Smartphone 212,001,177 251,069,572 545,740,324 648,625,225
Internet of Things 47,409,811 59,410,567 128,299,154 143,104,893
Automotive 28,338,188 31,203,686 101,636,345 81,976,301
Digital Consumer Electronics 13,570,337 14,900,562 38,157,300 44,625,094
Others 17,596,658 18,321,070 54,665,901 50,604,793

$ 546,732,758 $ 613,142,743 $ 1,536,206,985 $ 1,638,359,424

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
Resolution 2023 2022 2023 2022

$ 28,994,752 $ - $ 29,478,462 $ -
173,185,785 148,812,933 440,305,826 335,834,446
7-nanometer 78,277,122 142,152,179 264,307,983 417,396,526
10-nanometer 3,500 4,480 20,401 17,837
16-nanometer 44,470,242 66,299,632 146,737,652 191,645,300
20-nanometer 2,788,643 2,124,614 8,710,398 6,409,003
28-nanometer 47,211,672 52,861,617 146,858,837 149,841,720
40/45-nanometer 29,417,131 37,855,129 91,585,761 108,326,372
65-nanometer 26,323,837 25,338,814 81,748,326 69,063,607
90-nanometer 5,044,479 11,311,235 20,590,275 31,089,564
0.11/0.13 micron 13,072,664 16,732,222 33,590,386 42,810,676
0.15/0.18 micron 20,137,375 29,754,752 64,474,177 82,486,441
0.25 micron and above 4,110,145 6,962,274 14,049,147 19,706,377
Wafer revenue
$ 473,037,347 $ 540,209,881 $ 1,342,457,631 $ 1,454,627,869

- 30 -

b.    Contract balances

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
January 1,

Contract liabilities (classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities)
$ 50,852,364 $ 70,806,617 $ 56,941,335 $ 39,762,588

The changes in the contract liability balances primarily result from the timing difference between the satisfaction of performance obligation and the customer’s payment.

The Company recognized revenue from the beginning balance of contract liability, which amounted to NT$5,620,410 thousand and NT$1,502,974 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively; and NT$69,030,566 thousand and NT$37,198,089 thousand for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.

c.    Temporary receipts from customers

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Current portion (classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities)
$ 152,751,076 $ 107,723,580 $ 97,843,204
Noncurrent portion (classified under other noncurrent liabilities)
148,913,776 168,399,207 190,225,981

$ 301,664,852 $ 276,122,787 $ 288,069,185

The Company’s temporary receipts from customer are payments made by customers to the Company to retain the Company’s capacity. When the terms and conditions set forth in the agreements are subsequently satisfied, the treatment of temporary receipts, either by refund or by accounts receivable offsetting, will be determined by mutual consent.


Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Interest income
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 12,607,398 $ 5,294,717 $ 35,717,276 $ 8,960,401
Financial assets at amortized cost
1,844,769 650,010

4,257,022 1,061,539
Financial assets at FVTOCI
1,143,107 670,317

2,910,815 1,812,928


$ 15,595,274 $ 6,615,044

$ 42,885,113 $ 11,834,868

- 31 -


Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Interest expense
Corporate bonds
$ 4,594,570 $ 4,051,243 $ 13,177,497 $ 9,781,682
Lease liabilities
96,148 85,705 286,653 183,008
Bank loans
24,689 6,882

71,914 21,527
371 328 1,486 503
Less: Capitalized interest under property, plant and equipment
(1,603,856 ) (774,140 ) (4,456,787 ) (1,571,705 )

$ 3,111,922 $ 3,370,018 $ 9,080,763 $ 8,415,015

Information about capitalized interest is as follows:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Capitalization rate
1.20%-3.36% 0.84%-3.36% 1.08%-3.36% 0.56%-3.36%


Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Loss on disposal of financial assets, net
Investments in debt instruments at FVTOCI
$ (115,078 ) $ (100,974 ) $ (372,631 ) $ (346,125 )
Gain (loss) on financial instruments at FVTPL, net
Mandatorily measured at FVTPL
1,148,784 4,884,964 3,982,692 (2,537,012 )
The accrual of expected credit loss of financial assets
Investments in debt instruments at FVTOCI
(2,748 ) (1,085 ) (9,353 ) (553 )
Financial assets at amortized cost
(18,099 ) (9,319 ) (31,808 ) (32,729 )
Other (losses) gains, net
(74,211 ) (102,252 ) 351,001 (82,705 )
$ 938,648 $ 4,671,334 $ 3,919,901 $ (2,999,124 )

- 32 -


a.    Income tax expense recognized in profit or loss

Income tax expense consisted of the following:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Current income tax expense
Current tax expense recognized in the current period
$ 33,869,144 $ 40,291,507 $ 103,890,142 $ 103,055,761
Income tax adjustments on prior years
(14,038 ) - (9,698 ) (523,244 )
Other income tax adjustments
51,012 55,481 166,838 142,285
33,906,118 40,346,988 104,047,282 102,674,802
Deferred income tax benefit
The origination and reversal of temporary differences
(2,760,897 ) (5,731,478 ) (3,563,301 ) (15,260,364 )
Investment tax credits
- 1,106,950 945,038 1,084,373
(2,760,897 ) (4,624,528 ) (2,618,263 ) (14,175,991 )
Income tax expense recognized in profit or loss
$ 31,145,221 $ 35,722,460 $ 101,429,019 $ 88,498,811

b.    Income tax examination

The tax authorities have examined income tax returns of TSMC through 2021. All investment tax credit adjustments assessed by the tax authorities have been recognized accordingly.


Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Basic EPS
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79
Diluted EPS
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79

EPS is computed as follows:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Basic EPS
Net income available to common shareholders of the parent
$ 210,999,939 $ 280,865,780 $ 599,785,521 $ 720,626,072
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding used in the computation of basic EPS (in thousands)
25,929,267 25,928,993 25,929,208 25,929,256
Basic EPS (in dollars)
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79
- 33 -

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Diluted EPS
Net income available to common shareholders of the parent
$ 210,999,939 $ 280,865,780 $ 599,785,521 $ 720,626,072
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding used in the computation of basic EPS (in thousands)
25,929,267 25,928,993 25,929,208 25,929,256
Effects of all dilutive potential common shares (in thousands)
91 172 130 137
Weighted average number of common shares used in the computation of diluted EPS (in thousands)
25,929,358 25,929,165 25,929,338 25,929,393
Diluted EPS (in dollars)
$ 8.14 $ 10.83 $ 23.13 $ 27.79


a.    Equity-settled share-based payment-RSAs

The RSAs in each year are as follows:

2022 RSAs 2021 RSAs

Resolution Date of TSMC’s shareholders in its meeting
June 8, 2022 July 26, 2021
Resolution Date of TSMC’s Board of Directors in its meeting
February 14, 2023 February 15, 2022
Issuance of stocks (in thousands)
2,110 1,387
Eligible employees
Executive officers Executive officers
Grant date/Issuance date
March 1, 2023 March 1, 2022

Vesting conditions of the aforementioned arrangement are as follow:

1)    The RSAs granted to eligible employees can only be vested if

•the employee remains employed by the Company on the last date of each vesting period;

•during the vesting period, the employee may not breach any agreement with the Company or violate the Company’s work rules; and

•certain employee performance metrics and TSMC’s business performance metrics are met.

2)    The maximum percentage of granted RSAs that may be vested each year shall be as follows: one-year anniversary of the grant: 50%; two-year anniversary of the grant: 25%; and three-year anniversary of the grant: 25%; provided that the actual percentage and number of the RSAs to be vested in each year will be calculated based on the achievement of TSMC’s business performance metrics.

3) For eligible executive officers of TSMC: The maximum number of RSAs that may be vested in each year will be set as 110%, among which 100% will be subject to a calculation based on TSMC's relative Total Shareholder Return (”TSR”, including capital gains and dividends) achievement to determine the number of RSAs to be vested; this number will be further subject to a modifier to increase or decrease up to 10% based on the Compensation and People Development Committee’s evaluation of TSMC’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (”ESG”) achievements.
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The number of shares so calculated should be rounded down to the nearest integral.

TSMC’s TSR relative to the
TSR of S&P 500 IT Index
Ratio of Shares to be Vested
Above the Index by X percentage points
50% + X * 2.5%, with the maximum of 100%
Equal to the Index
Below the Index by X percentage points
50% - X * 2.5%, with the minimum of 0%

4)    Restrictions imposed on the employees’ rights in the RSAs before the vesting conditions are fulfilled:

•During each vesting period, no employee granted RSAs, except for inheritance, may sell, pledge, transfer, give to another person, create any encumbrance on, or otherwise dispose of, any shares under the unvested RSAs.

•Before the vesting conditions are fulfilled, the attendance, proposal rights, speech rights, voting rights and etc. shall be exercised by the engaged trustee/custodian on the employee’s behalf. Any other shareholder rights including but not limited to the entitlement to any distribution regarding dividends, bonuses and capital reserve, and the subscription right of the new shares issued for any capital increase, are the same as those of holders of common shares of TSMC.

5)    Details of granted RSAs in each year are as follows:

2022 RSAs 2021 RSAs

Number of Shares
(In Thousands)
Number of Shares
(In Thousands)

Balance, beginning of period

- 1,387
Issuance of stocks

2,110 -
Vested shares

- (274 )
Canceled shares

- (419 )

Balance, end of period

2,110 694

Weighted-average fair value of RSAs (in dollars)

$ 277.71 $ 325.81

The RSAs in each year are measured at fair value at grant date by using the binominal tree approach. Relevant information is as follows:

2022 RSAs 2021 RSAs

March 1, 2023 March 1, 2022

Stock price at measurement date (in dollars)
$ 511 $ 604
Expected price volatility
29.34%-32.11% 25.34%-28.28%
Expected life
1-3 years 1-3 years
Risk-free interest rate
1.06% 0.57%

Refer to Note 27 for the compensation costs of the RSAs recognized by TSMC.

The issuance of RSAs for year 2023 of no more than 6,249 thousand common shares has been approved by TSMC’s shareholders’ meeting held on June 6, 2023. The grants will be made free of charge.

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b.    Cash-settled share-based payment arrangements

The cash-settled share-based payment arrangements in each year are as follows:

2022 Plan 2021 Plan

Resolution Date of TSMC’s Board of Directors in its meeting
February 14, 2023 February 15, 2022
Issuance of units (in thousands) (Note)
400 236
Grant date
March 1, 2023 March 1, 2022

Note:    One unit of the right represents a right to the market value of one TSMC’s common share when vested.

The vesting conditions and the ratio of units to be vested for key management personnel of the plan are the same as the aforementioned RSAs.

The fair value of compensation costs for the cash-settled share-based payment was measured by using binominal tree approach and will be measured at each reporting period until settlement. Relevant information is as follows:

Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022

2022 Plan 2021 Plan 2021 Plan

Stock price at measurement date (in dollars)

$ 522 $ 522 $ 476.5
Expected price volatility

25.20%-26.65% 25.20%-26.65% 26.72%-30.73%
Residual life

1-3 years 1-2 years 1-3 years
Risk-free interest rate

1.08% 1.05% 1.18%

Refer to Note 27 for the compensation costs of the cash-settled share-based payment recognized by TSMC. As of September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022, the liabilities under cash-settled share-based payment arrangement amounted to NT$50,222 thousand, NT$30,757 thousand and NT$23,537 thousand, respectively.


Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

a.    Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets

Recognized in cost of revenue
$ 137,203,831

$ 95,904,327

$ 352,150,676 $ 301,364,537
Recognized in operating expenses
7,722,319 7,239,604 22,499,522 21,752,204
Recognized in other operating income and expenses
680 3,288 3,969 5,478

$ 144,926,830 $ 103,147,219 $ 374,654,167 $ 323,122,219

- 36 -

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

b.    Amortization of intangible assets

Recognized in cost of revenue
$ 1,672,325 $ 1,536,479 $ 4,859,139 $ 4,548,103
Recognized in operating expenses
681,007 661,968 2,029,185 2,002,054

$ 2,353,332 $ 2,198,447 $ 6,888,324 $ 6,550,157

c.    Employee benefits expenses

Post-employment benefits
Defined contribution plans
$ 1,355,745 $ 1,194,939 $ 3,980,104 $ 3,342,703
Defined benefit plans
70,335 52,626 211,018 157,187
1,426,080 1,247,565 4,191,122 3,499,890
Share-based payments
127,349 80,290 355,701 222,091
9,124 7,536 47,303 24,835

136,473 87,826 403,004 246,926

Other employee benefits
58,704,130 63,077,715 169,792,271 168,008,855

$ 60,266,683 $ 64,413,106 $ 174,386,397 $ 171,755,671

Employee benefits expense summarized by function
Recognized in cost of revenue
$ 33,519,721 $ 37,344,903 $ 98,158,663 $ 100,859,986
Recognized in operating expenses
26,746,962 27,068,203 76,227,734 70,895,685

$ 60,266,683 $ 64,413,106 $ 174,386,397 $ 171,755,671

According to TSMC’s Articles of Incorporation, TSMC shall allocate compensation to directors and profit sharing bonus to employees of TSMC not more than 0.3% and not less than 1% of annual profits during the period, respectively.

TSMC accrued profit sharing bonus to employees based on a percentage of net income before income tax, profit sharing bonus to employees and compensation to directors during the period; compensation to directors was expensed based on estimated amount payable. If there is a change in the proposed amounts after the annual consolidated financial statements are authorized for issue, the differences are recorded as a change in accounting estimate. Accrued profit sharing bonus to employees is illustrated below:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Profit sharing bonus to employees
$ 12,607,089 $ 16,771,157 $ 35,832,625 $ 43,031,392

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TSMC’s profit sharing bonus to employees and compensation to directors for 2022 and 2021 had been approved by the Board of Directors of TSMC, as illustrated below:

Years Ended December 31

2022 2021

Resolution Date of TSMC’s Board of Directors in its meeting
February 14, 2023 February 15, 2022
Profit sharing bonus to employees
$ 60,702,047 $ 35,601,449
Compensation to directors
$ 690,128 $ 487,537

There is no significant difference between the aforementioned approved amounts and the amounts charged against earnings of 2022 and 2021, respectively.

The information about the appropriations of TSMC’s profit sharing bonus to employees and compensation to directors is available at the Market Observation Post System website.


Subsidiaries such as JASM and TSMC Nanjing received subsidies from the governments of Japan and China, respectively, for local plants setup and operation, which were mainly used to subsidize the purchase costs of property, plant and equipment as well as partial costs and expenses incurred from plant construction and production. For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the Company received a total of NT$20,757,802 thousand and NT$463,696 thousand as government grants, respectively.


a.    Non-cash transactions

Nine Months Ended September 30
2023 2022

Additions of financial assets at FVTOCI
$ 56,055,303 $ 40,812,439
Conversion of convertible bonds into equity securities
(145,144 ) -
Changes in accrued expenses and other current liabilities
(1,077,537 ) 8,458,351
Changes in other financial assets
- (1,217 )

Payments for acquisition of financial assets at FVTOCI
$ 54,832,622 $ 49,269,573

Disposal of financial assets at FVTOCI
$ 28,988,810 $ 38,683,380
Changes in other financial assets
(184,044 ) 2,538,030

Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at FVTOCI
$ 28,804,766 $ 41,221,410
Additions of property, plant and equipment
$ 796,779,912 $ 747,936,092
Changes in other financial assets
44,432 5,599,717
Exchange of assets
(59,387 ) -
Changes in payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
(12,887,052 ) (6,733,136 )
Changes in accrued expenses and other current liabilities
195,589 596,789
Transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items
39,898 -
Capitalized interests
(4,456,787 ) (1,571,705 )

Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment
$ 779,656,605 $ 745,827,757

- 38 -

b.    Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities

Non-cash Changes
Balance as of January 1, 2023 Financing Cash Flow Foreign Exchange Movement Leases Modifications
Other Changes
Balance as of September 30, 2023
Hedging financial liabilities- bank loans
$ - $ 27,908,580 $ (1,029,030 ) $ - $ - $ 26,879,550
Bonds payable
852,436,439 57,721,552 27,301,588 - 267,754 937,727,333
Long-term bank loans
5,973,936 1,205,556 - - 5,780 7,185,272
Lease liabilities
32,367,601 (2,411,870 ) 28,970 1,919,167 286,653 32,190,521

$ 890,777,976 $ 84,423,818 $ 26,301,528 $ 1,919,167 $ 560,187 $ 1,003,982,676

Non-cash Changes
Balance as of January 1, 2022 Financing Cash Flow Foreign Exchange Movement Leases Modifications
Other Changes
Balance as of September 30, 2022
Short-term loans
$ 114,921,333 $ (111,959,992 ) $ (2,372,053 ) $ - $ (589,288 ) $ -
Bonds payable
614,470,652 187,690,399 62,510,018 - 215,402 864,886,471
Long-term bank loans
3,475,798 500,000 - - 6,047 3,981,845
Lease liabilities
22,940,665 (1,941,321 ) 147,704 11,416,525 183,008 32,746,581

$ 755,808,448 $ 74,289,086 $ 60,285,669 $ 11,416,525 $ (184,831 ) $ 901,614,897

Note:    Other changes include amortization of bonds payable, amortization of long-term bank loan interest subsidy, financial cost of lease liabilities and discounts on short-term loans.


a.    Categories of financial instruments

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Financial assets
FVTPL (Note 1)
$ 490,163 $ 1,070,398 $ 4,705,434
FVTOCI (Note 2)
167,303,596 136,483,349 139,040,137
Hedging financial assets
37,451 2,329 88,431
Amortized cost (Note 3)
1,729,394,612 1,727,306,556 1,695,094,039

$ 1,897,225,822 $ 1,864,862,632 $ 1,838,928,041
Financial liabilities
FVTPL (Note 4)
$ 132,768 $ 116,215 $ 611,010
Hedging financial liabilities
26,879,550 813 -
Amortized cost (Note 5)
1,820,363,905 1,669,270,659 1,635,913,770

$ 1,847,376,223 $ 1,669,387,687 $ 1,636,524,780

Note 1:    Financial assets mandatorily measured at FVTPL.

Note 2:    Including notes and accounts receivable (net), equity and debt investments.

Note 3:    Including cash and cash equivalents, financial assets at amortized cost, notes and accounts receivable (including related parties), other receivables, refundable deposits and temporary payments (including those classified under other current assets and other noncurrent assets).

Note 4:    Held for trading.

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Note 5:    Including accounts payable (including related parties), payables to contractors and equipment suppliers, cash dividends payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities, bonds payable, long-term bank loans, guarantee deposits and other noncurrent liabilities.

b.    Financial risk management objectives

The Company manages its exposure to foreign currency risk, interest rate risk, equity price risk, credit risk and liquidity risk with the objective to reduce the potentially adverse effects the market uncertainties may have on its financial performance.

The plans for material treasury activities are reviewed by the Audit and Risk Committee and/or Board of Directors in accordance with procedures required by relevant regulations or internal controls. During the implementation of such plans, the Company must comply with certain treasury procedures that provide guiding principles for overall financial risk management and segregation of duties.

c.    Market risk

The Company is exposed to the financial market risks, primarily changes in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates and equity investment prices. A portion of these risks is hedged.

Foreign currency risk

Substantially all the Company’s sales are denominated in U.S. dollars and over half of its capital expenditures and equity investments are denominated in currencies other than NT dollars, primarily in U.S. dollars, Japanese yen and Euros. As a result, any significant fluctuations to its disadvantage in the exchanges rate of NT dollar against such currencies, in particular a weakening of U.S. dollar against NT dollar, would have an adverse impact on the revenue and operating profit as expressed in NT dollars. The Company uses foreign currency derivative contracts and non-derivative financial instruments, such as currency forwards, currency swaps and foreign currency bank loans, to protect against currency exchange rate risks associated with non-NT dollar-denominated assets and liabilities, certain forecasted transactions, and net investments in foreign operations. These hedges reduce, but do not entirely eliminate, the effect of foreign currency exchange rate movements on the assets and liabilities.

Based on a sensitivity analysis performed on the Company’s total monetary assets and liabilities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, a hypothetical adverse foreign currency exchange rate change of 10% would have decreased its net income by NT$362,316 thousand and NT$697,072 thousand respectively, after taking into account hedges and offsetting positions.

Interest rate risk

The Company is exposed to interest rate risks primarily in relation to its investment portfolio and outstanding debt. Changes in interest rates affect the interest earned on the Company’s cash and cash equivalents and fixed income securities, the fair value of those securities, as well as the interest paid on its debt.

The majority of the Company’s fixed income investments are fixed-rate securities, which are classified as financial assets at FVTOCI and amortized cost. Those classified as FVTOCI may have their fair value adversely affected due to an increase in interest rates, but for those classified as amortized cost, their carrying amount will not be affected by changes in interest rates. At the same time, if interest rates fall, cash and cash equivalents may generate less interest income than expected. The Company has entered and may in the future enter into interest rate derivatives to partially hedge the interest rate risk on its fixed income investments and anticipated debt issuance. However, these hedges can offset only a limited portion of the financial impact from movements in interest rates.

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Based on a sensitivity analysis performed on the Company’s fixed income investments at the end of the reporting period, interest rates increase of 100 basis points (1.00%) across all maturities would have decreased the Company’s other comprehensive income by NT$3,887,322 thousand and NT$4,065,956 thousand for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively.

The majority of the Company’s debt is fixed-rate and measured at amortized cost and as such, changes in interest rates would not affect future cash flows or the carrying amount.

Other price risk

The Company is exposed to equity price risk arising from financial assets at FVTOCI.

Assuming a hypothetical decrease of 10% in prices of the equity investments at the end of the reporting period for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the other comprehensive income would have decreased by NT$925,125 thousand and NT$692,880 thousand, respectively.

d.    Credit risk management

Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty may default on its contractual obligations resulting in financial losses to the Company. The Company is exposed to credit risks from operating activities, primarily accounts receivable, and from investing activities, primarily deposits, fixed-income investments and other financial instruments with banks. Credit risk is managed separately for business related and financial related exposures. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company’s maximum credit risk exposure is equal to the carrying amount of financial assets.

Business related credit risk

The Company’s accounts receivable are from its customers worldwide. The majority of the Company’s outstanding accounts receivable are not covered by collaterals or guarantees. While the Company has procedures to monitor and manage credit risk exposure on accounts receivable, there is no assurance such procedures will effectively eliminate losses resulting from its credit risk. This risk is heightened during periods when economic conditions worsen.

As of September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022, the Company’s ten largest customers accounted for 85%, 82% and 82% of accounts receivable, respectively. The Company considers the concentration of credit risk for the remaining accounts receivable not material.

Financial credit risk

The Company mitigates its financial credit risk by selecting counterparties with investment grade credit ratings and by limiting the exposure to any individual counterparty. The Company regularly monitors and reviews the limit applied to counterparties and adjusts the limit according to market conditions and the credit standing of the counterparties.

The objective of the Company’s investment policy is to achieve a return that will allow the Company to preserve principal and support liquidity requirements. The policy generally requires securities to be investment grade and limits the amount of credit exposure to any one issuer. The Company assesses whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk in the invested securities since initial recognition by reviewing changes in external credit ratings, financial market conditions and material information of the issuers.

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The Company assesses the 12-month expected credit loss and lifetime expected credit loss based on the probability of default and loss given default provided by external credit rating agencies. The current credit risk assessment policies are as follows:
Category Description Basis for Recognizing Expected Credit Loss Expected Credit Loss Ratio

Credit rating is investment grade on valuation date

12 months expected credit loss

Credit rating is non-investment grade on valuation date

Lifetime expected credit loss-not credit impaired
In default

Credit rating is CC or below on valuation date

Lifetime expected credit loss-credit impaired

There is evidence indicating that the debtor is in severe financial difficulty and the Company has no realistic prospect of recovery

Amount is written off

For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the expected credit loss increased NT$46,881 thousand and NT$41,636 thousand, respectively. The changes were mainly due to increased investment amount and adjusted investment portfolio.

e.    Liquidity risk management

The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure the Company has sufficient liquidity to fund its business operations over the next 12 months. The Company manages its liquidity risk by maintaining adequate cash and cash equivalents, financial assets at FVTOCI-current, financial assets at amortized cost-current and sufficient cost-efficient funding.

The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Company’s financial liabilities based on contractual undiscounted payments, including principal and interest.

Less Than
1 Year
1-3 Years 3-5 Years
More Than
5 Years
September 30, 2023
Non-derivative financial liabilities

Hedging financial liabilities-bank loans
$ 26,879,864 $ - $ - $ - $ 26,879,864
Accounts payable (including related parties)
53,772,306 - - - 53,772,306
Payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
230,848,866 - - - 230,848,866
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
272,295,549 - - - 272,295,549
Bonds payable
23,690,820 169,555,796 358,616,332 613,998,069 1,165,861,017
Long-term bank loans
2,254,821 4,331,666 794,526 - 7,381,013
Lease liabilities (including those classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities) (Note)
3,135,408 5,381,609 4,733,050 22,344,257 35,594,324
- 143,468,212 15,847,107 2,496,129 161,811,448
612,877,634 322,737,283 379,991,015 638,838,455 1,954,444,387

Derivative financial instruments

Forward exchange contracts
13,751,704 - - - 13,751,704
(13,763,851 ) - - - (13,763,851 )
(12,147 ) - - - (12,147 )

$ 612,865,487 $ 322,737,283 $ 379,991,015 $ 638,838,455 $ 1,954,432,240
- 42 -

Less Than
1 Year
1-3 Years 3-5 Years
More Than
5 Years
December 31, 2022

Non-derivative financial liabilities

Accounts payable (including related parties)
$ 56,522,345 $ - $ - $ - $ 56,522,345
Payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
213,499,613 - - - 213,499,613
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
219,587,908 - - - 219,587,908
Bonds payable
34,668,909 94,869,159 320,211,460 625,049,539 1,074,799,067
Long-term bank loans
1,278,130 3,533,152 1,360,549 - 6,171,831
Lease liabilities (including those classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities) (Note)
2,999,840 5,367,809 4,754,007 22,589,117 35,710,773
Others - 166,266,718 10,518,481 783,182 177,568,381

528,556,745 270,036,838 336,844,497 648,421,838 1,783,859,918
Derivative financial instruments

Forward exchange contracts
103,617,399 - - - 103,617,399
(104,600,085 ) - - - (104,600,085 )
(982,686 ) - - - (982,686 )

$ 527,574,059 $ 270,036,838 $ 336,844,497 $ 648,421,838 $ 1,782,877,232

September 30, 2022

Non-derivative financial liabilities

Accounts payable (including related parties)
$ 62,018,224 $ - $ - $ - $ 62,018,224
Payables to contractors and equipment suppliers
159,780,369 - - - 159,780,369
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
206,908,541 - - - 206,908,541
Bonds payable
39,450,837 94,867,341 314,685,674 648,515,423 1,097,519,275
Long-term bank loans
963,041 2,601,517 524,867 - 4,089,425
Lease liabilities (including those classified under accrued expenses and other current liabilities) (Note)
2,946,938 5,278,010 4,749,791 23,213,612 36,188,351
- 191,095,118 3,581,616 - 194,676,734
472,067,950 293,841,986 323,541,948 671,729,035 1,761,180,919

Derivative financial instruments

Forward exchange contracts
170,881,226 - - - 170,881,226
(175,119,667 ) - - - (175,119,667 )
(4,238,441 ) - - - (4,238,441 )

$ 467,829,509 $ 293,841,986 $ 323,541,948 $ 671,729,035 $ 1,756,942,478

Note: Information about the maturity analysis for lease liabilities more than 5 years:

5-10 Years 10-15 Years 15-20 Years
More Than
20 Years
September 30, 2023
Lease liabilities
$ 10,347,093 $ 7,277,535 $ 4,244,674 $ 474,955 $ 22,344,257
December 31, 2022
Lease liabilities
$ 10,241,734 $ 7,329,012 $ 4,233,886 $ 784,485 $ 22,589,117
September 30, 2022
Lease liabilities $ 10,373,309 $ 7,513,470 $ 4,390,162 $ 936,671 $ 23,213,612

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f.    Fair value of financial instruments

1)    Fair value measurements recognized in the consolidated balance sheets

Fair value measurements are grouped into Levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable:

•Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

•Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and

•Level 3 fair value measurements are those derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

The timing of transfers between levels within the fair value hierarchy is at the end of reporting period.

2)    Fair value of financial instruments that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis

Fair value hierarchy

The following table presents the Company’s financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis:

September 30, 2023

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets at FVTPL
Mandatorily measured at FVTPL
Convertible bonds
$ - $ - $ 231,022 $ 231,022
Forward exchange contracts
- 147,504 - 147,504
Mutual funds
- - 111,637 111,637

$ - $ 147,504 $ 342,659 $ 490,163

Financial assets at FVTOCI

Investments in debt instruments
Corporate bonds
$ - $ 80,389,109 $ - $ 80,389,109
Agency mortgage-backed securities
- 36,337,585 - 36,337,585
Government bonds/Agency bonds
23,706,398 355,446 - 24,061,844
Asset-backed securities
- 10,419,593 - 10,419,593
Investments in equity instruments
Non-publicly traded equity investments
- - 7,933,799 7,933,799
Publicly traded stocks
3,630,259 - - 3,630,259
Notes and accounts receivable, net
- 4,531,407 - 4,531,407

$ 27,336,657 $ 132,033,140 $ 7,933,799 $ 167,303,596
Hedging financial assets
Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ 37,451 $ - $ - $ 37,451
Financial liabilities at FVTPL
Held for trading
Forward exchange contracts
$ - $ 132,768 $ - $ 132,768

- 44 -

December 31, 2022

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets at FVTPL
Mandatorily measured at FVTPL
Forward exchange contracts
$ - $ 947,546 $ - $ 947,546
Convertible bonds
- - 122,852 122,852

$ - $ 947,546 $ 122,852 $ 1,070,398

Financial assets at FVTOCI

Investments in debt instruments
Corporate bonds
$ - $ 66,116,166 $ - $ 66,116,166
Agency mortgage-backed securities
- 28,367,926 - 28,367,926
Government bonds/Agency bonds
18,845,577 116,311 - 18,961,888
Asset-backed securities
- 9,274,697 - 9,274,697
Investments in equity instruments
Non-publicly traded equity investments
- - 6,159,200 6,159,200
Publicly traded stocks
277,866 - - 277,866
Notes and accounts receivable, net
- 7,325,606 - 7,325,606

$ 19,123,443 $ 111,200,706 $ 6,159,200 $ 136,483,349
Hedging financial assets
Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ 2,329 $ - $ - $ 2,329

Financial liabilities at FVTPL
Held for trading
Forward exchange contracts
$ - $ 116,215 $ - $ 116,215

Hedging financial liabilities

Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ 813 $ - $ - $ 813

September 30, 2022

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets at FVTPL
Mandatorily measured at FVTPL
Forward exchange contracts
$ - $ 4,705,434 $ - $ 4,705,434

Financial assets at FVTOCI

Investments in debt instruments
Corporate bonds
$ - $ 66,420,737 $ - $ 66,420,737
Agency mortgage-backed securities
- 29,680,882 - 29,713,881
Government bonds/Agency bonds
20,139,588 120,093 - 20,226,682
Asset-backed securities
- 9,580,806 - 9,580,806
Investments in equity instruments
Non-publicly traded equity investments
- - 6,784,978 6,784,978
Publicly traded stocks
267,316 - - 267,316
Notes and accounts receivable, net
- 6,045,737 - 6,045,737

$ 20,406,904 $ 111,848,255 $ 6,784,978 $ 139,040,137
- 45 -

September 30, 2022

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Hedging financial assets
Fair value hedges
Interest rate futures contracts
$ 88,431 $ - $ - $ 88,431
Financial liabilities at FVTPL
Held for trading
Forward exchange contracts
$ - $ 611,010 $ - $ 611,010


Reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurements of financial assets

The financial assets measured at Level 3 fair value were equity investments classified as financial assets at FVTOCI and financial assets at FVTPL. Reconciliations for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 are as follows:

Nine Months Ended September 30

2023 2022

Balance, beginning of period $ 6,282,052 $ 5,887,892
Additions 1,034,748 315,772
Recognized in profit or loss 27,022 -
Recognized in other comprehensive income or loss 695,099 (11,606 )
Disposals and proceeds from return of capital of investments (117,897 ) -
Transfers out of level 3 (Note) - (139,770 )
Effect of exchange rate changes 355,434 732,690
Balance, end of period $ 8,276,458 $ 6,784,978

Note:    The transfer from level 3 to level 1 is because quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets data became available for the equity investments.

Valuation techniques and assumptions used in Level 2 fair value measurement

The fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities are determined as follows:

•The fair values of corporate bonds, agency bonds, agency mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities and government bonds are determined by quoted market prices provided by third party pricing services.

•The fair values of forward contracts are measured using forward rates and discount rates derived from quoted market prices.

•The fair value of accounts receivable classified as at FVTOCI is determined by the present value of future cash flows based on the discount rate that reflects the credit risk of counterparties.

Valuation techniques and assumptions used in Level 3 fair value measurement

The fair values of non-publicly traded equity investments (excluding those trading on the Emerging Stock Board) and mutual funds are mainly determined by using the asset approach and market approach.

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The asset approach takes into account the net asset value measured at the fair value by independent parties. On September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022, the Company uses unobservable inputs derived from discount for lack of marketability of 10%. When other inputs remain equal, the fair value will decrease by NT$59,572 thousand, NT$48,704 thousand and NT$56,247 thousand, respectively, if discounts for lack of marketability increase by 1%.

For the remaining few investments, the market approach is used to arrive at their fair values, for which the recent financing activities of investees, the market transaction prices of the similar companies and market conditions are considered.

In addition, the fair values of convertible bonds are prior transaction prices.

3)    Fair value of financial instruments that are not measured at fair value

Except as detailed in the following table, the Company considers that the carrying amounts of financial instruments in the consolidated financial statements that are not measured at fair value approximate their fair values.

Fair value hierarchy

The table below sets out the fair value hierarchy for the Company’s financial assets and liabilities which are not required to be measured at fair value:

September 30, 2023

Carrying Fair Value

Amount Level 1 Level 2 Total

Financial assets

Financial assets at amortized costs
Corporate bonds
$ 126,195,790 $ - $ 124,215,176 $ 124,215,176
Commercial paper
22,147,473 - 22,166,534 22,166,534
Government bonds/Agency bonds
15,297,477 2,787,162 12,327,040 15,114,202

$ 163,640,740 $ 2,787,162 $ 158,708,750 $ 161,495,912

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities at amortized costs
Bonds payable
$ 937,727,333 $ - $ 829,219,281 $ 829,219,281

December 31, 2022

Carrying Fair Value

Amount Level 1 Level 2 Total

Financial assets

Financial assets at amortized costs
Corporate bonds
$ 80,994,958 $ - $ 80,236,142 $ 80,236,142
Commercial paper
48,732,476 - 48,882,028 48,882,028

$ 129,727,434 $ - $ 129,118,170 $ 129,118,170

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities at amortized costs
Bonds payable
$ 852,436,439 $ - $ 765,301,535 $ 765,301,535

- 47 -

September 30, 2022

Carrying Fair Value

Amount Level 1 Level 2 Total

Financial assets

Financial assets at amortized costs
Corporate bonds
$ 70,800,817 $ - $ 69,466,149 $ 69,466,149
Commercial paper
43,404,235 - 43,517,466 43,517,466

$ 114,205,052 $ - $ 112,983,615 $ 112,983,615
Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities at amortized costs
Bonds payable
$ 864,886,471 $ - $ 765,664,981 $ 765,664,981

Valuation techniques and assumptions used in Level 2 fair value measurement

The fair values of corporate bonds, the Company’s bonds payable and agency bonds are determined by quoted market prices provided by third party pricing services.

The fair value of commercial paper is determined by the present value of future cash flows based on the discounted curves that are derived from the quoted market prices.


Intercompany balances and transactions between TSMC and its subsidiaries, which are related parties of TSMC, have been eliminated upon consolidation; therefore those items are not disclosed in this note. The following is a summary of significant transactions between the Company and other related parties:

a.    Related party name and categories

Related Party Name Related Party Categories

TSMC Education and Culture Foundation
Other related parties

b.    Net revenue
Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Related Party Categories

Net revenue from sale of goods
$ 2,707,687 $ 3,392,845 $ 9,934,126 $ 9,363,166

c.    Purchases

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022

Related Party Categories

$ 922,561 $ 1,699,804 $ 3,303,946 $ 4,797,872

- 48 -

d.    Receivables from related parties

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Related Party Name

Receivables from
$ 199,068 $ 1,471,351 $ 934,086
related parties
157,189 112,607 157,088

$ 356,257 $ 1,583,958 $ 1,091,174

Other receivables
$ 60,333 $ 68,277 $ 70,674
from related
22,030 669 5,469
- 29 -

$ 82,363 $ 68,975 $ 76,143

e.    Payables to related parties

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Related Party Name

Payables to related
$ 1,186,773 $ 1,047,452 $ 1,181,914
295,730 385,979 527,944

47,914 190,587 141,586

91,006 18,619 19,375

$ 1,621,423 $ 1,642,637 $ 1,870,819

f.    Accrued expenses and other current liabilities

September 30,
December 31,
September 30,

Related Party Categories

Contract liabilities
$ 1,210,736 $ 1,075,659 $ 837,482

g.    Others

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Related Party Categories

Manufacturing expenses
Associates $ 1,536,508 $ 1,624,663 $ 3,454,397 $ 4,489,117

The sales prices and payment terms to related parties were not significantly different from those of sales to third parties. For other related party transactions, price and terms were determined in accordance with mutual agreements.

The Company leased factory and office from associates. The lease terms and prices were both determined in accordance with mutual agreements. The rental expenses were paid to associates monthly; the related expenses were both classified under manufacturing expenses.

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h.    Compensation of key management personnel

The compensation to directors and other key management personnel were as follows:

Three Months Ended
September 30
Nine Months Ended
September 30

2023 2022 2023 2022

Short-term employee benefits
$ 817,111 $ 1,138,271 $ 2,454,401 $ 3,122,981
Post-employment benefits
1,049 698 2,965 2,373
Share-based payments
134,066 82,887 386,838 203,008

$ 952,226 $ 1,221,856 $ 2,844,204 $ 3,328,362

The compensation to directors and other key management personnel were determined by the Compensation and People Development Committee of TSMC in accordance with the individual performance and market trends.


The Company provided certificate of deposits recorded in other financial assets as collateral mainly for building lease agreements. As of September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022, the aforementioned other financial assets amounted to NT$128,861 thousand, NT$129,138 thousand and NT$131,995 thousand, respectively.


Significant contingent liabilities and unrecognized commitments of the Company as of the end of the reporting period, excluding those disclosed in other notes, were as follows:

a.Under a technical cooperation agreement with Industrial Technology Research Institute, the R.O.C. Government or its designee approved by TSMC can use up to 35% of TSMC’s capacity provided TSMC’s outstanding commitments to its customers are not prejudiced. The term of this agreement is for five years beginning from January 1, 1987 and is automatically renewed for successive periods of five years unless otherwise terminated by either party with one year prior notice. As of the end of reporting period, the R.O.C. Government did not invoke such right.

b.Under a Shareholders Agreement entered into with Philips and EDB Investments Pte Ltd. on March 30, 1999, the parties formed a joint venture company, SSMC, which is an integrated circuit foundry in Singapore. TSMC’s equity interest in SSMC was 32%. Nevertheless, in September 2006, Philips spun-off its semiconductor subsidiary which was renamed as NXP B.V. Further, TSMC and NXP B.V. purchased all the SSMC shares owned by EDB Investments Pte Ltd. pro rata according to the Shareholders Agreement on November 15, 2006. After the purchase, TSMC and NXP B.V. currently own approximately 39% and 61% of the SSMC shares, respectively. TSMC and NXP B.V. are required, in the aggregate, to purchase at least 70% of SSMC’s capacity, but TSMC alone is not required to purchase more than 28% of the capacity. If any party defaults on the commitment and the capacity utilization of SSMC falls below a specific percentage of its capacity, the defaulting party is required to compensate SSMC for all related unavoidable costs. There was no default from the aforementioned commitment as of the end of reporting period.

c.In September 2022, Daedalus Prime LLC (“Daedalus”) filed complaints in the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas alleging that TSMC, TSMC North America, and other companies infringe four U.S. patents. The ITC instituted an investigation in October 2022. In June 2023, Daedalus dropped two of the asserted patents in the ITC.
- 50 -

Also in June 2023, Daedalus filed another complaint in the Eastern District of Texas alleging that TSMC infringes five U.S. patents. In September 2023, the ITC granted the parties’ joint motion to suspend the procedural schedule while the parties finalize the settlement agreement and then request termination of the ITC Investigation and related litigations. In October 2023, the parties jointly requested the ITC to terminate the investigation and Eastern District of Texas to dismiss the related litigations. The related litigations in the Eastern District of Texas have been dismissed.

d.TSMC entered into long-term purchase agreements of materials and supplies and agreements of waste disposal with multiple suppliers. The relative minimum fulfillment quantity and price are specified in the agreements.

e.TSMC entered into a long-term purchase agreement of equipment. The relative fulfillment quantity and price are specified in the agreement.

f.TSMC entered into long-term energy purchase agreements with multiple suppliers. The relative fulfillment period, quantity and price are specified in the agreements.

g.Amounts available under unused letters of credit as of September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022 were NT$391,084 thousand, NT$383,974 thousand and NT$238,309 thousand, respectively.

h.The Company entrusted financial institutions to provide performance guarantees mainly for import and export of goods, lease agreement and energy purchase agreement. As of September 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2022, the aforementioned guarantee amounted to NT$8,064,025 thousand, NT$7,623,262 thousand, and NT$7,603,958 thousand, respectively.


The following information was summarized according to the foreign currencies other than the functional currency of the Company. The exchange rates disclosed were used to translate the foreign currencies into the functional currency. The significant financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies were as follows:

Foreign Currencies
(In Thousands)
Exchange Rate
(Note 1)
Carrying Amount
(In Thousands)
September 30, 2023

Financial assets
Monetary items
$ 14,024,503 32.281 $ 452,724,972
284,709 33.989 9,676,990
172,497 1.053 (Note2) 5,863,012
63,541,086 0.2159 13,718,520

Financial liabilities
Monetary items
14,086,103 32.281 454,713,480
436,807 33.989 14,846,641
165,914 1.053 (Note2) 5,639,262
188,152,004 0.2159 40,622,018

- 51 -

Foreign Currencies
(In Thousands)
Exchange Rate
(Note 1)
Carrying Amount
(In Thousands)
December 31, 2022

Financial assets
Monetary items
$ 15,214,896 30.713 $ 467,295,097
8,375 32.838 275,006
29,161 7.432 (Note3) 957,587
133,034,271 0.2331 31,010,288
Financial liabilities
Monetary items
15,190,659 30.713 466,550,704
2,375,378 32.838 78,002,647
134,608,488 0.2331 31,377,239
September 30, 2022

Financial assets
Monetary items
12,210,697 31.766 387,884,990
712,465 7.093 (Note4) 22,632,159
1,546 31.121 48,100
20,774 6.949 (Note3) 646,523
93,019,566 0.2202 20,482,908
6,683,505 0.0492 (Note5) 1,471,708
Financial liabilities
Monetary items
14,953,889 31.766 475,025,231
1,180,147 31.121 36,727,345
93,842,663 0.2202 20,664,154
6,697,526 0.0492 (Note5) 1,474,795

Note 1:    Except as otherwise noted, exchange rate represents the number of NT dollar for which one foreign currency could be exchanged.

Note 2:    The exchange rate represents the number of one U.S. dollar for which one Euro could be exchanged.

Note 3:    The exchange rate represents the number of RMB for which one Euro could be exchanged.

Note 4:    The exchange rate represents the number of RMB for which one U.S. dollar could be exchanged.

Note 5:    The exchange rate represents the number of RMB for which one Japanese yen could be exchanged.

- 52 -

Please refer to the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the total of realized and unrealized foreign exchange gain and loss for the three months and the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively. Since there were varieties of foreign currency transactions and functional currencies within the subsidiaries of the Company, the Company was unable to disclose foreign exchange gain (loss) towards each foreign currency with significant impact.


Following are the additional disclosures required by the Securities and Futures Bureau for TSMC:

a.    Financings provided: See Table 1 attached;

b.    Endorsement/guarantee provided: See Table 2 attached;

c.    Marketable securities held (excluding investments in subsidiaries and associates): See Table 3 attached;

d.    Marketable securities acquired and disposed of at costs or prices of at least NT$300 million or 20% of the paid-in capital: See Table 4 attached;

e.    Acquisition of individual real estate properties at costs of at least NT$300 million or 20% of the paid-in capital: See Table 5 attached;

f.    Disposal of individual real estate properties at prices of at least NT$300 million or 20% of the paid-in capital: None;

g.    Total purchases from or sales to related parties of at least NT$100 million or 20% of the paid-in capital: See Table 6 attached;

h.    Receivables from related parties amounting to at least NT$100 million or 20% of the paid-in capital: See Table 7 attached;

i.    Information about the derivative financial instruments transaction: See Notes 7 and 10;

j.    Others: The business relationship between the parent and the subsidiaries and significant transactions between them: See Table 8 attached;

k.    Names, locations, and related information of investees over which TSMC exercises significant influence (excluding information on investment in mainland China): See Table 9 attached;

l.    Information on investment in mainland China

1)    The name of the investee in mainland China, the main businesses and products, its issued capital, method of investment, information on inflow or outflow of capital, percentage of ownership, income (losses) of the investee, share of profits/losses of investee, ending balance, amount received as dividends from the investee, and the limitation on investee: See Table 10 attached.

2)    Significant direct or indirect transactions with the investee, its prices and terms of payment, unrealized gain or loss, and other related information which is helpful to understand the impact of investment in mainland China on financial reports: See Table 8 attached.

m.    Information of major shareholders

List of all shareholders with ownership of 5 percent or greater showing the names and the number of shares and percentage of ownership held by each shareholder: See Table 11 attached.

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TSMC’s chief operating decision makers periodically review operating results, focusing on operating income generated by foundry segment. Operating results are used for resource allocation and/or performance assessment. As a result, the Company has only one operating segment, the foundry segment. The foundry segment engages mainly in the manufacturing, sales, packaging, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices and the manufacturing of masks.

The basis for the measurement of income from operations is the same as that for the preparation of financial statements. Please refer to the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the related segment revenue and operating results.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

No. Financing Company Counterparty Financial Statement Account Related Party
Balance for the Period (Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
(Note 3)
Ending Balance
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
(Note 3)
Amount Actually Drawn
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Interest Rate Nature for Financing Transaction Amounts Reason for Financing Allowance for Bad Debt Collateral
Financing Limits for Each Borrowing Company
(Notes 1 and 2)
Financing Company’s Total Financing Amount Limits
(Notes 1 and 2)
Item Value

TSMC Arizona
Other receivables from related parties
$ - -
The need for short-term financing
$ -
Capacity installation and working capital
$ - - $ - $ 334,834,966 $ 669,669,931
TSMC China
TSMC Nanjing
Other receivables from related parties
The need for short-term and long-term financing
Operating capital
- - - 94,962,438 94,962,438

Note 1:    The amount available for lending to TSMC Arizona from TSMC shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the net worth of TSMC, and the total amount available for lending from TSMC to borrowers shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the net worth of TSMC.

Note 2:    The aggregate amount available for lending to TSMC Nanjing from TSMC China shall not exceed the net worth of TSMC China.

Note 3:    The maximum balance for the period and ending balance represent the amounts approved by the Board of Directors.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Guarantee Provider
Guaranteed Party
Limits on Endorsement/ Guarantee Amount Provided to Each Guaranteed Party
(Notes 1 and 2)
Maximum Balance
for the Period
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
(Note 3)
Ending Balance
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
(Note 3)
Amount Actually Drawn
(US$ in Thousands)
Amount of Endorsement/ Guarantee Collateralized by Properties Ratio of Accumulated Endorsement/ Guarantee to Net Equity per Latest Financial Statements
Maximum Endorsement/ Guarantee Amount Allowable
(Notes 1 and 2)
Provided by
Parent Company
Provided by
A Subsidiary
Provided to Subsidiaries in Mainland China
Name Nature of Relationship

TSMC North America
Subsidiary $ 1,339,339,863
$ - 0.08% $ 1,339,339,863

TSMC Global
Subsidiary 1,339,339,863
- 7.23% 1,339,339,863

TSMC Arizona
Subsidiary 1,339,339,863
- 11.60% 1,339,339,863

TSMC Development
Subsidiary 1,339,339,863
- 0.42% 1,339,339,863

The same parent company
- 0.01% 325,873

Note 1:    The total amount of the endorsement/guarantee provided by TSMC to TSMC North America, TSMC Global, TSMC Arizona and TSMC Development shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of TSMC’s net worth.

Note 2:    The total amount of the endorsement/guarantee provided by TSMC Japan to TSMC JDC shall not exceed two hundred and fifty percent (250%) of TSMC Japan’s net worth.

Note 3:    The maximum balance for the period and ending balance represent the amounts approved by the Board of Directors.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

Non-publicly traded equity investments

Shin-Etsu Handotai Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
10,500 $ 438,648 7 $ 438,648

United Industrial Gases Co., Ltd.
21,230 435,139 10 435,139

Global Investment Holding Inc.
10,442 102,595 6 102,595

Crimson Asia Capital
- - 1 -

Commercial paper

Nan Ya Plastics Corporation
Financial assets at amortized cost
850 8,479,423 N/A 8,487,558

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
620 6,184,269 N/A 6,190,369

Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation
500 4,987,514 N/A 4,992,430

Taiwan Power Company
200 1,996,620 N/A 1,996,514

CPC Corporation, Taiwan
50 499,647 N/A 499,663

TSMC Partners

Matter Venture Partners Fund I, L.P.
Financial assets at fair value through Profit or Loss
- US$ 3,458 9 US$ 3,458

Non-publicly traded equity investments

Shanghai Walden Venture Capital Enterprise
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 32,792 6 US$ 32,792

Walden Technology Ventures Investments II, L.P.
- US$ 23,347 9 US$ 23,347

Walden Technology Ventures Investments III, L.P.
- US$ 13,139 4 US$ 13,139

Tela Innovations
6,942 - 22 -

Publicly traded stocks

ARM Holdings plc
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,961 US$ 104,941 - US$ 104,941

Movella Holdings Inc.
3,095 US$ 1,660 6 US$ 1,660

TSMC Global
Corporate bond

Bank of America Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 87,259 N/A US$ 87,259

Morgan Stanley
- US$ 79,716 N/A US$ 79,716

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
- US$ 57,185 N/A US$ 57,185

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- US$ 56,152 N/A US$ 56,152

Wells Fargo & Company
- US$ 55,625 N/A US$ 55,625

Citigroup Inc.
- US$ 49,067 N/A US$ 49,067

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 44,494 N/A US$ 44,494

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 38,159 N/A US$ 38,159

Barclays PLC
- US$ 36,403 N/A US$ 36,403

HSBC Holdings plc
- US$ 29,551 N/A US$ 29,551

AbbVie Inc.
- US$ 26,463 N/A US$ 26,463

Royal Bank of Canada
- US$ 26,323 N/A US$ 26,323

Banco Santander, S.A.
- US$ 25,041 N/A US$ 25,041


- 57 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
CVS Health Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 23,574 N/A US$ 23,574

Lloyds Banking Group plc
- US$ 23,376 N/A US$ 23,376

Oracle Corporation
- US$ 22,718 N/A US$ 22,718

The Toronto-Dominion Bank
- US$ 21,877 N/A US$ 21,877

Capital One Financial Corporation
- US$ 20,473 N/A US$ 20,473

- US$ 20,201 N/A US$ 20,201

BNP Paribas SA
- US$ 19,963 N/A US$ 19,963

Credit Agricole SA London Branch
- US$ 19,755 N/A US$ 19,755

Athene Global Funding
- US$ 19,737 N/A US$ 19,737

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I
- US$ 19,027 N/A US$ 19,027

Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec
- US$ 18,942 N/A US$ 18,942

Equitable Financial Life Global Funding
- US$ 18,357 N/A US$ 18,357

National Securities Clearing Corporation
- US$ 18,089 N/A US$ 18,089

AIG Global Funding
- US$ 17,928 N/A US$ 17,928

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
- US$ 17,475 N/A US$ 17,475

Principal Life Global Funding II
- US$ 17,469 N/A US$ 17,469

Société Générale Société anonyme
- US$ 17,245 N/A US$ 17,245

Guardian Life Global Funding
- US$ 16,589 N/A US$ 16,589

Danske Bank A/S
- US$ 16,412 N/A US$ 16,412

The Bank of Nova Scotia
- US$ 15,972 N/A US$ 15,972

Volkswagen Group of America Finance, LLC
- US$ 15,893 N/A US$ 15,893

Nomura Holdings, Inc.
- US$ 15,155 N/A US$ 15,155

Hyundai Capital America
- US$ 14,524 N/A US$ 14,524

Santander UK Group Holdings plc
- US$ 14,263 N/A US$ 14,263

Standard Chartered PLC
- US$ 14,038 N/A US$ 14,038

Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel Société anonyme
- US$ 13,898 N/A US$ 13,898

U.S. Bancorp.
- US$ 13,859 N/A US$ 13,859

UBS Group AG
- US$ 13,836 N/A US$ 13,836

NTT Finance Corporation
- US$ 13,270 N/A US$ 13,270

American Express Company
- US$ 13,205 N/A US$ 13,205

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
- US$ 13,176 N/A US$ 13,176

Protective Life Global Funding
- US$ 13,140 N/A US$ 13,140

Amgen Inc.
- US$ 12,938 N/A US$ 12,938

Deutsche Bank AG - New York Branch
- US$ 12,926 N/A US$ 12,926

AerCap Ireland Capital Designated Activity Company
- US$ 12,746 N/A US$ 12,746

Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P.
- US$ 12,673 N/A US$ 12,673

Enel Finance International N.V.
- US$ 12,650 N/A US$ 12,650

Truist Financial Corporation
- US$ 12,564 N/A US$ 12,564

Pfizer Investment Enterprises Pte. Ltd.
- US$ 12,147 N/A US$ 12,147

Intuit Inc.
- US$ 12,139 N/A US$ 12,139

Apple Inc.
- US$ 12,134 N/A US$ 12,134

New York Life Global Funding
- US$ 11,958 N/A US$ 11,958

ING Groep N.V.
- US$ 11,878 N/A US$ 11,878

Nationwide Building Society
- US$ 11,823 N/A US$ 11,823

Amazon.com, Inc.
- US$ 11,591 N/A US$ 11,591

NatWest Markets Plc
- US$ 11,577 N/A US$ 11,577

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 11,364 N/A US$ 11,364

Nordea Bank Abp
- US$ 11,291 N/A US$ 11,291

ASB Bank Limited
- US$ 11,175 N/A US$ 11,175


- 58 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Northwestern Mutual Global Funding
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 10,966 N/A US$ 10,966

NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc.
- US$ 10,857 N/A US$ 10,857

Bank of Montreal
- US$ 10,607 N/A US$ 10,607

Verizon Communications Inc.
- US$ 10,595 N/A US$ 10,595

Southern California Edison Company
- US$ 10,498 N/A US$ 10,498

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
- US$ 10,467 N/A US$ 10,467

Ryder System, Inc.
- US$ 10,200 N/A US$ 10,200

S&P Global Inc.
- US$ 10,190 N/A US$ 10,190

Equifax Inc.
- US$ 10,066 N/A US$ 10,066

Macquarie Group Limited
- US$ 9,935 N/A US$ 9,935

- US$ 9,858 N/A US$ 9,858

- US$ 9,720 N/A US$ 9,720

Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ)
- US$ 9,622 N/A US$ 9,622

John Deere Capital Corporation
- US$ 9,426 N/A US$ 9,426

AT&T Inc.
- US$ 9,369 N/A US$ 9,369

Haleon US Capital LLC
- US$ 9,008 N/A US$ 9,008

Roper Technologies, Inc.
- US$ 8,992 N/A US$ 8,992

Equinor ASA
- US$ 8,865 N/A US$ 8,865

Exelon Corporation
- US$ 8,843 N/A US$ 8,843

Florida Power & Light Company
- US$ 8,775 N/A US$ 8,775

Merck & Co., Inc.
- US$ 8,651 N/A US$ 8,651

Honeywell International Inc.
- US$ 8,330 N/A US$ 8,330

Fifth Third Bancorp
- US$ 8,305 N/A US$ 8,305

Macquarie Bank Limited
- US$ 8,240 N/A US$ 8,240

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
- US$ 8,040 N/A US$ 8,040

Rabobank Nederland - New York Branch
- US$ 7,962 N/A US$ 7,962

AstraZeneca Finance LLC
- US$ 7,812 N/A US$ 7,812

Daimler Trucks Finance North America LLC
- US$ 7,793 N/A US$ 7,793

Lowe's Companies, Inc.
- US$ 7,768 N/A US$ 7,768

- US$ 7,764 N/A US$ 7,764

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- US$ 7,704 N/A US$ 7,704

- US$ 7,640 N/A US$ 7,640

Constellation Energy Generation, LLC
- US$ 7,599 N/A US$ 7,599

Lockheed Martin Corporation
- US$ 7,549 N/A US$ 7,549

Intel Corporation
- US$ 7,482 N/A US$ 7,482

Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.
- US$ 7,420 N/A US$ 7,420

Great-West Lifeco U.S. Finance 2020, Lp
- US$ 7,406 N/A US$ 7,406

Inter-American Development Bank
- US$ 7,375 N/A US$ 7,375

Suncorp-Metway Limited
- US$ 7,368 N/A US$ 7,368

Cox Communications, Inc.
- US$ 7,315 N/A US$ 7,315

Chevron Corporation
- US$ 6,892 N/A US$ 6,892

The East Ohio Gas Company
- US$ 6,821 N/A US$ 6,821

Fiserv, Inc.
- US$ 6,733 N/A US$ 6,733

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc.
- US$ 6,664 N/A US$ 6,664

Philip Morris International Inc.
- US$ 6,592 N/A US$ 6,592

AstraZeneca PLC
- US$ 6,574 N/A US$ 6,574

Pacific Life Global Funding II
- US$ 6,538 N/A US$ 6,538

UBS AG, London Branch
- US$ 6,430 N/A US$ 6,430

Met Tower Global Funding
- US$ 6,383 N/A US$ 6,383


- 59 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 6,319 N/A US$ 6,319

- US$ 6,306 N/A US$ 6,306

Roche Holdings, Inc.
- US$ 6,293 N/A US$ 6,293

Georgia Power Company
- US$ 6,251 N/A US$ 6,251

NatWest Group plc
- US$ 6,141 N/A US$ 6,141

The Charles Schwab Corporation
- US$ 6,106 N/A US$ 6,106

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
- US$ 6,008 N/A US$ 6,008

Ameren Corporation
- US$ 5,973 N/A US$ 5,973

Eaton Corporation
- US$ 5,952 N/A US$ 5,952

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
- US$ 5,889 N/A US$ 5,889

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.
- US$ 5,794 N/A US$ 5,794

Exxon Mobil Corporation
- US$ 5,769 N/A US$ 5,769

Elevance Health, Inc.
- US$ 5,737 N/A US$ 5,737

- US$ 5,575 N/A US$ 5,575

Scentre Group Trust 1
- US$ 5,559 N/A US$ 5,559

Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC
- US$ 5,540 N/A US$ 5,540

WPP Finance 2010
- US$ 5,490 N/A US$ 5,490

NBN Co Limited
- US$ 5,356 N/A US$ 5,356

Medtronic Global Holdings S.C.A.
- US$ 5,342 N/A US$ 5,342

Discover Bank (New Castle, Delaware)
- US$ 5,294 N/A US$ 5,294

Fox Corporation
- US$ 5,274 N/A US$ 5,274

Alabama Power Company
- US$ 5,246 N/A US$ 5,246

Comcast Corporation
- US$ 5,182 N/A US$ 5,182

NiSource Inc.
- US$ 5,144 N/A US$ 5,144

CNH Industrial Capital LLC
- US$ 5,115 N/A US$ 5,115

McKesson Corporation
- US$ 5,090 N/A US$ 5,090

Sydney Airport Finance Company Pty Ltd
- US$ 5,056 N/A US$ 5,056

Lincoln National Corporation
- US$ 4,931 N/A US$ 4,931

Ventas Realty, Limited Partnership
- US$ 4,925 N/A US$ 4,925

Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij N.V.
- US$ 4,904 N/A US$ 4,904

Virginia Electric and Power Company
- US$ 4,896 N/A US$ 4,896

Southwest Airlines Co.
- US$ 4,856 N/A US$ 4,856

CGI Inc.
- US$ 4,695 N/A US$ 4,695

Huntington National Bank
- US$ 4,666 N/A US$ 4,666

Brookfield Finance Inc.
- US$ 4,591 N/A US$ 4,591

HEICO Corporation
- US$ 4,559 N/A US$ 4,559

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
- US$ 4,550 N/A US$ 4,550

ANZ New Zealand (Int'l) Limited
- US$ 4,536 N/A US$ 4,536

HP Inc.
- US$ 4,469 N/A US$ 4,469

Pioneer Natural Resources Company
- US$ 4,456 N/A US$ 4,456

Nutrien Ltd.
- US$ 4,394 N/A US$ 4,394

W. P. Carey Inc.
- US$ 4,371 N/A US$ 4,371

CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
- US$ 4,367 N/A US$ 4,367

Otis Worldwide Corporation
- US$ 4,305 N/A US$ 4,305

ITC Holdings Corp.
- US$ 4,264 N/A US$ 4,264

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ)
- US$ 4,216 N/A US$ 4,216

Citizens Bank, National Association
- US$ 4,192 N/A US$ 4,192

Brighthouse Financial Global Funding
- US$ 4,172 N/A US$ 4,172

Toyota Motor Credit Corporation
- US$ 4,167 N/A US$ 4,167


- 60 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Dollar General Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 4,039 N/A US$ 4,039

F&G Global Funding
- US$ 4,036 N/A US$ 4,036

Korea Electric Power Corporation
- US$ 3,968 N/A US$ 3,968

Element Fleet Management Corp.
- US$ 3,941 N/A US$ 3,941

Monongahela Power Company
- US$ 3,918 N/A US$ 3,918

CNO Global Funding
- US$ 3,852 N/A US$ 3,852

Schlumberger Investment SA
- US$ 3,846 N/A US$ 3,846

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.
- US$ 3,829 N/A US$ 3,829

Stryker Corporation
- US$ 3,768 N/A US$ 3,768

Public Storage
- US$ 3,735 N/A US$ 3,735

Walmart Inc.
- US$ 3,708 N/A US$ 3,708

B.A.T. International Finance p.l.c.
- US$ 3,672 N/A US$ 3,672

Appalachian Power Company
- US$ 3,590 N/A US$ 3,590

Norsk Hydro ASA
- US$ 3,582 N/A US$ 3,582

Fortinet, Inc.
- US$ 3,563 N/A US$ 3,563

AutoZone, Inc.
- US$ 3,560 N/A US$ 3,560

The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd
- US$ 3,548 N/A US$ 3,548

V.F. Corporation
- US$ 3,505 N/A US$ 3,505

Jackson National Life Global Funding
- US$ 3,486 N/A US$ 3,486

GA Global Funding Trust
- US$ 3,470 N/A US$ 3,470

- US$ 3,453 N/A US$ 3,453

Eversource Energy
- US$ 3,450 N/A US$ 3,450

Parker-Hannifin Corporation
- US$ 3,434 N/A US$ 3,434

CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp.
- US$ 3,399 N/A US$ 3,399

BorgWarner Inc.
- US$ 3,368 N/A US$ 3,368

Baxter International Inc.
- US$ 3,365 N/A US$ 3,365

- US$ 3,342 N/A US$ 3,342

Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A.
- US$ 3,334 N/A US$ 3,334

Kimco Realty Corporation
- US$ 3,319 N/A US$ 3,319

Meta Platforms, Inc.
- US$ 3,301 N/A US$ 3,301

B.A.T Capital Corporation
- US$ 3,246 N/A US$ 3,246

Ross Stores, Inc.
- US$ 3,225 N/A US$ 3,225

Advocate Health & Hospitals Corporation
- US$ 3,216 N/A US$ 3,216

Pfizer Inc.
- US$ 3,209 N/A US$ 3,209

Highmark Inc.
- US$ 3,192 N/A US$ 3,192

Verisk Analytics, Inc.
- US$ 3,150 N/A US$ 3,150

Realty Income Corporation
- US$ 3,126 N/A US$ 3,126

Truist Bank
- US$ 3,101 N/A US$ 3,101

ONE Gas, Inc.
- US$ 3,041 N/A US$ 3,041

Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
- US$ 3,026 N/A US$ 3,026

Corebridge Financial, Inc.
- US$ 3,003 N/A US$ 3,003

Lundin Energy Finance BV
- US$ 2,994 N/A US$ 2,994

EIDP, Inc.
- US$ 2,988 N/A US$ 2,988

Mutual Of Omaha Companies Global Funding
- US$ 2,965 N/A US$ 2,965

CNA Financial Corporation
- US$ 2,963 N/A US$ 2,963

CMS Energy Corporation
- US$ 2,947 N/A US$ 2,947

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners PLC
- US$ 2,944 N/A US$ 2,944

Atmos Energy Corporation
- US$ 2,902 N/A US$ 2,902

Nestlé Holdings, Inc.
- US$ 2,894 N/A US$ 2,894


- 61 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Johnson & Johnson
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 2,891 N/A US$ 2,891

Prologis, L.P.
- US$ 2,854 N/A US$ 2,854

Xcel Energy Inc.
- US$ 2,832 N/A US$ 2,832

Southern California Gas Company
- US$ 2,827 N/A US$ 2,827

Rio Tinto Finance (USA) Limited
- US$ 2,816 N/A US$ 2,816

7-Eleven, Inc.
- US$ 2,782 N/A US$ 2,782

Diageo Capital plc
- US$ 2,775 N/A US$ 2,775

BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Limited
- US$ 2,772 N/A US$ 2,772

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- US$ 2,763 N/A US$ 2,763

Baxalta Incorporated
- US$ 2,710 N/A US$ 2,710

Novartis Capital Corporation
- US$ 2,705 N/A US$ 2,705

Dominion Energy, Inc.
- US$ 2,688 N/A US$ 2,688

Weyerhaeuser Company
- US$ 2,631 N/A US$ 2,631

Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
- US$ 2,615 N/A US$ 2,615

Eastern Energy Gas Holdings, LLC
- US$ 2,601 N/A US$ 2,601

Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC
- US$ 2,571 N/A US$ 2,571

National Australia Bank Limited, New York Branch
- US$ 2,543 N/A US$ 2,543

Black Hills Corporation
- US$ 2,540 N/A US$ 2,540

Avangrid, Inc.
- US$ 2,536 N/A US$ 2,536

Simon Property Group, L.P.
- US$ 2,533 N/A US$ 2,533

The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
- US$ 2,509 N/A US$ 2,509

Bank of New Zealand
- US$ 2,506 N/A US$ 2,506

Masco Corporation
- US$ 2,489 N/A US$ 2,489

The Southern Company
- US$ 2,464 N/A US$ 2,464

Santander UK plc
- US$ 2,440 N/A US$ 2,440

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
- US$ 2,433 N/A US$ 2,433

Nuveen Finance, LLC
- US$ 2,426 N/A US$ 2,426

American Electric Power Company, Inc.
- US$ 2,369 N/A US$ 2,369

CRH America, Inc.
- US$ 2,368 N/A US$ 2,368

Bayer US Finance II LLC
- US$ 2,357 N/A US$ 2,357

Swedbank AB (publ)
- US$ 2,321 N/A US$ 2,321

Workday, Inc.
- US$ 2,317 N/A US$ 2,317

USAA Capital Corp.
- US$ 2,303 N/A US$ 2,303

Texas Instruments Incorporated
- US$ 2,299 N/A US$ 2,299

Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
- US$ 2,290 N/A US$ 2,290

Air Lease Corporation
- US$ 2,282 N/A US$ 2,282

Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P.
- US$ 2,273 N/A US$ 2,273

Yara International ASA
- US$ 2,262 N/A US$ 2,262

Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.
- US$ 2,212 N/A US$ 2,212

RGA Global Funding
- US$ 2,196 N/A US$ 2,196

Cardinal Health, Inc.
- US$ 2,194 N/A US$ 2,194

GE HealthCare Technologies Inc.
- US$ 2,193 N/A US$ 2,193

Empower Finance 2020, LP
- US$ 2,177 N/A US$ 2,177

Sprint Spectrum Co Llc
- US$ 2,169 N/A US$ 2,169

The Western Union Company
- US$ 2,130 N/A US$ 2,130

Georgia-Pacific LLC
- US$ 2,107 N/A US$ 2,107

Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company
- US$ 2,073 N/A US$ 2,073

American Honda Finance Corporation
- US$ 2,030 N/A US$ 2,030


- 62 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Phillips 66
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 2,004 N/A US$ 2,004

Bank of America, National Association
- US$ 1,984 N/A US$ 1,984

Pricoa Global Funding I
- US$ 1,967 N/A US$ 1,967

KODIT Global 2023-1 Co., Ltd.
- US$ 1,961 N/A US$ 1,961

Magna International Inc.
- US$ 1,935 N/A US$ 1,935

Mead Johnson Nutrition Company
- US$ 1,934 N/A US$ 1,934

Public Service Electric and Gas Company
- US$ 1,930 N/A US$ 1,930

Tucson Electric Power Company
- US$ 1,920 N/A US$ 1,920

UBS Group Funding (Jersey) Ltd.
- US$ 1,898 N/A US$ 1,898

Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated
- US$ 1,890 N/A US$ 1,890

Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
- US$ 1,887 N/A US$ 1,887

National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation
- US$ 1,885 N/A US$ 1,885

Welltower Inc.
- US$ 1,877 N/A US$ 1,877

Marriott International, Inc.
- US$ 1,868 N/A US$ 1,868

Olympus Corporation
- US$ 1,863 N/A US$ 1,863

Gulf Power Company
- US$ 1,848 N/A US$ 1,848

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
- US$ 1,843 N/A US$ 1,843

CSX Corporation
- US$ 1,839 N/A US$ 1,839

Shinhan Financial Group Co., Ltd.
- US$ 1,810 N/A US$ 1,810

NBK SPC Limited
- US$ 1,773 N/A US$ 1,773

Mitsubishi Corporation
- US$ 1,768 N/A US$ 1,768

Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
- US$ 1,764 N/A US$ 1,764

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company
- US$ 1,744 N/A US$ 1,744

Citibank, N.A.
- US$ 1,743 N/A US$ 1,743

Kentucky Utilities Company
- US$ 1,718 N/A US$ 1,718

CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
- US$ 1,712 N/A US$ 1,712

Mondelez International, Inc.
- US$ 1,692 N/A US$ 1,692

SMBC Aviation Capital Finance DAC
- US$ 1,691 N/A US$ 1,691

Enbridge Inc.
- US$ 1,687 N/A US$ 1,687

DTE Energy Company
- US$ 1,660 N/A US$ 1,660

Evergy Kansas Central, Inc.
- US$ 1,657 N/A US$ 1,657

University of California
- US$ 1,600 N/A US$ 1,600

Gulfstream Natural Gas System, L.L.C.
- US$ 1,572 N/A US$ 1,572

CSL Finance plc
- US$ 1,552 N/A US$ 1,552

Burlington Northern Santa Fe, LLC
- US$ 1,547 N/A US$ 1,547

eBay Inc.
- US$ 1,544 N/A US$ 1,544

Emerson Electric Co.
- US$ 1,525 N/A US$ 1,525

Glencore Funding LLC
- US$ 1,519 N/A US$ 1,519

Westpac Banking Corporation
- US$ 1,516 N/A US$ 1,516

International Business Machines Corporation
- US$ 1,508 N/A US$ 1,508

APA Infrastructure Limited
- US$ 1,490 N/A US$ 1,490

Duke Energy Corporation
- US$ 1,482 N/A US$ 1,482

Jefferies Financial Group Inc.
- US$ 1,476 N/A US$ 1,476

Zoetis Inc.
- US$ 1,464 N/A US$ 1,464

Kinder Morgan, Inc.
- US$ 1,452 N/A US$ 1,452

Microchip Technology Incorporated
- US$ 1,450 N/A US$ 1,450

Amcor Flexibles North America Inc.
- US$ 1,448 N/A US$ 1,448

Phillips 66 Company
- US$ 1,445 N/A US$ 1,445

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- US$ 1,432 N/A US$ 1,432


- 63 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Wipro IT Services LLC
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 1,429 N/A US$ 1,429

NSTAR Electric Company
- US$ 1,425 N/A US$ 1,425

Essex Portfolio, L.P.
- US$ 1,407 N/A US$ 1,407

Duke Energy Florida, LLC
- US$ 1,402 N/A US$ 1,402

Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc.
- US$ 1,383 N/A US$ 1,383

Alliant Energy Finance, LLC
- US$ 1,345 N/A US$ 1,345

The Cigna Group
- US$ 1,311 N/A US$ 1,311

Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc.
- US$ 1,300 N/A US$ 1,300

BOC Aviation Limited
- US$ 1,264 N/A US$ 1,264

American International Group, Inc.
- US$ 1,239 N/A US$ 1,239

The Williams Companies, Inc.
- US$ 1,220 N/A US$ 1,220

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The
- US$ 1,207 N/A US$ 1,207

Union Pacific Corporation
- US$ 1,186 N/A US$ 1,186

Ecolab Inc.
- US$ 1,162 N/A US$ 1,162

Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II
- US$ 1,082 N/A US$ 1,082

Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands B.V.
- US$ 1,075 N/A US$ 1,075

Ferguson Finance PLC
- US$ 1,073 N/A US$ 1,073

Nucor Corporation
- US$ 1,055 N/A US$ 1,055

State Street Corporation
- US$ 1,036 N/A US$ 1,036

Enterprise Products Operating LLC
- US$ 1,008 N/A US$ 1,008

AIB Group plc
- US$ 1,003 N/A US$ 1,003

Scottish Power Limited
- US$ 997 N/A US$ 997

Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC
- US$ 996 N/A US$ 996

New York State Electric & Gas Corporation
- US$ 986 N/A US$ 986

Lennox International Inc.
- US$ 980 N/A US$ 980

Suntory Holdings Limited
- US$ 960 N/A US$ 960

AIA Group Limited
- US$ 936 N/A US$ 936

Canadian Pacific Railway Company
- US$ 936 N/A US$ 936

LYB Finance Company B.V.
- US$ 926 N/A US$ 926

Juniper Networks, Inc.
- US$ 901 N/A US$ 901

Amcor Finance (USA), Inc.
- US$ 894 N/A US$ 894

Lennar Corporation
- US$ 890 N/A US$ 890

The Sherwin-Williams Company
- US$ 890 N/A US$ 890

T-Mobile USA, Inc.
- US$ 886 N/A US$ 886

Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.
- US$ 884 N/A US$ 884

Unilever Capital Corporation
- US$ 884 N/A US$ 884

AEP Texas Inc.
- US$ 875 N/A US$ 875

Reynolds American Inc.
- US$ 874 N/A US$ 874

The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
- US$ 868 N/A US$ 868

Harcourt General, Inc.
- US$ 866 N/A US$ 866

Kenvue Inc.
- US$ 847 N/A US$ 847

Hormel Foods Corporation
- US$ 841 N/A US$ 841

County of Palm Beach, Florida
- US$ 810 N/A US$ 810

TransCanada PipeLines Limited
- US$ 806 N/A US$ 806

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
- US$ 754 N/A US$ 754

Veralto Corporation
- US$ 746 N/A US$ 746

CubeSmart, L.P.
- US$ 742 N/A US$ 742

Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company
- US$ 735 N/A US$ 735

BP Capital Markets America, Inc.
- US$ 733 N/A US$ 733


- 64 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Sysco Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 733 N/A US$ 733

The Brooklyn Union Gas Company
- US$ 731 N/A US$ 731

Southern Power Company
- US$ 730 N/A US$ 730

Voya Financial, Inc.
- US$ 727 N/A US$ 727

Mars, Incorporated
- US$ 724 N/A US$ 724

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
- US$ 721 N/A US$ 721

TELUS Corporation
- US$ 720 N/A US$ 720

PACCAR Financial Corp.
- US$ 718 N/A US$ 718

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company
- US$ 715 N/A US$ 715

Waste Management, Inc.
- US$ 713 N/A US$ 713

Visa Inc.
- US$ 711 N/A US$ 711

Sky Limited
- US$ 686 N/A US$ 686

Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.
- US$ 671 N/A US$ 671

QNB Finance Ltd.
- US$ 663 N/A US$ 663

The Allstate Corporation
- US$ 655 N/A US$ 655

Sodexo, Inc.
- US$ 651 N/A US$ 651

Bell Canada, Inc.
- US$ 634 N/A US$ 634

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
- US$ 619 N/A US$ 619

MetLife, Inc.
- US$ 593 N/A US$ 593

L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
- US$ 590 N/A US$ 590

Burlington Resources Inc.
- US$ 588 N/A US$ 588

Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corporation
- US$ 580 N/A US$ 580

Infor, Inc.
- US$ 573 N/A US$ 573

Starbucks Corporation
- US$ 572 N/A US$ 572

American Water Capital Corp.
- US$ 555 N/A US$ 555

Columbia Pipelines Holding Company, LLC
- US$ 547 N/A US$ 547

Shell International Finance B.V.
- US$ 529 N/A US$ 529

Columbia Pipelines Operating Co. LLC
- US$ 512 N/A US$ 512

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
- US$ 505 N/A US$ 505

ConocoPhillips Company
- US$ 502 N/A US$ 502

State of Hawaii
- US$ 502 N/A US$ 502

Arizona Public Service Company
- US$ 498 N/A US$ 498

Mississippi Power Company
- US$ 487 N/A US$ 487

MassMutual Global Funding II
- US$ 486 N/A US$ 486

Westpac New Zealand Limited
- US$ 481 N/A US$ 481

Haleon UK Capital plc
- US$ 479 N/A US$ 479

Trane Technologies Luxembourg Finance S.A.
- US$ 474 N/A US$ 474

Deutsche Telekom International Finance B.V.
- US$ 472 N/A US$ 472

Genuine Parts Company
- US$ 471 N/A US$ 471

Altria Group, Inc.
- US$ 467 N/A US$ 467

McCormick & Company, Incorporated
- US$ 461 N/A US$ 461

Tyson Foods, Inc.
- US$ 442 N/A US$ 442

DENSO Corporation
- US$ 440 N/A US$ 440

Gilead Sciences, Inc.
- US$ 438 N/A US$ 438

Brazos Higher Education Authority Inc
- US$ 434 N/A US$ 434

Pernod Ricard International Finance LLC
- US$ 415 N/A US$ 415

- US$ 414 N/A US$ 414

Target Corporation
- US$ 404 N/A US$ 404

National Australia Bank Limited
- US$ 403 N/A US$ 403


- 65 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
The Home Depot, Inc.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 402 N/A US$ 402

Entergy Corporation
- US$ 385 N/A US$ 385

University of Massachusetts Building Authority
- US$ 384 N/A US$ 384

Banco del Estado de Chile
- US$ 383 N/A US$ 383

Aflac Incorporated
- US$ 380 N/A US$ 380

GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc.
- US$ 378 N/A US$ 378

Oregon Health & Science University
- US$ 370 N/A US$ 370

Sierra Pacific Power Company
- US$ 370 N/A US$ 370

PepsiCo, Inc.
- US$ 358 N/A US$ 358

Cargill, Incorporated
- US$ 351 N/A US$ 351

The Norinchukin Bank
- US$ 350 N/A US$ 350

RTX Corporation
- US$ 320 N/A US$ 320

The Walt Disney Company
- US$ 308 N/A US$ 308

Mid-America Apartments, L.P.
- US$ 299 N/A US$ 299

Electricité de France S.A.
- US$ 293 N/A US$ 293

Consumers Energy Company
- US$ 292 N/A US$ 292

Salesforce, Inc.
- US$ 288 N/A US$ 288

Aptiv PLC
- US$ 285 N/A US$ 285

National Grid plc
- US$ 276 N/A US$ 276

Nordson Corporation
- US$ 272 N/A US$ 272

Barclays Bank PLC
- US$ 271 N/A US$ 271

- US$ 267 N/A US$ 267

NetApp, Inc.
- US$ 257 N/A US$ 257

Pennsylvania Electric Company
- US$ 230 N/A US$ 230

KBC Group NV
- US$ 229 N/A US$ 229

Children's Hospital Of Orange County
- US$ 221 N/A US$ 221

Riverside County Infrastructure Financing Authority
- US$ 204 N/A US$ 204

Marathon Petroleum Corporation
- US$ 196 N/A US$ 196

Hoover Alabama Board Of Education
- US$ 103 N/A US$ 103

Republic Services, Inc.
- US$ 99 N/A US$ 99

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Inc.
- US$ 84 N/A US$ 84

County of Pima, Arizona
- US$ 78 N/A US$ 78

Metropolitan Edison Company
- US$ 78 N/A US$ 78

State of Wisconsin
- US$ 63 N/A US$ 63

Aon Corporation
- US$ 50 N/A US$ 50

County of Nueces, Texas
- US$ 25 N/A US$ 25

Bank of America Corporation
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ 758,760 N/A US$ 746,945

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
- US$ 614,148 N/A US$ 594,996

Morgan Stanley
- US$ 458,073 N/A US$ 451,022

Wells Fargo & Company
- US$ 457,149 N/A US$ 448,959

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- US$ 374,897 N/A US$ 371,486

Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
- US$ 349,886 N/A US$ 348,143

Citigroup Inc.
- US$ 209,009 N/A US$ 208,348

Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.
- US$ 149,951 N/A US$ 148,254

Goldman Sachs Finance Corp International Ltd
- US$ 149,857 N/A US$ 148,409

Jpmorgan LLC
- US$ 49,984 N/A US$ 49,674

Nationwide Building Society
- US$ 10,266 N/A US$ 9,972

ING Groep N.V.
- US$ 9,730 N/A US$ 9,665

Daimler Trucks Finance North America LLC
- US$ 9,630 N/A US$ 9,479


- 66 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Great-West Lifeco U.S. Finance 2020, Lp
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ 9,469 N/A US$ 9,140

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 9,399 N/A US$ 9,320

BNP Paribas SA
- US$ 9,246 N/A US$ 9,131

Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec
- US$ 9,180 N/A US$ 8,904

GA Global Funding Trust
- US$ 9,174 N/A US$ 9,122

Nomura Holdings, Inc.
- US$ 9,166 N/A US$ 8,904

UBS Group AG
- US$ 9,155 N/A US$ 8,919

Deutsche Bank AG - New York Branch
- US$ 9,151 N/A US$ 9,042

Athene Global Funding
- US$ 9,087 N/A US$ 8,906

NongHyup Bank
- US$ 8,764 N/A US$ 8,595

Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ)
- US$ 8,707 N/A US$ 8,657

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- US$ 8,610 N/A US$ 8,394

Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel Société anonyme
- US$ 8,426 N/A US$ 8,256

Banco Santander, S.A.
- US$ 8,302 N/A US$ 8,113

Ventas Realty, Limited Partnership
- US$ 8,253 N/A US$ 8,075

Enel Finance International N.V.
- US$ 8,241 N/A US$ 8,058

Volkswagen Group of America Finance, LLC
- US$ 8,040 N/A US$ 7,929

Protective Life Global Funding
- US$ 7,960 N/A US$ 7,753

CRH America, Inc.
- US$ 7,942 N/A US$ 7,744

Mercedes-Benz Finance North America LLC
- US$ 7,872 N/A US$ 7,828

- US$ 7,832 N/A US$ 7,631

Sydney Airport Finance Company Pty Ltd
- US$ 7,702 N/A US$ 7,538

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 7,474 N/A US$ 7,338

AIG Global Funding
- US$ 7,407 N/A US$ 7,235

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
- US$ 6,976 N/A US$ 6,830

Southern California Edison Company
- US$ 5,899 N/A US$ 5,836

F&G Global Funding
- US$ 5,509 N/A US$ 5,358

NatWest Markets Plc
- US$ 5,498 N/A US$ 5,390

Bayer US Finance II LLC
- US$ 4,993 N/A US$ 4,978

Hyundai Capital Services, Inc.
- US$ 4,976 N/A US$ 4,863

Ecolab Inc.
- US$ 4,971 N/A US$ 4,949

Jackson Financial Inc.
- US$ 4,784 N/A US$ 4,772

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
- US$ 4,777 N/A US$ 4,766

Kinder Morgan, Inc.
- US$ 4,636 N/A US$ 4,637

Five Corners Funding Trust
- US$ 4,395 N/A US$ 4,381

QNB Finance Ltd.
- US$ 4,390 N/A US$ 4,357

Danone S.A.
- US$ 4,191 N/A US$ 4,186

Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
- US$ 4,158 N/A US$ 4,046

Lloyds Banking Group plc
- US$ 3,976 N/A US$ 3,883

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 3,721 N/A US$ 3,650

Enbridge Inc.
- US$ 3,495 N/A US$ 3,497

Jackson National Life Global Funding
- US$ 3,340 N/A US$ 3,212

ANZ New Zealand (Int'l) Limited
- US$ 3,236 N/A US$ 3,156

Scottish Power Limited
- US$ 3,189 N/A US$ 3,174

Spectra Energy Partners, LP
- US$ 2,846 N/A US$ 2,772

Ryder System, Inc.
- US$ 2,555 N/A US$ 2,549

National Bank of Canada
- US$ 2,069 N/A US$ 2,056

Georgia-Pacific LLC
- US$ 1,245 N/A US$ 1,222

Reliance Standard Life Global Funding II
- US$ 1,077 N/A US$ 1,055

Baxter International Inc.
- US$ 800 N/A US$ 798


- 67 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Barclays Bank PLC
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ 742 N/A US$ 739

AIA Group Limited
- US$ 581 N/A US$ 579

Abbott Laboratories
- US$ 362 N/A US$ 360

Agency mortgage-backed securities

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 583,615 N/A US$ 583,615

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ 334,400 N/A US$ 334,400

Government National Mortgage Association
- US$ 207,650 N/A US$ 207,650

Government bond/Agency bonds

United States Department of The Treasury
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 734,376 N/A US$ 734,376

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ 9,962 N/A US$ 9,962

- US$ 1,049 N/A US$ 1,049

Federal Home Loan Banks
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ 225,000 N/A US$ 222,749

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ 160,000 N/A US$ 159,118

United States Department of The Treasury
- US$ 88,885 N/A US$ 86,341

Asset-backed securities

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-C24
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 9,711 N/A US$ 9,711

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-Bnk1
- US$ 9,623 N/A US$ 9,623

Toyota Auto Receivables 2022-B Owner Trust
- US$ 9,592 N/A US$ 9,592

Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2021-C
- US$ 9,105 N/A US$ 9,105

Gm Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust 2023-3
- US$ 8,870 N/A US$ 8,870

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2021-Rev2
- US$ 7,402 N/A US$ 7,402

Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2023-1
- US$ 7,090 N/A US$ 7,090

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC33
- US$ 6,973 N/A US$ 6,973

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2020-REV2
- US$ 6,689 N/A US$ 6,689

Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2023-B
- US$ 6,179 N/A US$ 6,179

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2021-L6
- US$ 6,165 N/A US$ 6,165

Morgan Stanley Bank America Merrill Lynch Trust 2016-C30
- US$ 5,983 N/A US$ 5,983

Honda Auto Receivables 2023-2 Owner Trust
- US$ 5,919 N/A US$ 5,919

BBCMS Mortgage Trust 2020-C8
- US$ 5,859 N/A US$ 5,859

Hudson Yards 2016-10HY Mortgage Trust
- US$ 5,633 N/A US$ 5,633

Benchmark 2019-B11 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 5,559 N/A US$ 5,559

Bank 2020-BNK26
- US$ 5,508 N/A US$ 5,508

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-PRM2
- US$ 5,474 N/A US$ 5,474

Bank 2021-bnk33
- US$ 5,150 N/A US$ 5,150

Benchmark 2019-B12 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 5,115 N/A US$ 5,115

BBCMS 2018-Tall Mortgage Trust
- US$ 5,087 N/A US$ 5,087

Bank 2023-BNK46
- US$ 5,044 N/A US$ 5,044

Benchmark 2023-B39 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 5,025 N/A US$ 5,025

MSWF Commercial Mortgage Trust 2023-1
- US$ 4,966 N/A US$ 4,966

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C35
- US$ 4,890 N/A US$ 4,890

Bank 2017-Bnk6
- US$ 4,807 N/A US$ 4,807

CSAIL 2018-CX11
- US$ 4,642 N/A US$ 4,642

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-C59
- US$ 4,525 N/A US$ 4,525

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2016 - BNK2 Fund
- US$ 4,505 N/A US$ 4,505

GM Financial Revolving Receivables Trust 2021-1
- US$ 4,387 N/A US$ 4,387


- 68 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
MRCD 2019-Prkc Mortgage Trust
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 4,240 N/A US$ 4,240

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC21
- US$ 4,197 N/A US$ 4,197

Msbam 2016-C29
- US$ 4,020 N/A US$ 4,020

Bank 2017-BNK9
- US$ 4,007 N/A US$ 4,007

Benchmark 2023-V3 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 3,953 N/A US$ 3,953

Bank 2017 - BNK7
- US$ 3,911 N/A US$ 3,911

Five 2023-V1 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 3,855 N/A US$ 3,855

Honda Auto Receivables 2021 - 4 Owner Trust
- US$ 3,754 N/A US$ 3,754

JPMCC 2017-JP7
- US$ 3,744 N/A US$ 3,744

Bmw Vehicle Owner Trust 2023-A
- US$ 3,584 N/A US$ 3,584

BANK 2017-BNK5
- US$ 3,381 N/A US$ 3,381

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-Gc43
- US$ 3,046 N/A US$ 3,046

Bank 2019-Bnk22
- US$ 2,967 N/A US$ 2,967

Commerce 2015-CCRE24 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 2,941 N/A US$ 2,941

Msbam 2016-C31
- US$ 2,934 N/A US$ 2,934

WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C25
- US$ 2,896 N/A US$ 2,896

Sreit Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-Mfp
- US$ 2,845 N/A US$ 2,845

Bmo 2023-C5 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 2,695 N/A US$ 2,695

Benchmark 2019-B15 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 2,505 N/A US$ 2,505

JPMDB 2017-C7
- US$ 2,480 N/A US$ 2,480

Toyota Auto Receivables 2023-C Owner Trust
- US$ 2,474 N/A US$ 2,474

- US$ 2,463 N/A US$ 2,463

GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC32
- US$ 2,437 N/A US$ 2,437

Benchmark 2018-B3 Commercial Mortgage Trust
- US$ 2,375 N/A US$ 2,375

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2020-Rev1
- US$ 2,368 N/A US$ 2,368

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C1
- US$ 2,248 N/A US$ 2,248

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-P1
- US$ 2,142 N/A US$ 2,142

Mhc Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-Mhc
- US$ 2,083 N/A US$ 2,083

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC27
- US$ 2,077 N/A US$ 2,077

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2020-C55
- US$ 1,972 N/A US$ 1,972

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2023-A
- US$ 1,959 N/A US$ 1,959

Bank 2019-Bnk17
- US$ 1,928 N/A US$ 1,928

Benchmark 2018-B4 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 1,879 N/A US$ 1,879

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust
- US$ 1,809 N/A US$ 1,809

Dolp Trust 2021-NYC
- US$ 1,673 N/A US$ 1,673

UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C11
- US$ 1,605 N/A US$ 1,605

CGCMT 2017-P8 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 1,588 N/A US$ 1,588

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C30
- US$ 1,548 N/A US$ 1,548

Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A
- US$ 1,495 N/A US$ 1,495

Honda Auto Receivables 2023-1 Owner Trust
- US$ 1,491 N/A US$ 1,491

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-C27
- US$ 1,485 N/A US$ 1,485

COMM 2020-CBM Mortgage Trust
- US$ 1,452 N/A US$ 1,452

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C44
- US$ 1,338 N/A US$ 1,338

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2021-L5
- US$ 1,270 N/A US$ 1,270

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C29
- US$ 1,223 N/A US$ 1,223

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-C
- US$ 1,219 N/A US$ 1,219

GM Financial Consumer Automobile Receivables Trust 2023-1
- US$ 1,194 N/A US$ 1,194

- US$ 1,083 N/A US$ 1,083

Toyota Auto Receivables 2021-D Owner Trust
- US$ 997 N/A US$ 997


- 69 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
American Express Credit Account Master Trust
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 995 N/A US$ 995

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-B
- US$ 994 N/A US$ 994

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-C28
- US$ 988 N/A US$ 988

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2015 - UBS8
- US$ 939 N/A US$ 939

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-LC24
- US$ 911 N/A US$ 911

Commerce 2013-CCRE12 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 880 N/A US$ 880

Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-A
- US$ 870 N/A US$ 870

Bank 2023-Bnk45
- US$ 830 N/A US$ 830

Nissan Auto Receivables 2023-A Owner Trust
- US$ 818 N/A US$ 818

Benchmark 2021-B24 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 778 N/A US$ 778

COMM Mortgage Trust Series 2015-LC19
- US$ 767 N/A US$ 767

Honda Auto Receivables 2022-2 Owner Trust
- US$ 721 N/A US$ 721

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC35
- US$ 670 N/A US$ 670

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C40
- US$ 637 N/A US$ 637

Honda Auto Receivables 2021-2 Owner Trust
- US$ 592 N/A US$ 592

JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016 - JP3
- US$ 592 N/A US$ 592

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-C1
- US$ 563 N/A US$ 563

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C28
- US$ 521 N/A US$ 521

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C5
- US$ 436 N/A US$ 436

Toyota Auto Receivables 2021-C Owner Trust
- US$ 379 N/A US$ 379

Benchmark 2019-B14 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 325 N/A US$ 325

WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2013-UBS1
- US$ 315 N/A US$ 315

UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C10
- US$ 297 N/A US$ 297

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-NXS3
- US$ 282 N/A US$ 282

Bank 2019-BNK23
- US$ 250 N/A US$ 250

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2019-H6
- US$ 232 N/A US$ 232

GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC24
- US$ 227 N/A US$ 227

JPMCC 2015 - JP1
- US$ 197 N/A US$ 197

GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC22
- US$ 191 N/A US$ 191

COMM 2015-CCRE22 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 188 N/A US$ 188

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2019-H7
- US$ 179 N/A US$ 179

JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2019-COR6
- US$ 145 N/A US$ 145

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC23
- US$ 134 N/A US$ 134

Commerce 2014-Ccre17 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 129 N/A US$ 129

CF 2019-CF1 Mortgage Trust
- US$ 124 N/A US$ 124

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-LC20
- US$ 122 N/A US$ 122

Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2018-H3
- US$ 103 N/A US$ 103

GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC26
- US$ 88 N/A US$ 88

BBCMS Mortgage Trust 2020-C7
- US$ 47 N/A US$ 47

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC19
- US$ 13 N/A US$ 13

Non-publicly traded equity investments

Primavera Capital Fund II L.P.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 90,518 4 US$ 90,518

Non-publicly traded equity investments

Aether Systems, Inc.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,085 - 20 -

5V Technologies, Inc.
1 - - -

Publicly traded stocks

Sentelic Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
971 US$ 2,200 3 US$ 2,200


- 70 -

Held Company Name Marketable Securities Type and Name Relationship with the Company Financial Statement Account September 30, 2023 Note
(In Thousands)
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Percentage of Ownership (%)
Fair Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

Non-publicly traded equity investments

LiquidLeds Lighting Corp.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,952 US$ 800 14 US$ 800

Neoconix, Inc.
4,147 US$ 174 - US$ 174

Emerging Fund
Convertible bonds

Movandi Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through Profit or Loss
- US$ 4,118 N/A US$ 4,118

Encharge AI, Inc.
- US$ 3,039 N/A US$ 3,039

Non-publicly traded equity investments

Astera Labs, Inc.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,487 US$ 9,680 - US$ 9,680

Ayar Labs, Inc.
345 US$ 5,000 1 US$ 5,000

Empower Semiconductor, Inc.
868 US$ 5,000 3 US$ 5,000

Ethernovia Inc.
1,021 US$ 5,000 3 US$ 5,000

Lyte AI, Inc.
1,128 US$ 5,000 4 US$ 5,000

EdgeQ, Inc.
1,176 US$ 4,771 2 US$ 4,771

SiMa Technologies, Inc.
564 US$ 4,000 1 US$ 4,000

NeuReality Ltd.
122 US$ 3,194 2 US$ 3,194

Kinara, Inc.
2,015 US$ 3,000 2 US$ 3,000

xMEMS Labs, Inc.
3,000 US$ 3,000 3 US$ 3,000

RiVos, Inc.
1,430 US$ 2,833 1 US$ 2,833

Publicly traded stocks

Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
135 US$ 2,055 - US$ 2,055

Growth Fund
Non-publicly traded equity investments

Astera Labs, Inc.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
637 US$ 4,146 - US$ 4,146

CNEX Labs, Inc.
33 US$ 133 - US$ 133

Publicly traded stocks

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
30 US$ 1,603 - US$ 1,603


- 71 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Company Name Marketable Securities
Type and Name
Financial Statement Account Counterparty Nature of Relationship Beginning Balance Acquisition Disposal Ending Balance (Note 1)
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
Carrying Value
Currencies in
Gain/Loss on Disposal
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in

Non-publicly traded equity

TSMC Arizona
Investments accounted for using equity method
1,270 $ 25,639,079 3,130 $ 96,782,910 - $ - $ - $ - 4,400 $ 119,394,567

1,020 23,330,125 1,249 28,062,957 - - - - 2,269 47,543,240

Emerging Fund
- 1,760,885 - 641,536 - - 198,287 - - 2,130,468

Commercial paper

Nan Ya Plastics Corporation
Financial assets at amortized cost
450 4,476,301 1,250 12,444,432 850 8,500,000 8,500,000 - 850 8,479,423

Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
- - 990 9,855,438 370 3,700,000 3,700,000 - 620 6,184,269

Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation
250 2,485,666 500 4,975,243 250 2,500,000 2,500,000 - 500 4,987,514

Taiwan Power Company
2,950 29,335,729 550 5,473,392 3,300 33,000,000 33,000,000 - 200 1,996,620

CPC Corporation, Taiwan
750 7,458,936 50 497,451 750 7,500,000 7,500,000 - 50 499,647

Formosa Plastics Corporation
200 1,990,459 - - 200 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - -

Formosa Petrochemical Corporation
300 2,985,385 - - 300 3,000,000 3,000,000 - - -

TSMC Partners

Matter Venture Partners Fund I, L.P. (Note 2)
Financial assets at fair value through Profit or Loss
- US$ - - US$ 3,500 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 3,458

Publicly traded stocks

ARM Holdings plc
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ - 1,961 US$ 100,000 - US$ - US$ - US$ - 1,961 US$ 104,941

TSMC Global
Corporate bond

Bank of America Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 76,626 - US$ 32,499 - US$ 22,362 US$ 22,449 US$ (87 ) - US$ 87,259

Morgan Stanley
- US$ 83,242 - US$ 19,579 - US$ 23,350 US$ 23,429 US$ (79 ) - US$ 79,716

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
- US$ 51,439 - US$ 18,957 - US$ 13,225 US$ 13,300 US$ (75 ) - US$ 57,185

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- US$ 50,629 - US$ 19,051 - US$ 13,490 US$ 13,604 US$ (114 ) - US$ 56,152

Wells Fargo & Company
- US$ 59,735 - US$ 10,955 - US$ 14,783 US$ 14,824 US$ (41 ) - US$ 55,625

Citigroup Inc.
- US$ 61,493 - US$ 18,408 - US$ 31,203 US$ 31,317 US$ (114 ) - US$ 49,067

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 27,658 - US$ 22,091 - US$ 5,340 US$ 5,480 US$ (140 ) - US$ 44,494

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
- US$ 32,949 - US$ 14,983 - US$ 10,179 US$ 10,225 US$ (46 ) - US$ 38,159

Barclays PLC
- US$ 11,263 - US$ 26,220 - US$ 974 US$ 1,000 US$ (26 ) - US$ 36,403

HSBC Holdings plc
- US$ 32,402 - US$ 7,361 - US$ 10,424 US$ 10,271 US$ 153 - US$ 29,551

CVS Health Corporation
- US$ 4,750 - US$ 26,311 - US$ 6,822 US$ 6,886 US$ (64 ) - US$ 23,574

Lloyds Banking Group plc
- US$ 10,533 - US$ 12,835 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 23,376


- 72 -

Company Name Marketable Securities
Type and Name
Financial Statement Account Counterparty Nature of Relationship Beginning Balance Acquisition Disposal Ending Balance (Note 1)
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in
Carrying Value
Currencies in
Gain/Loss on Disposal
Currencies in
(In Thousands)
Currencies in

TSMC Global
Oracle Corporation
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 21,865 - US$ 15,752 - US$ 14,576 US$ 14,653 US$ (77 ) - US$ 22,718

- US$ 14,691 - US$ 11,433 - US$ 5,840 US$ 5,850 US$ (10 ) - US$ 20,201

Credit Agricole SA London Branch
- US$ 11,611 - US$ 10,744 - US$ 2,624 US$ 2,627 US$ (3 ) - US$ 19,755

Metropolitan Life Global Funding I
- US$ 24,408 - US$ 4,577 - US$ 9,953 US$ 9,974 US$ (21 ) - US$ 19,027

AIG Global Funding
- US$ 8,209 - US$ 12,370 - US$ 2,660 US$ 2,699 US$ (39 ) - US$ 17,928

Danske Bank A/S
- US$ 6,149 - US$ 17,235 - US$ 7,452 US$ 7,260 US$ 192 - US$ 16,412

Amgen Inc.
- US$ 310 - US$ 18,377 - US$ 5,611 US$ 5,568 US$ 43 - US$ 12,938

AerCap Ireland Capital Designated Activity Company
- US$ - - US$ 12,899 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 12,746

Pfizer Investment Enterprises Pte. Ltd.
- US$ - - US$ 12,584 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 12,147

- US$ - - US$ 9,900 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 9,858

- US$ - - US$ 9,843 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 9,720

Credit Suisse AG, New York Branch
- US$ 12,688 - US$ - - US$ 12,569 US$ 14,369 US$ (1,800 ) - US$ -

Bank of America Corporation
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ 324,757 - US$ 631,777 - US$ 202,000 US$ 201,456 US$ 544 - US$ 758,760

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
- US$ 440,655 - US$ 187,813 - US$ 15,000 US$ 15,000 US$ - - US$ 614,148

Morgan Stanley
- US$ 60,207 - US$ 396,008 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 458,073

Wells Fargo & Company
- US$ 274,713 - US$ 338,364 - US$ 159,000 US$ 158,626 US$ 374 - US$ 457,149

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- US$ 280,213 - US$ 367,749 - US$ 278,000 US$ 277,685 US$ 315 - US$ 374,897

Citigroup Inc.
- US$ 174,540 - US$ 191,148 - US$ 159,000 US$ 158,612 US$ 388 - US$ 209,009

Agency mortgage-backed

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 463,645 - US$ 201,475 - US$ 53,459 US$ 54,256 US$ (797 ) - US$ 583,615

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ 284,933 - US$ 116,248 - US$ 51,171 US$ 51,480 US$ (309 ) - US$ 334,400

Government National Mortgage Association
- US$ 175,067 - US$ 58,957 - US$ 17,529 US$ 18,077 US$ (548 ) - US$ 207,650

Government bond/Agency bonds

United States Department of The Treasury
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 613,603 - US$ 246,670 - US$ 121,969 US$ 125,781 US$ (3,812 ) - US$ 734,376

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ - - US$ 9,993 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 9,962

Federal Home Loan Banks
Financial assets at amortized cost
- US$ - - US$ 225,000 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 225,000

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- US$ - - US$ 160,000 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 160,000

United States Department of The Treasury
- US$ - - US$ 88,826 - US$ - US$ - US$ - - US$ 88,885

Asset-backed securities

BX Trust 2022-LBA6
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income
- US$ 9,655 - US$ - - US$ 9,794 US$ 10,000 US$ (206 ) - US$ -

Note 1:    The ending balance includes the realized gain/loss on equity investment, the amortization of premium/discount on bonds investments and other related adjustment.

Note 2:    TSMC Partners expects to invest US$ 20,000 thousand in Matter Venture Partners Fund I based on the resolution of the board of directors. As of the end of this quarter, US$ 3,500 thousand has been remitted.

- 73 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate
February 14, 2023
US$ 1,881,000
Based on the terms in the purchase order
65 counterparties (Note), including:
- N/A N/A N/A N/A
Price comparison and price negotiation
Manufacturing purpose

ABB Ltd.

Accudevice Co., Ltd.

Air Liquide Far Eastern Ltd.

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

Am-Power Machine International Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Atlas Copco Taiwan Ltd.

Atlas Technology Corp.

Capital Machinery Limited

Chen Yuan International Co., Ltd.

Chenfull International Co., Ltd.

Cheng Deh Fire Protection Industrial Corp.

Cica-Huntek Chemical Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Confederate Technology Co., Ltd.

Desiccant Technology Corporation

Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Fortune Electric Co., Ltd.

Hantech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hsieh Kun Co., Ltd.

Hueng Luei Process Industry Co., Ltd.


- 74 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate

Ingersoll-Rand Southeast Asia (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch (Singapore)

JG Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

JJmr-Clean-Air Solution Tech.Services Co., Ltd.

Jusun Instruments Co., Ltd.

Kinetics Technology Corporation

L&K Engineering Co., Ltd.

Marketech International Corp.

Mega Union Technology Incorporated

Organo Technology Co., Ltd.

Ovivo Taiwan Co., Ltd.

San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd.

Schneider Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corporation

Siemens Limited

Solomon Technology Corporation

Swift Engineering Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Gleno Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Puritic Corp.

Techgo Industrial Co., Ltd.

Trusval Technology Co., Ltd.

Uangyih-Tech Industrial Co., Ltd.

Unelectra International Corp.

United Integrated Services Co., Ltd.

Versum Materials Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Weltall Technology Corporation

Wholetech System Hitech Limited

Yangtech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ying Pao Technology Inc.


- 75 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate
May 9, 2023
US$ 366,000
Based on the terms in the purchase order
65 counterparties (Note), including:
- N/A N/A N/A N/A
Price comparison and price negotiation
Manufacturing purpose

ABB Ltd.

Accudevice Co., Ltd.

Air Liquide Far Eastern Ltd.

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

Am-Power Machine International Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Atlas Copco Taiwan Ltd.

Atlas Technology Corp.

Capital Machinery Limited

Chen Yuan International Co., Ltd.

Chenfull International Co., Ltd.

Cheng Deh Fire Protection Industrial Corp.

Cica-Huntek Chemical Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Confederate Technology Co., Ltd.

Desiccant Technology Corporation

Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Fortune Electric Co., Ltd.

Hantech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hsieh Kun Co., Ltd.

Hueng Luei Process Industry Co., Ltd.

Ingersoll-Rand Southeast Asia (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch (Singapore)

JG Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

JJmr-Clean-Air Solution Tech.Services Co., Ltd.

Jusun Instruments Co., Ltd.

Kinetics Technology Corporation

L&K Engineering Co., Ltd.

Marketech International Corp.


- 76 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate

Mega Union Technology Incorporated

Organo Technology Co., Ltd.

Ovivo Taiwan Co., Ltd.

San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd.

Schneider Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corporation

Siemens Limited

Solomon Technology Corporation

Swift Engineering Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Gleno Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Puritic Corp.

Techgo Industrial Co., Ltd.

Trusval Technology Co., Ltd.

Uangyih-Tech Industrial Co., Ltd.

Unelectra International Corp.

United Integrated Services Co., Ltd.

Versum Materials Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Weltall Technology Corporation

Wholetech System Hitech Limited

Yangtech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ying Pao Technology Inc.

Real estate
August 8, 2023
US$ 4,363,000
Based on the terms in the purchase order
90 counterparties (Note), including:
- N/A N/A N/A N/A
Price comparison and price negotiation
Manufacturing purpose

ABB Ltd.

Accudevice Co., Ltd.

Air Liquide Far Eastern Ltd.

All-Bau AG + Co. Gewerbepark KG

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

Am-Power Machine International Enterprise Co., Ltd.


- 77 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate

Areal Holding Gesellschaft mbH, Dresden

Atlas Copco Taiwan Ltd.

Atlas Technology Corp.

Capital Machinery Limited

Chang Chun Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

Chen Yuan International Co., Ltd.

Chenfull International Co., Ltd.

Cheng Deh Fire Protection Industrial Corp.

Chien Kuo Construction Co., Ltd.

China Steel Structure Co., Ltd.

Chun Yuan Steel Industry Co., Ltd.

Chung-Lin General Contractors, Ltd.

Cica-Huntek Chemical Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Confederate Technology Co., Ltd.

Da-Cin Construction Co., Ltd.

Desiccant Technology Corporation

Evergreen Steel Corporation

Exyte Taiwan Co., Ltd.

f6 Cigarettenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

Fortune Electric Co., Ltd.

Fu Tsu Construction Co., Ltd.

Hantech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Hsieh Kun Co., Ltd.

Hueng Luei Process Industry Co., Ltd.

Ingersoll-Rand Southeast Asia (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch (Singapore)

J.C. Yang Architect and Associates


- 78 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate

JG Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

JJmr-Clean-Air Solution Tech.Services Co., Ltd.

Jusun Instruments Co., Ltd.

Kedge Construction Co., Ltd.

Kinetics Technology Corporation

L&K Engineering Co., Ltd.

Lead-Fu Industrials Corporation

Lee Ming Construction Co., Ltd.

Li Jin Engineering Co., Ltd

Mandartech Interiors Inc.

Marketech International Corp.

Mega Union Technology Incorporated

Organo Technology Co., Ltd.

Ovivo Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Pan Asia (Engineers & Constructors) Corporation

Ruentex Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd.

Schneider Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Shihlin Electric & Engineering Corporation

Siemens Limited

Solomon Technology Corporation

Swift Engineering Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Gleno Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Taiwan Obayashi Corporation

Taiwan Puritic Corp.

TASA Construction Corporation

Techgo Industrial Co., Ltd.

Trusval Technology Co., Ltd.

Tung Kang Steel Structure Corp.

Uangyih-Tech Industrial Co., Ltd.


- 79 -

Company Name
Types of
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Payment Term Counterparty Nature of Relationships Prior Transaction of Related Counterparty Price Reference Purpose of Acquisition
Owner Relationships Transfer Date Amount

Real estate

Unelectra International Corp.

United Integrated Services Co., Ltd.

Versum Materials Taiwan Co., Ltd.

Wei Shung Technology Corporation

Weltall Technology Corporation

Wholetech System Hitech Limited

Yangtech Engineering Co., Ltd.

Yankey Engineering Co., Ltd.

Ying Pao Technology Inc.

Zhao-Cheng Corp.

Note:    The disclosures are expected information based on the capital appropriation approved by the Board of Directors (Right-of-use assets are included). The actual information shall be subject to the final purchase order of TSMC.

- 80 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationships Transaction Details Abnormal Transaction Notes/Accounts Payable or Receivable Note
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
% to Total Payment Terms Unit Price Payment Terms
Ending Balance
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
% to Total

TSMC North America
Sales $ 1,002,877,644


Net 30 days from invoice date (Note)
- - $ 176,130,842


Sales 6,110,300


Net 30 days from invoice date
- - 204,565


TSMC Nanjing
Purchases 46,857,435


Net 30 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - (3,881,452 )


TSMC China
Purchases 19,000,827


Net 30 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - (1,840,852 )


Indirect subsidiary
Purchases 6,868,902


Net 30 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - (503,258 )


Purchases 2,430,163


Net 30 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - (295,730 )


Purchases 873,783


Net 30 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - (47,914 )


TSMC North America
Associate of TSMC
Sales 3,365,729


Net 30 days from invoice date
- - -


(US$ 109,502 )

VisEra Tech
Associate of TSMC
Sales 452,948


Net 60 days from the end of the month of when invoice is issued
- - 157,189


Note:    The tenor is determined by the payment terms granted to its clients by TSMC North America.

- 81 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationships
Ending Balance
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Turnover Days (Note 1) Overdue Amounts Received in Subsequent Period
Allowance for
Bad Debts
Amount Action Taken

TSMC North America
$ 180,276,196 47 $ 5,725,886 - $ 103,020,387 $ -

204,565 34 - - - -

TSMC North America
Parent company


(Note 2) - - - -

TSMC China
Parent company
1,840,852 29 - - - -

(RMB 416,300 )

TSMC Nanjing
The same parent company
39,071,244 (Note 2) - - - -

(RMB 8,835,850 )

TSMC Nanjing
Parent company
3,881,452 23 - - - -

(RMB 877,772 )

VisEra Tech
Associate of TSMC
157,189 82 - - - -

TSMC Technology
The ultimate parent of the Company


(Note 2) - - - -

The ultimate parent of the Company


27 - - - -

TSMC Development
Parent company
266,477 (Note 2) - - - -


Note 1:    The calculation of turnover days excludes other receivables from related parties.

Note 2:    The ending balance is primarily consisted of other receivables, which is not applicable for the calculation of turnover days.

- 82 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

No. Company Name Counterparty
Nature of Relationship
(Note 1)
Intercompany Transactions
Financial Statements Item Amount
(Note 2)
Percentage of Consolidated Net Revenue or Total Assets
TSMC North America
Net revenue from sale of goods
$ 1,002,877,644 - 65%

Receivables from related parties
176,130,842 - 3%

Other receivables from related parties
4,145,354 - -

Accrued expenses and other current liabilities
136,026,838 - 2%

Other noncurrent liabilities
119,729,879 - 2%

Other noncurrent assets
11,373,403 - -

Research and development expenses
596,527 - -

Research and development expenses
568,186 - -

TSMC Europe
Marketing expenses-commission
475,738 - -

TSMC China
19,000,827 - 1%

Payables to related parties
1,840,852 - -

TSMC Nanjing
46,857,435 - 3%

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment
336,934 - -

Payables to related parties
3,881,452 - -

TSMC Technology
Research and development expenses
2,870,037 - -

6,868,902 - -

Payables to related parties
503,258 - -
TSMC China
TSMC Nanjing
Interest income
448,245 - -

Other receivables from related parties
39,071,244 - 1%

Note 1:    No. 1 represents the transactions from parent company to subsidiary.

No. 3 represents the transactions between subsidiaries.

Note 2:    The sales prices and payment terms of intercompany sales are not significantly different from those to third parties. For other intercompany transactions, prices and terms are determined in accordance with mutual agreements.

- 83 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Investor Company Investee Company Location Main Businesses and Products Original Investment Amount
Balance as of September 30, 2023
Net Income (Losses) of the Investee
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Share of Profits/Losses
of Investee
(Note 1)
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
September 30,
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
December 31,
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Shares (In Thousands) Percentage of Ownership
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Global
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Investment activities
$ 355,162,309 $ 355,162,309 11 100 $ 450,233,116 $ 17,508,870 $ 17,508,870

TSMC Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
133,798,710 37,015,800 4,400 100 119,394,567 (8,203,552 ) (8,203,552 )

TSMC Partners
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Investing in companies involved in the semiconductor design and manufacturing, and other investment activities
31,456,130 31,456,130 988,268 100 70,167,087 2,517,922 2,517,922

Kumamoto, Japan
Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
52,630,042 24,567,085 2,269 71 47,543,240 (1,509,102 ) (1,080,189 )

Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Manufacturing, sales, packaging, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices and the manufacturing and design service of masks
10,180,677 10,180,677 464,223 28 13,103,470 4,982,328 1,407,612

VisEra Tech
Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Research, design, development, manufacturing, sales, packaging and test of color filter
4,224,082 4,224,082 213,619 68 11,241,528 323,809 218,974

Manufacturing and sales of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
5,120,028 5,120,028 314 39 9,985,558 1,488,865 577,531

TSMC North America
San Jose, California, U.S.A
Sales and marketing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
333,718 333,718 11,000 100 6,235,197 483,735 483,735

Taoyuan, Taiwan
Wafer level chip size packaging and wafer level post passivation interconnection service
1,988,317 1,988,317 111,282 41 3,580,425 940,912 385,854

Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
Researching, developing, manufacturing, testing and marketing of integrated circuits
386,568 386,568 46,688 35 2,238,136 2,795,883 974,059

Emerging Fund
Cayman Islands
Investing in technology start-up companies
1,712,674 1,269,425 - 99.9 2,130,468 19,602 19,582

Yokohama, Japan
Engineering support activities
1,144,356 1,144,356 49 100 1,174,258 91,131 91,131

TSMC Europe
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Customer service and supporting activities
15,749 15,749 - 100 569,867 23,295 23,295

Yokohama, Japan
Engineering support activities
410,680 410,680 15 100 371,800 24,384 24,384

Cayman Islands
Investing in technology start-up companies
1,242,679 1,239,621 - 98 267,497 (7,849 ) (7,692 )

TSMC Japan
Yokohama, Japan
Customer service and supporting activities
83,760 83,760 6 100 130,349 5,987 5,987

Cayman Islands
Investing in technology start-up companies
260,300 260,300 - 98 99,903 498 488

TSMC Korea
Seoul, Korea
Customer service and supporting activities
13,656 13,656 80 100 44,746 1,750 1,750

Dresden, Germany
Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
3,359 - - 100 2,331 (1,084 ) (1,084 )

TSMC Partners
TSMC Development
Delaware, U.S.A
Investing in companies involved in semiconductor manufacturing
- 100

TSMC Technology
Delaware, U.S.A
Engineering support activities
461,038 461,038 - 100 1,217,826 165,596 Note2

(US$ 14,282 ) (US$ 14,282 ) (US$ 37,726 ) (US$ 5,371 )

TSMC Canada
Ontario, Canada
Engineering support activities
74,246 74,246 2,300 100 375,241 35,357 Note2

(US$ 2,300 ) (US$ 2,300 ) (US$ 11,624 ) (US$ 1,142 )

Growth Fund
Cayman Islands
Investing in technology start-up companies
74,100 70,871 - 100 192,788 (723 ) Note2

(US$ 2,295 ) (US$ 2,195 ) (US$ 5,972 ) (US$ (23 ))

New Taipei, Taiwan
Manufacturing of electronic parts, wholesaling and retailing of electronic materials, and researching, developing and testing of RFID
4,693 28


- 84 -

Investor Company Investee Company Location Main Businesses and Products Original Investment Amount
Balance as of September 30, 2023
Net Income (Losses) of the Investee
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Share of Profits/Losses
of Investee
(Note 1)
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
September 30,
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
December 31,
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)
Shares (In Thousands) Percentage of Ownership
Carrying Value
(Foreign Currencies in Thousands)

TSMC Development
Washington, U.S.A
Manufacturing, sales and testing of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
$ - $ - 293,637 100
Note 2

Note 1:    The share of profits/losses of investee includes the effect of unrealized gross profit on intercompany transactions.

Note 2:    The share of profits/losses of the investee company is not reflected herein as such amount is already included in the share of profits/losses of the investor company.

- 85 -


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

(Amounts in Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Specified Otherwise)

Investee Company Main Businesses and Products
Total Amount of Paid-in Capital
(RMB in Thousands)
Method of Investment
Accumulated Outflow of Investment from Taiwan as of January 1, 2023
(US$ in Thousands)
Investment Flows
Accumulated Outflow of Investment from Taiwan as of
September 30, 2023 (US$ in Thousands)
Net Income (Losses) of the Investee Company Percentage of Ownership Share of Profits/Losses
Carrying Amount
as of
Balance as of September 30, 2023
Accumulated Inward Remittance of Earnings as of
September 30, 2023
(US$ in Thousands)

TSMC China
Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
(Note 1)
$ - $ -
$ 7,422,379 100% $
$ 94,591,954 $ -

TSMC Nanjing
Manufacturing, sales, testing and computer-aided design of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices
(Note 1)
- -
15,334,763 100%
82,952,291 -

Accumulated Investment in Mainland China as of September 30, 2023
(US$ in Thousands)
Investment Amounts Authorized by
Investment Commission, MOEA
(US$ in Thousands)
Upper Limit on Investment
  $    49,461,079
(US$    1,596,000)
  $    119,412,667
(US$    3,596,000)
$ 2,023,690,864
(Note 3)

Note 1:    TSMC directly invested US$596,000 thousand in TSMC China and US$1,000,000 thousands in TSMC Nanjing.

Note 2:    Amount was recognized based on the reviewed financial statements.

Note 3:    The upper limit on investment in mainland China is determined by sixty percent (60%) of the Company’s consolidated net worth.
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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited

SEPTEMBER 30, 2023

Shareholders (Note 1) Shares
Total Shares Owned Ownership Percentage (Note 2)
ADR-Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. 5,316,067,058 20.50%
National Development Fund, Executive Yuan 1,653,709,980 6.38%

Note 1:    Major shareholders shows the list of all shareholders with ownership of 5 percent or greater.

Note 2:    The calculation of ownership percentage is rounded to two decimal places.

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