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October 17, 2023

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Announcement of LM Ericsson Telephone Company, October 17, 2023 regarding “Third quarter report 2023”.




Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




  Stella Medlicott
  Senior Vice President,
  Chief Marketing and Communications Officer


  Carl Mellander
  Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Date: October 17, 2023

Table of Contents


Third quarter report 2023

Stockholm, October 17, 2023

Third quarter highlights – in line with guidance



Group organic sales1 declined by -10% YoY. Segment Networks organic sales1 declined by -16% while Enterprise and Cloud Software and Services sales grew organically. Reported sales decreased by -5% to SEK 64.5 (68.0) b.



Gross margin excluding restructuring charges was 39.2% (41.4%) primarily impacted by changed business mix in Networks. Reported gross margin was 38.4% (41.4%).



Reported EBIT was SEK -28.9 (7.1) b. impacted by a SEK -31.9 b. impairment of goodwill related to the acquisition of Vonage.



EBITA excluding restructuring charges amounted to SEK 4.7 (7.7) b. with an EBITA margin of 7.3% (11.3%). Reported EBITA was SEK 3.8 (7.6) b. with restructuring charges amounting to SEK -0.9 (-0.1) b. The goodwill impairment does not impact EBITA.



Cloud Software and Services achieved EBITA3 break-even on a rolling four quarter basis.



Net income (loss) was SEK -30.5 (5.4) b. EPS diluted was SEK -9.21 (1.56). Net income excluding impairment of goodwill was SEK 1.4 (5.4) b.



Free cash flow before M&A was SEK -0.5 (2.5) b. impacted by lower EBIT and higher working capital related to large deployment projects. Net cash on September 30, 2023, was SEK 1.6 b. compared with SEK 1.9 b. on June 30, 2023.



Long-term EBITA margin3 target of 15-18% remains, and Ericsson aims to reach it as soon as possible, subject to market mix recovery.


SEK b.


Net sales

     64.5       68.0       -5     64.4       0     191.5       185.6       3

Sales growth adj. for comparable units and currency ²

     —        —        -10     —        —        —        —        -7

Gross margin ²

     38.4     41.4     —        37.4     —        38.1     41.9     —   

EBIT (loss)

     -28.9       7.1       —        -0.3       —        -26.2       19.2       —   

EBIT margin ²

     -44.8     10.5     —        -0.5     —        -13.7     10.3     —   


     3.8       7.6       -50     0.5       —        8.2       20.0       -59

EBITA margin ²

     5.9     11.2     —        0.8     —        4.3     10.8     —   

Net income (loss)

     -30.5       5.4       —        -0.6       —        -29.5       12.9       —   

EPS diluted, SEK

     -9.21       1.56       —        -0.21       —        -8.96       3.80       —   

Measures excl. restructuring charges ²


Gross margin excluding restructuring charges

     39.2     41.4     —        38.3     —        39.1     41.9     —   

EBIT (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     -28.0       7.2       —        2.8       —        -21.2       19.3       —   

EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges

     -43.5     10.6     —        4.4     —        -11.1     10.4     —   

EBIT excluding restructuring and goodwill impairments

     3.9       7.2       -46     2.8       37     10.7       19.3       -45

EBIT margin excluding restructuring and goodwill impairments

     6.0     10.6     —        4.4     —        5.6     10.4     —   

EBITA excluding restructuring charges

     4.7       7.7       -39     3.7       28     13.2       20.2       -35

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges

     7.3     11.3     —        5.7     —        6.9     10.9     —   

Free cash flow before M & A

     -0.5       2.5       —        -5.0       —        -13.5       5.3       —   

Net cash, end of period

     1.6       13.4       -88     1.9       -15     1.6       13.4       -88


Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency

Non-IFRS financial measures are reconciled at the end of this report to the most directly reconcilable line items in the financial statements.


Excluding restructuring charges




1    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023   

Table of Contents

CEO comments



In a challenging operating environment, Ericsson delivered third quarter results in line with our guidance. Consistent with the rest of our industry, we expect the macroeconomic uncertainty to persist into 2024, which impacts our customers’ investment ability. We are addressing these challenges with a focus on elements within our control, namely cost management and operational efficiency. We are on a journey to fundamentally reposition our business and we continue to execute on our strategy to extend our leadership in mobile networks, grow our enterprise business, and drive lasting cultural transformation.

Q3 in line with guidance

Q3 performance was in line with guidance, with an EBITA2 margin of 7.3% and an EBITA2 of SEK 4.7 b. Group organic sales1 declined by -10%, with a -16% organic decline in Networks partly offset by 5% organic growth in Cloud Software and Services and 11% in Enterprise.

Networks organic sales1 in North America were down by -60% YoY from a record quarter in Q3 2022, due to customers‘ inventory adjustments and a slower deployment pace. Sequentially, Networks sales declined by -2% in line with previous trends. The decline in North America was partly offset by growth in India as well as some early 5G markets resuming investments.

Our efforts to increase resiliency and reduce sensitivity to mix and volume changes pays off. Despite large market mix shifts in Networks, where North America declined YoY from 48% to 23% of sales, our gross margin remained as high as 40%.

Future networks need to be increasingly resilient, open, sustainable, and intelligent. Open RAN plays an important role in achieving this vision, and we are leading the industrialization of cloudification, open fronthaul and open management for network programmability. More than one million Ericsson radios in the field are hardware prepared for open fronthaul which underpins our support for openness across our Cloud RAN and radio portfolios.

Cloud Software and Services continued executing on the turnaround. With an EBITA2 of SEK 0.4 b. in Q3, we have now achieved a positive EBITA on a rolling four quarter basis. While results fluctuate between quarters due to the nature of this business, we are well on track to deliver at least break-even for full-year 2023 and improving from there on.

In Enterprise we saw continued strong growth in Enterprise Wireless Solutions, and we had a second consecutive quarter of positive EBITA in Global Communications Platform.

Last week, we announced a SEK -32 b. impairment of goodwill attributed to our acquisition of Vonage. Since the announcement of our acquisition in

2021, macroeconomic headwinds, including rising interest rates and changing demand trends, have significantly impacted the market capitalization of Vonage’s publicly traded peers.

Vonage is key to our expansion in Enterprise where we are enabling the next wave of innovation in our industry. We recently announced a significant milestone, in partnership with Deutsche Telecom, to be the first in the industry to unlock a market opportunity estimated at USD 20 b. by 20283. By offering communication and network APIs to developers and enterprises, we are opening up new ways for operators to monetize their investments in mobile networks, and for developers to leverage network capabilities to create exciting new applications. We are seeing significant inbound interest from operators to further develop this market.

Free cash flow before M&A decreased to SEK -0.5 (2.5) b., mainly due to increased working capital for large deployment projects such as in India. Next year, with reduced build-out pace in these projects, we expect working capital to taper off and free cash flow before M&A to start gradually approaching our long-term target of 9-12% of net sales.

Looking ahead

For Q4 we expect similar market trends as in Q3, while the cost-out impact will increase. We expect a group Q4 EBITA margin2 at around 10%.

We expect the underlying uncertainty impacting our Mobile Networks business to persist into 2024. We are proactively addressing the challenges in the current environment and are focusing on what we can control, including reducing costs. Our cost-out actions are already impacting the P&L and we are now expecting to yield SEK 12 b. in run-rate savings by year end, which is an increase of SEK 1 b. compared with previous indication. We will continue to take decisive cost-out actions to ensure Ericsson is well positioned to deliver value for our shareholders. Key to our strategy execution is to keep investments in technology leadership and long-term transformation intact, while managing our balance sheet.

The mobile networks market has been flattish for two decades, but with cyclicality, and we expect that to continue. However, the high paced mobile data growth, further spurred by new use cases, is the underlying driver for the market to recover to a more normal level. We are also relatively early in the 5G cycle with 75% of all radio base station sites, outside China, not yet updated with 5G mid-band. Competitive dynamics in our customer markets tend to lead to relatively sharp increase in investments when the market turns, and we are seeing some positive signs in early 5G markets.

Our long-term EBITA margin2 target of 15-18% remains, and we aim to reach it as soon as possible, subject to market mix recovery. Given current uncertainty we will not give guidance beyond Q4, 2023. As timing for the market mix recovery is in our customers’ hands, we prudently plan for current market conditions to prevail into 2024. We are managing our business accordingly, with focus on cost management and operational efficiency. When the market recovers, we will have significant operating leverage following the actions we are taking.

While near-term dynamics are uncertain, we are convinced that the recovery will come. Our goal is to make Ericsson a more profitable company, returning to our cash flow target level and capturing the next major wave of networks innovation with a substantial platform business.

Börje Ekholm

President and CEO



Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency


Excluding restructuring charges

Network APIs Driving new revenue streams for telcos, STL Partners





2    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    CEO comments

Table of Contents

Financial highlights

Net sales Segments


SEK b.



     41.5        48.1        -14     -16     42.4        -2     126.4        134.8        -6     -11

Cloud Software and Services

     15.6        14.2        10     5     15.1        3     44.1        40.3        9     4


     6.7        5.0        34     11     6.4        5     19.0        8.3        130     14


     0.7        0.7        0     -8     0.5        35     1.9        2.1        -10     -8
































     64.5        68.0        -5     -10     64.4        0     191.5        185.6        3     -7
































Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency. Non-IFRS financial measures are reconciled at the end of this report to the most directly reconcilable line items in the financial statements.

Net sales Market Areas


SEK b.


South East Asia, Oceania and India

     13.8        7.9        74     74     13.8        -1     41.5        21.7        91     88

North East Asia

     5.4        5.6        -4     -2     5.1        6     14.8        18.3        -19     -19

North America

     13.5        26.5        -49     -51     14.4        -7     44.8        70.1        -36     -41

Europe and Latin America

     15.5        15.3        1     -6     16.0        -3     45.7        45.9        -1     -7

Middle East and Africa

     6.5        5.7        14     10     5.3        21     16.0        15.2        5     0


     9.9        7.0        41     21     9.8        2     28.7        14.3        100     27
































     64.5        68.0        -5     -10     64.4        0     191.5        185.6        3     -7
































Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency.

Market area “Other” includes primarily IPR licensing revenues and a major part of segment Enterprise.

Sales breakdown by market area by segment is available at the end of this report.



Group sales decreased by -5% to SEK 64.5 (68.0) b. Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency declined by -10%. 

Networks sales adjusted for comparable units and currency declined by -16% YoY. Networks sales almost doubled in market area South East Asia, Oceania and India. However, it declined in three market areas, especially in North America where customers have lowered roll-out pace and reduced inventory levels, following high investments in 2021 and 2022.

Reported Networks sales declined by -14% and accounted for 64% (71%) of total sales.

Cloud Software and Services sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 5% YoY. Sales grew in four of the five market areas.

Reported Cloud Software and Services sales increased by 10% and accounted for 24% (21%) of total sales.

Enterprise sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 11% YoY driven by Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Global Communications Platform (Vonage) sales were SEK 4.2 b. in the quarter.

Reported Enterprise sales increased by 34% and accounted for 10% (7%) of total sales.

IPR licensing revenues increased to SEK 2.8 (1.6) b. as a result of new contracts signed during the past 12 months.

Market Areas

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased in South East Asia, Oceania and India and in Middle East and Africa while sales declined in the other three market areas.

In market area South East Asia, Oceania and India, sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 74% YoY driven by 5G market share gains in India.

Reported sales increased by 74% YoY.

In market area North America, sales adjusted for comparable units and currency declined by -51% YoY. Networks sales adjusted for comparable units and currency declined by -60% as a result of customers’ reduced inventory levels and lower roll-out pace following high investment levels in both 2021 and 2022.

Reported sales decreased by -49% YoY.

In market area Europe and Latin America, sales adjusted for comparable units and currency decreased by -6% YoY. Sales in both Europe and Latin America declined following high investment levels in 2022. Sales in Europe were also impacted by a decline in managed services due to descoping of contracts.

Reported sales increased by 1% YoY.

In market area North East Asia, sales adjusted for comparable units and currency declined by -2% YoY as investments declined in several markets after elevated 5G investment levels in 2022. Reported sales decreased by -4% YoY.

In market area Middle East and Africa, sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 10% YoY primarily driven by the next wave of 5G investments in countries in the Middle East.

Reported sales increased by 14% YoY.

Market area Other primarily includes IPR licensing revenues and almost all sales from segment Enterprise. Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 21% driven mainly by IPR licensing revenues and Enterprise Wireless Solutions.

Reported sales increased by 41% YoY.





3    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial highlights

Table of Contents

Income and margin development


     Q3     Q3     YoY     Q2     QoQ     Jan-Sep     Jan-Sep     YoY  

SEK b.

   2023     2022     change     2023     change     2023     2022     change  

Net sales

     64.5       68.0       -5     64.4       0     191.5       185.6       3

Gross income

     24.7       28.1       -12     24.1       3     73.0       77.7       -6

Gross margin

     38.4     41.4     —        37.4     —        38.1     41.9     —   

Research and development (R&D) expenses

     -11.9       -11.9       —        -13.8       —        -37.6       -34.1       —   

Selling and administrative expenses

     -9.6       -9.4       —        -10.6       —        -29.4       -23.9       —   

Impairment losses on trade receivables

     -0.1       0.0       —        -0.3       —        -0.5       -0.1       —   

Other operating income and expenses

     -32.0       0.2       —        0.3       —        -31.7       -0.4       —   

Share in earnings of JV’s and associated companies

     0.0       0.0       —        0.1       -57     0.1       0.0       —   

EBIT (loss)

     -28.9       7.1       —        -0.3       —        -26.2       19.2       —   

EBIT margin ¹

     -44.8     10.5     —        -0.5     —        -13.7     10.3     —   


     3.8       7.6       -50     0.5       —        8.2       20.0       -59

EBITA margin ¹

     5.9     11.2     —        0.8     —        4.3     10.8     —   

Financial income and expenses, net

     -0.7       -0.5       —        -0.4       —        -2.1       -1.9       —   

Income tax

     -0.9       -1.2       —        0.1       —        -1.3       -4.3       —   

Net income (loss)

     -30.5       5.4       —        -0.6       —        -29.5       12.9       —   

Restructuring charges

     -0.9       -0.1       —        -3.1       —        -5.0       -0.2       —   

Measures excl. restr. charges and other items affecting comparability ¹


Gross margin excluding restructuring charges

     39.2     41.4     —        38.3     —        39.1     41.9     —   

EBIT (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     -28.0       7.2       —        2.8       —        -21.2       19.3       —   

EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges

     -43.5     10.6     —        4.4     —        -11.1     10.4     —   

EBIT excluding restructuring and goodwill impairments

     3.9       7.2       -46     2.8       37     10.7       19.3       -45

EBIT margin excluding restructuring and goodwill impairments

     6.0     10.6     —        4.4     —        5.6     10.4     —   

EBITA excluding restructuring charges

     4.7       7.7       -39     3.7       28     13.2       20.2       -35

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges

     7.3     11.3     —        5.7     —        6.9     10.9     —   


Non-IFRS financial measures are reconciled at the end of this report to the most directly reconcilable line items in the financial statements.


Gross income

Gross income decreased to SEK 24.7 (28.1) b. with a gross margin of 38.4% (41.4%). Gross income excluding restructuring charges decreased to SEK 25.3 (28.2) b. due to lower sales and lower gross margin in Networks. Gross margin excluding restructuring charges was 39.2% (41.4%).

Networks gross income and gross margin, excluding restructuring charges, decreased mainly due to changed business mix, partly mitigated by higher IPR licensing revenues and a lower cost base. Cloud Software and Services gross income and gross margin, excluding restructuring charges, increased supported by higher IPR licensing revenues and improved delivery performance. Enterprise gross income excluding restructuring charges increased while gross margin excluding restructuring charges remained stable.

Research and development (R&D) expenses

R&D expenses amounted to SEK -11.9 (-11.9) b. including restructuring charges of SEK -0.2 (0.0) b. R&D expenses increased in segment Enterprise through the acquisition of Vonage (which was consolidated from the date of the acquisition on July 21, 2022) as well as through increased investments to expand the Enterprise Wireless Solutions portfolio. R&D expenses declined in Networks and Cloud Software and Services.

Selling and administrative (SG&A) expenses

SG&A expenses were SEK -9.6 (-9.4) b. including restructuring charges of SEK -0.1 (0.0) b. SG&A expenses increased in Enterprise through the acquisition of Vonage (which was consolidated from the date of the acquisition on July 21, 2022). Furthermore, SG&A expenses increased due to continued investments in go-to-market activities in Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Following execution of cost-out activities, SG&A expenses declined in Networks and Cloud Software and Services.

Other operating income and expenses

As previously disclosed, in Q3 2023, the Company recognized a non-cash impairment charge of SEK -31.9 b. The impairment charge represented 50% of the total amount of goodwill and other intangible assets attributed to Vonage. The impairment did not impact EBITA. The impairment was reported in segment Enterprise as an item affecting comparability.

Other operating income and expenses was SEK -32.0 (0.2) b. negatively impacted by the impairment of goodwill.

Restructuring charges

Restructuring charges amounted to SEK -0.9 (-0.1) b. as a result of the ongoing cost-reduction activities, mainly redundancy costs. For full-year 2023, total restructuring charges are estimated to be SEK -7 b.


EBITA decreased to SEK 3.8 (7.6) b. corresponding to an EBITA margin of 5.9% (11.2%). EBITA excluding restructuring charges declined to SEK 4.7 (7.7) b. The decline was driven by lower sales and changed mix in Networks. EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges was 7.3% (11.3%).

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges rolling four quarters was 8.1%.


Reported EBIT decreased to SEK -28.9 (7.1) b. with an EBIT margin of -44.8% (10.5%) impacted by impairment of goodwill of SEK -31.9 b.

EBIT excluding impairment of goodwill and restructuring charges decreased by SEK -3.3 b. to SEK 3.9 b. The result included an increase in amortization of intangible assets of SEK -0.3 b. YoY, mainly related to the acquisition of Vonage in 2022. EBIT margin excluding impairment of goodwill and restructuring charges was 6.0% (10.6%).





4    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial highlights

Table of Contents

Financial income and expenses, net

Financial income and expenses declined to SEK -0.7 (-0.5) b. Interest expenses increased due to higher market interest rates and increased borrowings.

Income tax

Taxes were SEK -0.9 (-1.2) b. An effective tax rate of 35% is estimated for the full year, excluding the impact of the goodwill impairment in the current quarter.

Net income (loss)

Net income (loss) declined to SEK -30.5 (5.4) b. and EPS diluted decreased to SEK -9.21 (1.56) YoY, to a large extent due to the impairment of goodwill. Net income excluding impairment of goodwill was SEK 1.4 (5.4) b.


The number of employees on September 30, 2023, was 101,351 compared with 103,890 on June 30, 2023.

Financial highlights, year-to-date (Jan-Sep) development

Sales increased by SEK 5.9 b. or 3% to SEK 191.5 (185.6) b. Sales in Networks declined by -6% to SEK 126.4 b., sales in Cloud Software and Services grew by 9% to SEK 44.1 b., while sales in Enterprise grew by 130% to SEK 19.0 b. impacted by the acquisition of Vonage.

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency decreased by -7% but were supported by increased IPR licensing revenues. Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency in market area South East Asia, Oceania and India grew by 88%, and declined in three of the other market areas. Adjusted for comparable units and currency, Networks sales decreased by -11%, Cloud Software and Services sales grew by 4% and Enterprise sales grew by 14%.

Reported gross income decreased to SEK 73.0 (77.7) b. with a gross margin of 38.1% (41.9%). Gross income excluding restructuring charges declined to SEK 74.8 (77.8) b. resulting in a gross margin of 39.1% (41.9%). Gross income and gross margin were impacted by lower sales and gross margin in Networks as a result of reduction in capex spend by several operators and a business mix shift from front-runner markets to large deployments in other geographies. Gross income improved in Enterprise and Cloud Software and Services YoY.

Operating expenses, excluding amortization and restructuring charges increased by SEK -4.7 b. including a negative currency effect of SEK -1.6 b. The increase in operating expenses was driven by the Enterprise segment through the acquisition of Vonage as well as continued investments in R&D and the go-to-market activities in Enterprise Wireless Solutions.

As a result of lower gross income and higher operating expenses, reported EBITA decreased to SEK 8.2 (20.0) b. corresponding to an EBITA margin of 4.3% (10.8%). EBITA excluding restructuring charges decreased to SEK 13.2 (20.2) b. with an EBITA margin of 6.9% (10.9%).

Reported EBIT decreased to SEK -26.2 (19.2) b. YoY, corresponding to an EBIT margin of -13.7% (10.3%). EBIT excluding impairment of goodwill and restructuring charges decreased to SEK 10.7 (19.3) b. YoY with an EBIT margin of 5.6% (10.4%).

Net income year to date declined to SEK -29.5 (12.9) b. impacted by impairment of goodwill of SEK -31.9 b., restructuring charges of SEK -5.0 (-0.2) b. and by higher operating expenses excluding restructuring charges of SEK -6.3 b. YoY. The higher operating expenses were primarily related to segment Enterprise through the consolidation of Vonage with an impact from regular amortization of intangible assets of SEK -2.0 b. The negative impact was partly mitigated by lower tax of SEK 3.0 b. YoY. EPS diluted decreased to SEK -8.96 (3.80).





5    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial highlights

Table of Contents

Segment results


Mobile Networks – Segment Networks


     Q3     Q3     YoY     Q2  

SEK b.

   2023     2022     change     2023  

Net sales

     41.5       48.1       -14     42.4  

Of which IPR licensing revenues

     2.3       1.3       78     2.6  

Sales growth adj. for comparable units and FX

     —        —        -16     —   

Gross income

     16.1       21.4       -24     16.3  

Gross margin

     38.9     44.4     —        38.4


     4.6       9.6       -52     2.6  

EBIT margin

     11.1     19.9     —        6.2


     4.7       9.6       -52     2.7  

EBITA margin

     11.2     20.0     —        6.3

Restructuring charges

     -0.6       0.0       —        -2.2  

Measures excl. restructuring charges


Gross margin excl. restructuring charges

     39.9     44.4     —        39.3

EBIT excl. restructuring charges

     5.2       9.6       -46     4.8  

EBIT margin excl. restructuring charges

     12.5     20.0     —        11.3

EBITA excluding restructuring charges

     5.2       9.7       -46     4.9  

EBITA margin excl. restructuring charges

     12.6     20.0     —        11.4

Breakdown of sales into products, services and IPR licensing is available in note 3.


    Lower sales and changed mix impacted EBITA.


    Sequential margin improvements as a result of operational improvement.


    Leadership in new architecture with reaffirmed support for open fronthaul across Cloud RAN and radio portfolios.

Net sales

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency decreased by -16% YoY, primarily driven by a -60% sales drop in North America with operators reducing their roll-out pace and inventory levels. Sales in market area South East Asia, Oceania and India doubled, as a result of market share gains in India, with high deployment pace. IPR licensing revenues were SEK 2.3 (1.3) b. Networks reported sales decreased by -14% YoY.

It is expected that the seasonality between Q3 and Q4 will be somewhat less than normal, mainly due to sequentially flat sales in India.

Gross income

Gross income decreased by SEK -5.2 b. YoY to SEK 16.1 b., resulting in a gross margin of 38.9% (44.4%). Gross income excluding restructuring charges decreased to SEK 16.6 (21.4) b. with a gross margin of 39.9% (44.4%). The business mix shift, with a slowdown in investments in most 5G front-runner markets combined with large deployments with an initial dilutive effect on the margins in other geographies, continued to impact gross margin negatively. Increased IPR licensing revenues had a positive effect on gross income and margin YoY.

Gross margin excluding restructuring charges is expected to be within the range of 39-41% in Q4.


EBIT excluding restructuring charges decreased to SEK 5.2 (9.6) b. with an EBIT margin of 12.5% (20.0%). EBITA excluding restructuring charges declined to SEK 5.2 (9.7) b. as a result of lower sales and the business mix shift. The decline in gross income was partly offset by lower operating expenses. EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges was 12.6% (20.0%).

Reported EBIT declined to SEK 4.6 (9.6) b. while EBITA declined to SEK 4.7 (9.6) b. Reported EBIT and EBITA were impacted by the lower gross income and by restructuring charges of SEK -0.6 (0.0) b.

Net sales rolling four quarters were SEK 185.1 b. and the EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges rolling four quarters was 15.7%.

Mobile Networks – Segment Cloud Software and Services


     Q3     Q3     YoY     Q2  

SEK b.

   2023     2022     change     2023  

Net sales

     15.6       14.2       10     15.1  

Of which IPR licensing revenues

     0.5       0.3       78     0.6  

Sales growth adj. for comparable units and FX

     —        —        5     —   

Gross income

     5.5       4.5       22     4.9  

Gross margin

     35.3     31.8     —        32.7

EBIT (loss)

     0.1       -0.8       —        -1.2  

EBIT margin

     0.6     -5.6     —        -7.9

EBITA (loss)

     0.1       -0.8       —        -1.2  

EBITA margin

     0.6     -5.4     —        -7.9

Restructuring charges

     -0.3       -0.1       —        -0.9  

Measures excl. restructuring charges


Gross margin excl. restructuring charges

     36.2     32.1     —        33.9

EBIT (loss) excl. restructuring charges

     0.4       -0.7       —        -0.3  

EBIT margin excl. restructuring charges

     2.7     -5.2     —        -1.9

EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     0.4       -0.7       —        -0.3  

EBITA margin excl. restructuring charges

     2.8     -5.0     —        -1.9

Breakdown of sales into products, services and IPR licensing is available in note 3.


    Sales increased by 5% adjusted for comparable units and currency.


    On track to reach at least break-even for full-year 2023.

Net sales

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 5% YoY. Sales increased in four of the five market areas. Cloud Software and Services reported sales increased by 10% YoY.

It is expected that the seasonality between Q3 and Q4 will be lower than normal.

Gross income

Gross income increased by SEK 1.0 b. YoY to SEK 5.5 b. with a gross margin of 35.3% (31.8%). Gross income excluding restructuring charges was SEK 5.6 (4.6) b. while gross margin increased to 36.2% (32.1%). The gross income and margin increases were mainly driven by increased sales, as well as improved delivery performance.


EBIT excluding restructuring charges increased to SEK 0.4 (-0.7) b. with an EBIT margin of 2.7% (-5.2%). EBITA excluding restructuring charges increased to SEK 0.4 (-0.7) b. as a result of higher sales and improved business mix in the quarter as well as lower operating expenses. EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges was 2.8% (-5.0%).

Reported EBIT increased to SEK 0.1 (-0.8) b. while reported EBITA increased to SEK 0.1 (-0.8) b. EBIT and EBITA were impacted by restructuring charges of SEK -0.3 (-0.1) b.

EBITA excluding restructuring charges is expected to reach at least break-even for full-year 2023. Strategy execution continues, by limiting subscale software development, accelerating automation to reduce deployment and maintenance efforts, and changing focus from market share gains to profitable business. Results will vary between quarters.

Net sales rolling four quarters were SEK 64.3 b. and the EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges rolling four quarters was 0.7%.





6    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Segment results

Table of Contents

Enterprise – Segment Enterprise


     Q3     Q3     YoY     Q2  

SEK b.

   2023     2022¹     change     2023  

Net sales

     6.7       5.0       34     6.4  

Of which Global Comms Platform (Vonage)

     4.2       2.9       44     4.2  

Of which Enterprise Wireless Solutions

     1.2       0.8       54     1.0  

Sales growth adj. for comparable units and FX

     —        —        11     —   

Gross income

     3.3       2.4       34     3.0  

Gross margin

     48.7     48.8     —        46.3

EBIT (loss)

     -33.3       -1.5       —        -1.7  

EBIT margin

     -499.1     -29.2     —        -26.3

EBITA (loss)

     -0.6       -1.0       —        -0.9  

EBITA margin

     -9.0     -20.3     —        -14.0

Restructuring charges

     0.0       0.0       —        -0.1  

Measures excl. restructuring charges


Gross margin excl. restructuring charges

     48.8     48.8     —        46.3

Global Comms Platform (Vonage)

     41.7     42.4     —        40.7

Enterprise Wireless Solutions

     60.0     57.6     —        58.2

EBIT (loss) excl. restructuring charges ²

     -33.3       -1.5       —        -1.6  

EBIT margin excl. restructuring charges ²

     -499.0     -29.2     —        -25.5

EBIT (loss) excl. restructuring & goodwill impairments

     -1.4       -1.5       —        -1.6  

EBIT margin excl. restructuring & goodwill impairments

     -21.0     -29.2     —        -25.5

EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges ²

     -0.6       -1.0       —        -0.8  

Of which Global Comms Platform (Vonage)

     0.0       -0.5       —        0.0  

Of which Enterprise Wireless Solutions

     -0.7       -0.5       —        -0.9  

EBITA margin excl. restructuring charges²

     -8.9     -20.3     —        -13.2


Financial information by segment has been restated for all quarters in 2022, due to the divestment of IoT business moved from segment Enterprise to segment Other in Q1 2023.

Common costs are included at segment level only (not distributed within the segment).


    Organic sales growth driven by Enterprise Wireless Solutions.


    Increase in gross income excl. restructuring charges to SEK 3.3 (2.4) b.


    Impairment of goodwill in Vonage of SEK -31.9 b.

Net sales

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency increased by 11% YoY, driven by Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Reported sales increased by SEK 1.7 b. to SEK 6.7 (5.0) b. This increase was driven by Global Communications Platform (the consolidation of Vonage) reporting sales of SEK 4.2 (2.9) b. and Enterprise Wireless Solutions reporting SEK 1.2 (0.8) b., resulting in a reported sales growth of 34%.

Vonage was consolidated from the date of the acquisition on July 21, 2022, however when comparing the pre- and post-acquisition figures, the Vonage Communications Platform (VCP) sales grew by 7% in USD YoY, of which sales from the current communications API offerings grew by 11%.

Investments continue in line with the strategic imperative to build the Global Network Platform (network APIs).

Gross income

Gross income increased to SEK 3.3 (2.4) b. with a gross margin of 48.7% (48.8%). Gross income excluding restructuring charges increased to SEK 3.3 (2.4) b. driven mainly by Global Communications Platform (the consolidation of Vonage) and Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Gross margin excluding restructuring charges was 48.8% (48.8%).

EBITA (loss)

EBITA (loss) was SEK -0.6 (-1.0) b. EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges was SEK -0.6 (-1.0) b., where the increase was primarily a result of one-off acquisition costs of SEK -0.4 b. in Q3 2022. Enterprise Wireless Solutions continued the growth investments in R&D and go-to-market activities which resulted in an EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges of SEK -0.7 (-0.5) b. Global Communications Platform as well as Technologies and New Businesses reported a positive EBITA. EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges was -8.9% (-20.3%).

EBIT (loss)

EBIT (loss) was SEK -33.3 (-1.5) b. EBIT (loss) excluding impairment of goodwill and restructuring charges was SEK -1.4 (-1.5) b. impacted by amortization of intangible assets of SEK -0.8 b. from acquired businesses.

Segment Other


     Q3     Q3     YoY     Q2  

SEK b.

   2023     2022¹     change     2023  

Net sales

     0.7       0.7       0     0.5  

Sales growth adj. for comparable units and FX

     —        —        -8     —   

Gross income

     -0.2       -0.2       —        -0.1  

Gross margin

     -23.6     -25.2     —        -22.2

EBIT (loss)

     -0.3       -0.2       —        -0.1  

EBIT margin

     -45.6     -33.5     —        -10.8

EBITA (loss)

     -0.3       -0.2       —        -0.1  

EBITA margin

     -45.6     -33.3     —        -10.6

Restructuring charges

     0.0       0.0       —        0.0  

Measures excl. restructuring charges


Gross margin excl. restructuring charges

     -24.5     -25.2     —        -22.6

EBIT (loss) excl. restructuring charges

     -0.3       -0.2       —        -0.1  

EBIT margin excl. restructuring charges

     -47.9     -33.5     —        -11.2

EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     -0.3       -0.2       —        -0.1  

EBITA margin excl. restructuring charges

     -47.9     -33.3     —        -11.0


Financial information by segment has been restated for all quarters in 2022, due to the divestment of IoT business moved from segment Enterprise to segment Other in Q1 2023.

Net sales

Sales adjusted for comparable units and currency, decreased by -8% YoY. Reported sales were stable at SEK 0.7 (0.7) b. The expected sales decline related to the divestment of IoT was offset by one-off sales related to legacy contracts which amounted to SEK 0.1 b.

Gross income

Gross income and gross income excluding restructuring charges were both SEK -0.2 (-0.2) b. Gross income remained stable due to a one-off impairment of assets in the Media Businesses which was offset by a market-exit cost taken in Q2 2022.

Gross margin was -23.6% (-25.2%) while gross margin excluding restructuring charges was -24.5% (-25.2%).

EBITA (loss)

EBITA (loss) and EBITA (loss) excluding restructuring charges were both SEK -0.3 (-0.2) b. EBITA margin was -45.6% (-33.3%).

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges was -47.9% (-33.3%).

EBITA declined YoY mainly related to the impairment of assets in the Media Businesses and negative impact from revaluation of Ericsson Ventures in the quarter, partly offset by the divestment of the IoT business.

EBIT (loss)

EBIT (loss) and EBIT (loss) excluding restructuring charges were both SEK -0.3 (-0.2) b. EBIT margin was -45.6% (-33.5%).

EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges was -47.9% (-33.5%).





7    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Segment results

Table of Contents

Cash flow and financial position


     Q3      Q3      Q2      Jan-Sep      Jan-Sep  

Free cash flow bridge, SEK b.

   2023      2022      2023      2023      2022  

EBIT (loss) excl. restructuring charges

     -28.0        7.2        2.8        -21.2        19.3  

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses

     34.9        2.6        2.8        40.8        7.0  

Restructuring charges

     -0.9        -0.1        -3.1        -5.0        -0.2  

Changes in working capital 1)

     -3.1        -3.3        -3.7        -18.6        -10.1  

Interest paid/received, taxes paid, and other

     -1.5        -1.8        -1.7        -3.4        -5.1  

Cash flow from operating activities

     1.4        4.7        -2.9        -7.3        11.0  

Capex net and other investing activities

     -1.3        -1.4        -1.4        -4.2        -3.8  

Repayment of lease liabilities

     -0.7        -0.7        -0.7        -2.1        -1.8  

Free cash flow before M & A

     -0.5        2.5        -5.0        -13.5        5.3  


     -0.2        -51.4        -0.9        -1.9        -51.2  

Free cash flow after M & A

     -0.7        -48.9        -5.9        -15.5        -45.9  

Cash flow from operating activities

     1.4        4.7        -2.9        -7.3        11.0  

Cash flow from investing activities

     -1.9        -58.9        -2.4        -1.9        -22.5  

Cash flow from financing activities

     5.1        -5.3        -7.1        -2.7        -12.0  


     Sep 30     Sep 30     Jun 30  

SEK b.

   2023     2022     2023  

Gross cash

     40.5       45.8       35.7  

-Borrowings, current

     18.8       5.4       10.4  

-Borrowings, non-current

     20.1       27.0       23.5  

Net cash

     1.6       13.4       1.9  


     105.4       136.8       132.4  

Total assets

     306.3       361.2       343.4  

Capital turnover (times)

     1.4       1.3       1.3  

Return on capital employed (% )

     -18.7     13.2     2.7

Non-IFRS financial measures are reconciled at the end of this report to the most directly reconcilable line items in the financial statements. The impairment of Vonage does not impact cash.



Defined as Changes in operating net assets.


    Free cash flow before M&A was SEK -0.5 (2.5) b.


    Net cash decreased by SEK -0.3 b. QoQ to SEK 1.6 b.


    The newly established liquidity revolving credit facility was expanded by USD 0.5 b. to USD 1.0 b.

Cash flow from operating activities

Cash flow from operating activities decreased to SEK 1.4 (4.7) b. YoY due to lower EBIT, while cash flow from working capital was SEK -3.1 (-3.3) b. YoY. Cash flow in the quarter was impacted by cash outlays of SEK -1.0 b. related to restructuring. Sequentially working capital increased in Q3, following the business mix shift which includes large deployment projects with longer order-to-cash cycle. The increase in working capital was partly offset by lower trade receivables and contract assets due to lower sales. In addition, inventory of components decreased. As the large contracts are completed, working capital is projected to be reduced.

Free cash flow

Free cash flow before M&A was SEK -0.5 (2.5) b. due to lower cash flow from operating activities. Capex net and other investing activities decreased to SEK -1.3 (-1.4) b. Repayment of lease liabilities was flat at SEK -0.7 (-0.7) b. YoY. Free cash flow before M&A rolling four quarters was SEK 3.3 b., or 1.2% in relation to sales.

Cash flow from investing activities

Cash flow from investing activities was SEK -1.9 (-58.9) b., of which M&A activities were SEK -0.2 (-51.4) b. In Q3 2022 Ericsson acquired Vonage. Free cash flow after M&A was SEK -0.7 (-48.9) b.

Cash flow from financing activities

Cash flow from financing activities was SEK 5.1 (-5.3) b. Ericsson utilized USD 0.4 b. from the liquidity revolving credit facility in the quarter, and increased the borrowings under its commercial paper program by SEK 1.5 b.

Financial position

Sequentially, gross cash increased by SEK 4.8 b. to SEK 40.5 b. driven by increased borrowings. In the quarter Ericsson expanded the liquidity revolving credit facility by an additional USD 0.5 b. to USD 1.0 b., of which USD 0.4 b. was utilized. Total borrowings amounted to SEK 38.9 b., an increase of SEK 5.0 b. QoQ. Ericsson has an unutilized revolving credit facility of USD 2.0 b., linked to long-term sustainability goals. In the quarter, the facility was extended by one year to 2028.

The average maturity of long-term borrowings was 3.3 years as of Sep 30, 2023, a decrease from 4.1 years 12 months earlier. Net cash decreased sequentially by SEK -0.3 b. to SEK 1.6 b. due to negative free cash flow after M&A.

Liabilities for post-employment benefits decreased to SEK 18.4 b. from SEK 22.8 b. due to significantly higher discount rates. The Swedish defined benefit obligation (DBO) was calculated using a discount rate based on the yields of Swedish government bonds. If the discount rate had been based on Swedish covered mortgage bonds, the liability for post-employment benefits would have been approximately SEK 6.6 b. (SEK 11.8 b. lower than current DBO).





8    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Cash flow and financial position

Table of Contents

Key data points



The global RAN equipment market is estimated to decline by -3% (0%) in 2023. North America is expected to decline by -37% (-13%), Europe to remain flat at 0% (0%) and China to decline by -4% (-4%).

Source: Dell’Oro Mobile RAN Quarterly Report 2Q23, August 2023. Numbers in parenthesis are from the previous comparable report from July 2023 “2023 Dell’Oro Mobile RAN 5-year forecast”.


Net sales

Reported average seasonality last 3 years (2020–2022).


     Q4gQ1     Q1gQ2     Q2gQ3     Q3gQ4  


     -23     +12     +4     +22

Cloud Software and Services

     -35     +12     +2     +35

Net sales may show large variations between quarters, including currency changes. See below for specific Q4 guidance.

Operating expenses excluding Vonage and restructuring charges

Reported average seasonality last 3 years (2020–2022), SEK b.

Positive numbers = decrease in operating expenses.

Negative numbers = increase in operating expenses.


     Q4gQ1      Q1gQ2      Q2gQ3      Q3gQ4  

Ericsson Group

     +3.3        -1.5        +0.7        -2.4  

Operating expenses may show large variations between quarters, including currency changes.


For Q4, Group EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges is expected to be around 10%.

Currency exposure

Rule of thumb: A change by 10% of SEK to USD would have an impact of approximately +/-5% on net sales.

Amortization of intangible assets

Amortization of intangible assets is expected to continue to be around SEK -0.9 b. per quarter of which approximately SEK -0.8 b. related to segment Enterprise.

Restructuring charges

Restructuring charges are expected to amount to around SEK 7 b. for the full year. For 2024, restructuring charges are expected to normalize at about 0.5% of sales.



It is expected that the seasonality between Q3 and Q4 will be somewhat less than normal, mainly due to sequentially flat sales in India.

Gross margin excluding restructuring charges is expected to be within the range of 39-41% in Q4.

Cloud Software and Services

It is expected that the seasonality between Q3 and Q4 will be lower than normal.

EBITA excluding restructuring charges is expected to reach at least break-even for full-year 2023. Results will vary between quarters.


Amortization of intangible assets is expected to be approximately SEK -0.8 b. per quarter.





9    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Key data points

Table of Contents

Parent Company

Income after financial items January – September 2023, was SEK -14.7 (21.9) b. including impairment of investments in subsidiaries of SEK -31.9 b. in the third quarter.

At the end of the quarter, gross cash (cash, cash equivalents plus interest-bearing securities, current and non-current) amounted to SEK 25.6 (29.9) b.

There was a decrease in intercompany lending of SEK 8.6 b. and in intercompany borrowing of SEK 3.0 b. in the quarter.

The holding of treasury stock on September 30, 2023, was 14,009,306 Class B-shares.





10    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Parent Company

Table of Contents

Other information


Legal proceedings not involving governmental authorities

On March 3, 2022, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson and certain officers of Ericsson were named as defendants in a putative class action filed on behalf of purchasers of Ericsson ADS in the United States, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. An amended complaint was filed on September 9, 2022, which added a former Ericsson officer as a defendant. The amended complaint alleged violations of United States securities laws, in connection with allegedly false and misleading statements principally concerning the Company’s adherence with its compliance and anti-corruption policies and obligations and the conduct of its business in Iraq. On May 24, 2023, the court granted Ericsson’s motion to dismiss and dismissed the case with prejudice, concluding that Ericsson did not violate any disclosure obligation to investors. On June 23, 2023, plaintiff filed a notice of appeal. On October 6, 2023, plaintiff filed its opening brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Ericsson is due to file its opposition brief on December 1, 2023, and will continue to vigorously defend this matter.

In August 2022, a civil lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson and Ericsson Inc. (collectively, “Ericsson”). The lawsuit was brought by US military service members and employees of US government contractors who were killed or injured in terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria from 2005 to 2021, as well as by their family members. The lawsuit asserts claims against Ericsson under the US Anti-Terrorism Act alleging that Ericsson made payments that ultimately aided the terrorist organizations that committed, planned or authorized the attacks. In November 2022, Ericsson filed a motion to dismiss the complaint.

On December 20, 2022, plaintiffs filed an amended complaint, which added additional plaintiffs, including a plaintiff injured in Turkey, and also named Ericsson AB (collectively with Ericsson, the “Ericsson corporate defendants”), CEO Börje Ekholm and a former employee (who has not been served with process) as additional defendants and also asserted additional allegations and claims. In March 2023, the Ericsson corporate defendants and Mr. Ekholm filed motions to dismiss the amended complaint. Plaintiffs filed their oppositions to defendants’ motions to dismiss the amended complaint in June 2023, and defendants filed reply briefs in support of their motions to dismiss in July 2023. No date has been set for oral argument and all defendants continue to vigorously defend this matter.

Beginning on August 4, 2023, a number of civil lawsuits have been filed against Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson in Solna District Court, Sweden. As of October 17, 2023, 53 claimants have filed suit, which are coordinated and financed by a UK-based litigation funder. The claimants consist of a group of non-Swedish funds and financial institutions that allegedly are or have been shareholders of the Company. Their damages claims are primarily based on alleged inadequate disclosure of the contents of the Company’s 2019 Iraq internal investigation report. While the court has not yet issued any summons, the Company intends to vigorously defend itself against the claims.

In addition to the proceedings discussed above, the Company is, and in the future may be, involved in various other regulatory investigations, lawsuits, claims and proceedings incidental to the ordinary course of business.

Legal proceedings involving governmental authorities

In February 2022, the Company publicly disclosed that an internal investigation in 2019 included a review of the conduct of Ericsson employees, vendors and suppliers in Iraq during the period between 2011 to 2019. The investigation found serious breaches of compliance rules and the Company’s Code of Business Ethics and identified evidence of corruption-related misconduct and other serious violations, including payments to intermediaries and the potential use of alternate transport routes in connection with circumventing Iraqi Customs at a time when terrorist organizations, including ISIS, controlled some transport routes. The investigation also identified payment schemes and cash transactions that potentially created the risk of money laundering. The investigators could not determine the ultimate recipients of any payments, nor identify that any Ericsson employee was directly involved in financing terrorist organizations.

In March 2022, the DOJ informed Ericsson it had determined that, before entering into the DPA, the Company provided insufficient information to the DOJ about the Company’s 2019 internal investigation into conduct in Iraq. The DOJ also determined that the Company breached the DPA by failing to inform the DOJ about the investigation after entering into the DPA.

In June 2022, the SEC informed Ericsson that it opened an investigation concerning matters described in the Company’s 2019 Iraq investigation report. Under Ericsson’s consent judgment with the SEC, Ericsson is permanently enjoined from violating the antibribery, books and records and internal controls provisions in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Violations of the injunction, consent judgment or securities law could subject the Company to new civil and criminal penalties as well as new enforcement actions.

On March 2, 2023, the Company reached a resolution (Plea Agreement) with the DOJ regarding the non-criminal breaches of the DPA. Under the Plea Agreement, Ericsson pleaded guilty to previously deferred charges relating to conduct that occurred prior to 2017. In addition, Ericsson agreed to pay a fine of USD 206,728,848. The entry of the Plea Agreement brought the DPA to an end. The Company’s internal investigation and its cooperation with authorities in relation to the matters discussed in the 2019 internal Iraq investigation report remain open and ongoing and are not covered by the Plea Agreement.

On May 24, 2023, Nasdaq Stockholm concluded its review of Ericsson’s public disclosure obligations concerning its 2019 Iraq internal investigation report and dismissed the matter, stating that Nasdaq could not conclude that a reasonable investor would have used the content of the report as part of an investment decision. After having reviewed Nasdaq Stockholm’s investigation and conclusion, on June 8, 2023, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority also decided to formally close its review of Ericsson’s prior disclosures relating to the 2019 Iraq internal investigation report.

As previously disclosed, the Company’s 2019 internal Iraq investigation did not conclude that Ericsson made or was responsible for any payments to any terrorist organization. With respect to the matters discussed in the 2019 internal Iraq investigation report, the Company continues to investigate in full cooperation with the DOJ and the SEC. This includes a comprehensive review of the 2019 investigation and further investigation of matters relating to historical operations in Iraq. As additional information continues to be identified and evaluated during the ongoing investigation, we expect that we will continue our cooperation with the DOJ and the SEC and that we will be unable to make conclusive determinations on the outcome of any such investigation until all pertinent information has been identified. The scope and duration of the remaining process are currently uncertain.





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As part of its defense to a now settled patent infringement lawsuit filed by Ericsson in 2013 in the Delhi High Court against Indian handset company Micromax, Micromax filed a complaint against Ericsson with the Competition Commission of India (CCI). The CCI decided to refer the case to the Director General’s Office for an in-depth investigation. The CCI opened similar investigations against Ericsson in January 2014 based on claims made by Intex Technologies (India) Limited and, in 2015, based on a now settled claim from iBall. Ericsson has challenged CCI’s jurisdiction in these cases before the Delhi High Court. On July 13 2023, the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court found that in this instance the CCI has no power to conduct the pending investigations against Ericsson. This order may be further appealed to Supreme Court of India by the CCI (which has an initial 90-day period to appeal subject to further extensions which can be granted by the Court).


Oct 11, 2023, Ericsson announces changes to the Executive Team

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) today announces the appointment of Chris Houghton to Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Åsa Tamsons to Head of Business Area Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Both Mr. Houghton and Ms. Tamsons will report to Börje Ekholm, President and CEO of Ericsson. These appointments underscore Ericsson’s commitment to accelerating its business transformation.

Chris Houghton, who is currently Senior Vice President, Market Area North East Asia, has been with Ericsson for 35 years and brings deep institutional knowledge across key markets and operational areas of the business. In the new role, Mr. Houghton will focus on cross group initiatives, including ongoing cost efficiency initiatives.

Åsa Tamsons, currently serving as Senior Vice President, Business Area Technologies & New Businesses (BTEB), is appointed Head of Business Area Enterprise Wireless Solutions. Ms. Tamsons brings a strong track-record in developing and growing new businesses. In her new role, Ms. Tamsons will focus on growing Enterprise Wireless Solutions but also to increase the pace towards breakeven.

On the new appointees, Börje Ekholm notes: “The Chief Operating Officer’s objective will be to strengthen and oversee the operational execution across the Group and to enhance alignment and co-ordination across operational areas. This will enable me to fully focus on the key strategic priorities of our business. I’m happy that Chris with his extensive international experience has accepted to take on this new role within Ericsson”.

Börje Ekholm continues: “BTEB’s role within Ericsson is to create and scale strategic growth businesses that deliver long term profit and positive impact on people and our planet. During Åsa’s tenure BTEB has reached profitability and Åsa has done a great job over the last five years. I’m now looking forward to having her head another very important business area within Ericsson and drive growth and profitability improvements.”

The appointments of Chris Houghton and Åsa Tamsons are effective as of November 1, 2023. As of then, Business Area Technologies & New Businesses, will report to the Chief Operating Officer.

Ericsson today also announces that George Mulhern, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Enterprise Wireless Solutions (BEWS), will become advisor to BEWS from November 1, 2023, and retire from Ericsson during 2024. Nunzio Mirtillo, Senior Vice President and Head of Market Area South East Asia, Oceania & India, will retire from Ericsson during 2024.

Mr. Ekholm comments: “Nunzio has been with Ericsson for 35 years and has contributed immensely to the success of the Company. His dedication and everlasting focus on growth has been an inspiration to me and many colleagues. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”

“We are the world’s foremost expert in wireless edge solutions and dedicated networks offerings to enterprises. George has contributed greatly to the process of integrating Cradlepoint into the Ericsson offering. I wish him all the best.”

Recruitment processes to appoint successors to Mr. Houghton as Head of Market Area North East Asia, and Mr. Mirtillo as Head of Market Area South East Asia, Oceania & India, have been initiated. Mr. Houghton remains in the role until the process has been concluded.



Oct 11, 2023, Ericsson announces impairment charge of SEK 32 billion and provides update on Q3 earnings

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) today announced that, in accordance with IFRS accounting requirements, it will record a non-cash impairment charge of SEK 32 billion in the third quarter of 2023. The impairment charge represents 50% of the total amount of goodwill and other intangible assets attributed to Vonage. The impairment will be reported in segment Enterprise as an item affecting comparability.

The impairment is a consequence of the significant drop in the market capitalization of Vonage’s publicly traded peers, increased interest rates and overall slowdown in Vonage’s core markets. Ericsson continues to advance its enterprise strategy, with Vonage’s network API capabilities being central to this strategy and the development of a Global Network Platform (GNP). The impairment does not alter Ericsson’s positive outlook on the GNP market potential.

Vonage remains key to Ericsson’s strategy to expand in Enterprise. The Enterprise strategy is underpinned by the development in the third quarter in which Ericsson announced an important milestone with a major commercial partnership in its GNP business. The development of GNP is creating a new market for exposing 5G capabilities through network APIs and the market opportunity is estimated at USD 20 billion by 2028 by telecom consultancy and research firm STL Partners. This market will open up new ways for operators to monetize their investments in networks from enterprises and in turn drive further investments in mobile infrastructure. Ericsson expects the first revenues from network APIs during 2023.





12    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Other information

Table of Contents

Q3 earnings in line with guidance (preliminary and unaudited numbers)


Isolated quarters, excluding
restructuring and
impairment charges, SEK b.


Net Sales

     64.5       68.0       -5     64.4       0

Of which Networks

     41.5       48.1       -14     42.4       -2

Of which Cloud Software & Services

     15.6       14.2       10     15.1       3

Of which Enterprise

     6.7       5.0       34     6.4       5

Gross Income

     25.3       28.2       -10     24.7       3

Of which Networks

     16.6       21.4       -23     16.7       -1

Of which Cloud Software & Services

     5.6       4.6       23     5.1       10

Of which Enterprise

     3.3       2.4       34     3.0       10

Gross Margin

     39.2     41.4       38.3  

Operating Expenses

     -21.3       -21.3       0     -22.2       -4


     4.7       7.7       -39     3.7       28

EBITA Margin

     7.3     11.3       5.7  


     12.6     20.0       11.4  

Cloud Software & Services

     2.8     -5.0       -1.9  


     -8.9     -20.3       -13.2  

Free Cash Flow before M&A

     -0.5       2.5         -5.0    

Restructuring charges

     -0.9       -0.1         -3.1    

Performance in Q3 was in line with guidance with an EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges of 7.3% corresponding to an EBITA of SEK 4.7 billion. Group organic sales (adjusted for comparable units and currency) declined by -10%, with -16% organic decline in Networks partly offset by 5% organic growth in Cloud Software and Services and 10% organic growth in Enterprise.

Networks organic sales were down by -60% in North America YoY, with operators reducing their capex spend and adjusting inventories. It is worth noting that Q3 last year was a record quarter in North America. The sharp decline in North America was partly offset by strong sales in India.

Cloud Software and Services continued to execute on the turnaround strategy. With an EBITA excluding restructuring charges of SEK 0.4 billion in Q3 Cloud Software and Services has now achieved break-even on a four rolling quarters basis.

Enterprise reported continued strong growth in Enterprise Wireless Solutions and a slightly positive EBITA excluding restructuring charges in the Global Communications Platform business (Vonage) in the quarter.

Free cash flow before M&A was SEK -0.5 (2.5) billion. The negative free cash flow this year is a result of the build-up of working capital for the large roll-out projects.

Ericsson will, as previously communicated, announce its full report for the third quarter 2023 on October 17, at approximately 07.00 CEST. https://www.ericsson.com/en/press-releases/2023/10/ericsson-







13    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Other information

Table of Contents

Risk factors


Ericsson is exposed to a number of risks in its activities. To stimulate identification and support cross-functional treatment within the Ericsson Group, risks are grouped in a number of categories, including, for example, risks relating to technology, IPR, compliance, project execution, operations, products and services, treasury and accounting, the geopolitical environment, M&A, cyber security and occupational health and safety. Ericsson’s risk management is embedded into strategy development and operational processes and material group risks are regularly assessed and reviewed by executives as required by Ericsson’s Material Group Risk Protocol to ensure accountability, effectiveness, efficiency, business continuity and compliance. Risks are defined in both a short-term and long-term perspective and are related to long-term objectives as per the strategic direction as well as to short-term objectives. Risk factors and uncertainties of relevance to Ericsson are described in the Annual Report 2022 and in the Annual Report on Form 20-F 2022 (in the following, the “Annual Report 2022”), as well as in Ericsson’s second quarter report 2023. Updates to these risk factors and uncertainties observed by Ericsson that are deemed of short-term relevance include, but are not limited to, the following risks described below. See also the risks set out in the section titled “Forward-Looking Statements.”

Ericsson’s business depends upon the continued growth of mobile communications and the success of Ericsson’s existing and targeted customer base. If growth slows or if the Company’s customers do not maintain or grow in relevance in the digital value chain, or if Ericsson’s products and/or services are not successful, Ericsson’s customers’ investment in networks may slow or stop, harming the Company’s business and operating results.

As described in the Annual Report 2022, including in the risk factor 1.3, a substantial portion of Ericsson’s business depends on the continued growth of mobile communications in terms of both the number of subscriptions and usage per subscriber, which in turn drives the continued deployment and expansion of network systems by Ericsson’s customers. If communications service providers fail to increase the number of subscribers and/or usage does not increase, or if they fail to utilize opportunities from technological evolution, Ericsson’s business and operating results could be materially adversely affected. Also, if communications service providers fail to monetize services, fail to adapt their business models or experience a decline in their revenues or profitability, their willingness to further invest in their existing and new networks may decrease, which will reduce their demand for Ericsson’s products and services and have an adverse effect on the Company’s business, operating results, and financial condition.

During the first nine months of 2023, macroeconomic conditions, including inflationary pressures, were more challenging than expected, which has led to reduced volumes and pace of investment by many of Ericsson’s customers, and the timing and magnitude of market recovery, particularly in North America, has been slower than expected. There can be no assurance as to when levels of market investment will recover. Traffic development on cellular networks could be further affected if more traffic is offloaded to WI-FI networks, which would have profound effects on operator voice/broadband/SMS revenues with possible reduced capital expenses consequences. Ericsson’s strategy depends on the development and success of global standards. This could be adversely affected in the future by industry forces more interested in de-facto

standards or geopolitical forces leading to standards fragmentation and increased difficulties of creating economies of scale.

Fixed and mobile networks converge, and new technologies, such as IP and broadband, enable communications service providers to deliver services in both fixed and mobile networks. Ericsson is dependent on the uptake of such services and the outcome of regulatory and standardization activities such as spectrum allocation. If delays in uptake, standardization or regulation occur, this could adversely affect Ericsson’s business, operating results, and financial condition.

Ericsson’s future growth is partly dependent on Enterprises in several industries digitalizing and increasingly utilizing cellular wireless solutions (including Private Cellular Networks), as well as increasingly utilizing and offering automated services, which are growth drivers for the Ericsson Global Network Platform (“GNP”). Ericsson can provide no assurance regarding the timing or magnitude of growth of its GNP. Competing technologies such as Wi-Fi, macroeconomic headwinds, and customers’ unwillingness to pay for services might slow down this development. Legal and regulatory restrictions such as Net neutrality can slow down or restrict global expansion of this business. Furthermore, access to devices, sensors, and spectrum might also impact the pace and ability for enterprises to adopt cellular wireless technology.





14    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Risk factors

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Ericsson engages in acquisitions and divestments that may be disruptive and require the Company to incur significant expenses. Ericsson may not be successful in consummating such transactions, protecting the value of acquisitions during integration following consummation, or creating the value anticipated with the acquisition.

As described in the Annual Report 2022, including in the risk factor 1.7, Ericsson makes acquisitions to obtain various benefits, such as reduced time-to-market, access to technology and competence, increased scale or a broadened product portfolio or customer base. Recent examples are the acquisitions of Vonage and Cradlepoint. Acquisitions could result in the incurrence of material contingent liabilities, an increase in amortization expenses related to intangible assets or an impairment of goodwill, which could have a material adverse effect upon Ericsson’s business, operating results, financial condition and liquidity.

Risks Ericsson could face with respect to acquisitions include:


  Underperformance of the acquired company, failure to realize expected benefits and synergies and/or inability to deliver on anticipated business plans to the extent or in the timeframe anticipated


  Insufficiencies of technologies and products acquired, such as unexpected quality problems


  Difficulties in the full or partial integration of the operations, technologies, products and personnel of the acquired company to materialize expected synergies or to maintain independent operations in these companies at a risk appropriate level


  Risks of entering markets in which the Company has no or limited prior experience, or in creating such market or eco-system as envisioned in e.g. the Vonage and Cradlepoint examples


  Potential loss of key employees


  Diversion of management’s attention away from other business concerns


  Risks and expenses of any disclosed, undisclosed or potential legal liabilities of the acquired company, including failure to comply with laws or regulations or other requirements or conditions, e.g. from foreign direct investment reviews and decisions such as the CFIUS review process.

From time-to-time Ericsson also divests parts of Ericsson’s business to optimize the Company’s product portfolio or operations. Any decision to dispose of or otherwise exit businesses may result in the recording of special charges, such as workforce reduction costs and industry- and technology-related write-downs. Risks Ericsson could face with respect to divestments include:


  Difficulties in the separation of the operations, technologies, products and personnel of the business divested


  Potential loss of key employees


  Impairment losses or write-downs of the carrying value of the relevant assets


  Expenses of any undisclosed or potential legal liabilities of the business divested.

The risks associated with acquisitions and divestments could have a material adverse effect upon Ericsson’s business, operating results, financial condition and liquidity.

Impairment of goodwill, other intangible assets, property and equipment (PP&E) and right-of-use (RoU) assets leased by the Company have impacted and may continue to negatively impact Ericsson’s financial condition and operating results, including its dividend capacity.

As described in the Annual Report 2022, including in the risk factor 2.4, Ericsson has a significant amount of these assets; for example, patents, customer relations, trademarks, software, PP&E and RoU.

Goodwill is the only intangible asset the Company has recognized to have an indefinite useful life. Other intangible assets are mainly

amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives, and the assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events such as product discontinuances, product dispositions or other changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be fully recoverable. Those intangible assets not yet in use are tested for impairment annually.

Historically, the Company has recognized impairment charges mainly due to restructuring, which is usually limited, but occasionally significant. Additional impairment charges have been incurred and may be incurred in the future and could be significant due to various reasons, including strategy changes, restructuring actions or adverse market conditions that are either specific to us or the broader industries in which Ericsson operates, or more general in nature and that could have an adverse effect on Ericsson’s operating results and financial condition.

Negative deviations in actual cash flows compared to estimated cash flows as well as new estimates that indicate lower future cash flows might result in recognition of future impairment charges. Other impairment indicators, such as the impact of increased interest rates, inflation, macroeconomic conditions, and other market events can also lead to the recognition of impairment charges. Non-cash impairment charges reduce the Company’s non-restricted equity.

In Q3 2023, the Company recognized a non-cash impairment charge of SEK -31.9 billion. The impairment charge represented 50% of the total amount of goodwill and other intangible assets attributed to Vonage. The impairment was reported in segment Enterprise as an item affecting comparability.

Estimates require management judgment as well as the definition of cash-generating units for impairment testing purposes. Other judgments might result in significantly different results and may differ from the actual financial condition in the future.

Stockholm, October 17, 2023

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson

Börje Ekholm, President and CEO

Org. No. 556016-0680

Date for next report: 23 January 2024





15    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Risk factors

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Editor’s note


Media and analyst briefing

Ericsson invites media, investors and analysts to a conference call and live video webcast at 9:00 AM CEST on October 17, 2023.

Link to the webcast, dial-in to audio conference, supporting material and replay will be available at:

www.ericsson.com/investors and


For further information, please contact:

Carl Mellander, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: +46 72 583 88 70

E-mail: investor.relations@ericsson.com or


Stella Medlicott, Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Phone: +46 73 095 65 39

E-mail: investor.relations@ericsson.com or


Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson

Org. number: 556016-0680

Torshamnsgatan 21

SE-164 83 Stockholm

Phone: +46 10 719 00 00



Peter Nyquist, Vice President,

Head of Investor Relations

Phone: +46 70 575 29 06

E-mail: peter.nyquist@ericsson.com

Lena Häggblom, Director,

Investor Relations

Phone: +46 72 593 27 78

E-mail: lena.haggblom@ericsson.com

Alan Ganson, Director,

Investor Relations

Phone: +46 70 267 27 30

E-mail: alan.ganson@ericsson.com


Kristoffer Edshage, Director of Corporate Media

Phone: +46 72 220 44 46

E-mail: media.relations@ericsson.com

Corporate Communications

Phone: +46 10 719 69 92

E-mail: media.relations@ericsson.com





16    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Editor’s note

Table of Contents

Forward-looking statements


This report includes forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “likely”, “may”, “could”, “plan”, “estimate”, “forecast”, “will”, “should”, “would”, “predict”, “aim”, “seek”, “potential”, “target”, “might”, “continue”, and similar words or expressions are used to identify forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking statements, including, in particular the following:


  Potential material additional costs and liability resulting from our ongoing compliance with the terms of the Plea Agreement with the DOJ and extended monitorship


  Potential to become a target for public scrutiny as a result of entering into the Plea Agreement with the DOJ, which could damage our reputation and materially and adversely affect our business and prospects


  Risks resulting from entering into the Plea Agreement, including potential debarment from government contracting in the United States and elsewhere, reputational risk, as well as potential counterparty reluctance to continue business relationships


  Potential material additional liability resulting from past conduct, including allegations of past conduct that remains unresolved or unknown in multiple jurisdictions including Iraq, which remains the subject of ongoing investigations by Ericsson and US governmental authorities


  Risks related to internal controls and governance, including the potential to incur material liability in connection with internal controls surrounding payments made to third parties in connection with past conduct in multiple jurisdictions including Iraq which remains the subject of ongoing investigations by Ericsson and US governmental authorities


  The risk that the ongoing investigations by Ericsson and US governmental authorities result in a conclusion by Ericsson or US governmental authorities that the Company’s past conduct included making or having responsibility for making payments to a terrorist organization or other improper payments, which could lead to material additional liability


  Our goals, strategies, planning assumptions and operational or financial performance expectations


  Macroeconomic conditions, including inflationary pressures and effects on customer investments, market recovery and growth


  Ongoing geopolitical and trade uncertainty, including challenging global economic conditions, market trends and pandemics such as COVID-19


  Industry trends, future characteristics and development of the markets in which we operate


  Our ability to comply with legal and regulatory requirements internationally


  Risks related to cybersecurity and privacy


  Our future liquidity, capital resources, capital expenditures, cost savings and profitability


  The expected demand for our existing and new products and services as well as plans to launch new products and services including research and development expenditures
  Our ability to deliver on future plans and achieve future growth


  The expected operational or financial performance of strategic cooperation activities and joint ventures


  Risks related to acquisitions and divestments, including our ability to successfully consummate such transactions, protect the value of acquisitions during integration, or achieve the value anticipated with an acquisition


  Trends related to our industry, including our regulatory environment, competition and customer structure


  Other factors included in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including the factors described throughout this report, included in the section Risk Factors, and in “Risk Factors” in the Annual Report 2022, as updated by subsequent reports filed with the SEC.

These forward-looking statements also represent our estimates, assumptions and expectations only as of the date that they were made, and to the extent they represent third-party data, we have not undertaken to independently verify such third-party data and do not intend to do so. Given these risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements and are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made in this report and in other documents we file from time to time with our regulators that disclose risks and uncertainties that may affect our business. We expressly disclaim a duty to provide updates to these forward-looking statements, and the estimates and assumptions associated with them, after the date of this report, except as required by applicable law or stock exchange regulations.





17    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Forward-looking statements

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Auditors’ Review Report



We have reviewed the condensed interim financial information (interim report) of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ.) as of September 30, 2023, and the nine months period then ended. The board of directors and the CEO are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the interim report in accordance with IAS 34 and the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements ISRE 2410, Review of Interim Report Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity.

A review consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, ISA, and other generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden. The procedures performed

in a review do not enable us to obtain assurance that would make us aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Therefore, the conclusion expressed based on a review does not give the same level of assurance as a conclusion expressed based on an audit.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim report is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 and the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, regarding the Group, and with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, regarding the Parent Company.

Stockholm, October 17, 2023

Deloitte AB

Thomas Strömberg

Authorized Public Accountant





18    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Auditors’ Review Report

Table of Contents

Financial statements and other information



Financial statements (unaudited)


Condensed consolidated income statement


Condensed statement of comprehensive income (loss)


Condensed consolidated balance sheet


Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows


Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity


Condensed consolidated income statement – isolated quarters


Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows – isolated quarters


Condensed Parent Company income statement


Condensed Parent Company statement of comprehensive income (loss)


Condensed Parent Company balance sheet


Accounting policies and Explanatory notes (unaudited)


Note 1 – Accounting policies


Note 2 – Segment information*)


Note 3 – Financial income and expenses, net


Note 4 – Provisions


Note 5 – Financial risk management


Note 6 – Cash flow


Note 7 – Contingent liabilities and Assets pledged as collateral


Note 8 – Share information


Note 9 – Employee information


Alternative performance measures (unaudited)


Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency


Items excluding restructuring charges


EBITA and EBITA margin / EBITA and EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges


Rolling four quarters of net sales and EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges (%)


Gross cash and net cash, end of period


Capital employed


Capital turnover


Return on capital employed


Equity ratio


Return on equity


Adjusted earnings per share


Free cash flow before M&A / Free cash flow after M&A


Sales growth by segment adjusted for comparable units and currency*)


Sales growth by market area adjusted for comparable units and currency


Gross margin by segment by quarter


EBIT margin by segment by quarter


Restructuring charges by function


Restructuring charges by segment


Gross income and gross margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


EBIT and EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


Rolling four quarters of net sales by segment


Rolling four quarters of EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges by segment (%)


EBITA and EBITA margin by segment by quarter


EBITA and EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


Other ratios





19    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements and other information

Table of Contents

Financial statements (unaudited)

Condensed consolidated income statement


            Q3     Jan-Sep  

SEK million

   Note      2023      2022      Change     2023      2022  

Net sales

     2        64,473        68,040        -5     191,470        185,566  

Cost of sales

        -39,745        -39,905        -0     -118,473        -107,840  



















Gross income

     2        24,728        28,135        -12     72,997        77,726  



















Research and development expenses

        -11,897        -11,880        0     -37,646        -34,081  

Selling and administrative expenses

        -9,617        -9,441        2     -29,378        -23,901  

Impairment losses on trade receivables

        -115        38        -403     -477        -139  



















Operating expenses

        -21,629        -21,283        2     -67,501        -58,121  



















Other operating income and expenses ¹)

        -32,031        234        —        -31,740        -438  

Share of earnings of JV and associated companies

        24        29        -17     70        0  



















Earnings before financial items and income tax (EBIT)

     2        -28,908        7,115        —        -26,174        19,167  



















Financial income and expenses, net

     3        -719        -535        34     -2,055        -1,937  



















Income after financial items

        -29,627        6,580        —        -28,229        17,230  



















Income tax

        -864        -1,220        -29     -1,284        -4,308  



















Net income (loss)

        -30,491        5,360        —        -29,513        12,922  



















Net income (loss) attributable to:


Owners of the Parent Company

        -30,670        5,214          -29,840        12,658  

Non-controlling interests

        179        146          327        264  

Other information


Average number of shares, basic (million)

     8        3,330        3,330          3,330        3,330  

Earnings (loss) per share, basic (SEK)²)

        -9.21        1.56          -8.96        3.80  

Earnings (loss) per share, diluted (SEK)³)

        -9.21        1.56          -8.96        3.80  



Includes write-down of goodwill of SEK -31.9 billion in Q3 2023.


Based on net income attributable to owners of the Parent Company.


Potential ordinary shares are not considered when their conversion to ordinary shares would improve earnings per share.

Condensed statement of comprehensive income (loss)


     Q3      Jan-Sep  

SEK million

   2023      2022      2023      2022  

Net income (loss)

     -30,491        5,360        -29,513        12,922  

Other comprehensive income


Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss


Remeasurements of defined benefits pension plans incl. asset ceiling

     5,458        -204        9,365        14,265  

Revaluation of borrowings due to change in credit risk

     29        -289        -442        1,691  

Cash flow hedge reserve


Gains/losses arising during the period

     —         -648        —         3,703  

Transfer to goodwill

     —         -3,677        —         -3,677  

Tax on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

     -937        1,068        -1,619        -3,124  

Items that have been or may be reclassified to profit or loss


Cash flow hedge reserve


Gains/losses arising during the period

     194        -1,716        -2,504        -2,890  

Reclassification adjustments on gains/losses included in profit or loss

     246        42        690        127  

Translation reserves


Changes in translation reserves

     -1,416        8,679        4,751        14,431  

Reclassification to profit or loss

     72        4        61        -30  

Share of other comprehensive income of JV and associated companies

     -12        33        29        73  

Tax on items that have been or may be reclassified to profit or loss

     -90        345        374        569  













Total other comprehensive income, net of tax

     3,544        3,637        10,705        25,138  













Total comprehensive income (loss)

     -26,947        8,997        -18,808        38,060  













Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to:


Owners of the Parent Company

     -27,119        8,957        -19,099        38,090  

Non-controlling interests

     172        40        291        -30  




20    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed consolidated balance sheet


            Sep 30      Dec 31  

SEK million

   Note      2023      2022  



Non-current assets


Intangible assets


Capitalized development expenses

        4,487        3,705  


        56,717        84,570  

Customer relationships, IPR and other intangible assets

        25,463        26,340  

Property, plant and equipment

        13,237        14,236  

Right-of-use assets

        6,841        7,870  

Financial assets


Equity in JV and associated companies

        1,145        1,127  

Other investments in shares and participations

     5        2,288        2,074  

Customer finance, non-current

     5        1,967        415  

Interest-bearing securities, non-current

     5        4,032        9,164  

Other financial assets, non-current

     5        7,539        6,839  

Deferred tax assets

        22,185        19,394  









        145,901        175,734  










Current assets



        44,603        45,846  

Contract assets

        8,574        9,843  

Trade receivables

     5        43,015        48,413  

Customer finance, current

     5        11,169        4,955  

Current tax assets

        6,522        7,973  

Other current receivables

        10,112        9,688  

Interest-bearing securities, current

     5        9,553        8,736  

Cash and cash equivalents

     5        26,900        38,349  









        160,448        173,803  










Total assets

        306,349        349,537  










Equity and liabilities




Stockholders’ equity

        106,791        134,814  

Non-controlling interest in equity of subsidiaries

        -1,356        -1,510  









        105,435        133,304  










Non-current liabilities


Post-employment benefits

        18,385        27,361  

Provisions, non-current

     4        5,190        3,959  

Deferred tax liabilities

        4,343        4,784  

Borrowings, non-current

     5        20,103        26,946  

Lease liabilities, non-current

        5,662        6,818  

Other non-current liabilities

        812        745  









        54,495        70,613  










Current liabilities


Provisions, current

     4        6,345        7,629  

Borrowings, current

     5        18,772        5,984  

Lease liabilities, current

        2,569        2,486  

Contract liabilities

        41,234        42,251  

Trade payables

     5        30,629        38,437  

Current tax liabilities

        3,029        2,640  

Other current liabilities

        43,841        46,193  









        146,419        145,620  










Total equity and liabilities

        306,349        349,537  













21    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows


            Q3      Jan-Sep  

SEK million

   Note      2023      2022      2023      2022  

Operating activities


Net income (loss)

        -30,491        5,360        -29,513        12,922  

Adjustments for



        1,033        1,307        1,887        4,079  

Earnings/ dividends in JV and associated companies

        27        -17        -12        79  

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses

     6        34,901        2,638        40,806        7,008  


        1,021        -19        3,273        1,225  















        6,491        9,269        16,441        25,313  
















Changes in operating net assets



        2,098        -3,564        2,420        -13,638  

Customer finance, current and non-current

        -4,702        -872        -7,428        -861  

Trade receivables and contract assets

        6,469        4,595        8,422        8,846  

Trade payables

        -4,367        -1,817        -9,071        -1,864  

Provisions and post-employment benefits

        379        -58        257        590  

Contract liabilities

        -2,616        -2,623        -2,267        2,916  

Other operating assets and liabilities, net

        -350        1,052        -10,912        -6,048  















        -3,089        -3,287        -18,579        -10,059  
















Interest received

        284        156        962        217  

Interest paid

        -599        -196        -1,737        -844  

Taxes paid

        -1,685        -1,291        -4,392        -3,659  
















Cash flow from operating activities

        1,402        4,651        -7,305        10,968  
















Investing activities


Investments in Property, plant and equipment

     6        -817        -1,104        -2,577        -2,975  

Sales of property, plant and equipment

        51        74        126        173  

Acquisitions/divestments of subsidiaries and other operations, net

        -160        -51,412        -1,915        -51,243  

Product development

     6        -485        -414        -1,622        -1,003  

Purchase of interest-bearing securities

        -1,854        -437        -3,986        -1,474  

Sale of interest-bearing securities

        2,847        978        10,623        39,752  

Other investing activities

        -1,445        -6,537        -2,555        -5,732  
















Cash flow from investing activities

        -1,863        -58,852        -1,906        -22,502  
















Financing activities


Proceeds from issuance of borrowings

        6,097        1,666        8,150        9,454  

Repayment of borrowings

        -2,306        -5,915        -6,218        -15,908  

Dividends paid

        -9        -79        -4,600        -4,243  

Repayment of lease liabilities

        -691        -658        -2,074        -1,828  

Other financing activities

        2,029        -277        2,023        535  
















Cash flow from financing activities

        5,120        -5,263        -2,719        -11,990  
















Effect of exchange rate changes on cash

        -90        2,595        481        6,223  
















Net change in cash and cash equivalents

        4,569        -56,869        -11,449        -17,301  
















Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

        22,331        93,618        38,349        54,050  
















Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

        26,900        36,749        26,900        36,749  



















22    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity



SEK million

   2023      2022  

Opening balance

     133,304        107,099  

Total comprehensive income (loss)

     -18,808        38,060  

Sale/repurchase of own shares

     -50        —   

Share issue, net

     50        —   

Long-term variable compensation plans

     66        66  

Dividends to shareholders ¹)

     -9,095        -8,406  

Transactions with non-controlling interests

     -32        1  







Closing balance

     105,435        136,820  









Jan-Sep includes accrual of SEK 4,507 (4,173) million for the dividend approved by the Annual General Meeting on March 29, 2023.

Condensed consolidated income statement – isolated quarters


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Net sales

     64,473        64,444        62,553        85,980        68,040        62,465        55,061  

Cost of sales

     -39,745        -40,343        -38,385        -50,411        -39,905        -36,163        -31,772  






















Gross income

     24,728        24,101        24,168        35,569        28,135        26,302        23,289  






















Research and development expenses

     -11,897        -13,777        -11,972        -13,217        -11,880        -11,496        -10,705  

Selling and administrative expenses

     -9,617        -10,643        -9,118        -11,791        -9,441        -7,872        -6,588  

Impairment losses on trade receivables

     -115        -313        -49        99        38        3        -180  






















Operating expenses

     -21,629        -24,733        -21,139        -24,909        -21,283        -19,365        -17,473  






















Other operating income and expenses ¹)

     -32,031        264        27        -2,824        234        393        -1,065  

Share of earnings of JV and associated companies

     24        56        -10        17        29        -22        -7  






















Earnings before financial items and income tax (EBIT)

     -28,908        -312        3,046        7,853        7,115        7,308        4,744  






















Financial income and expenses, net

     -719        -419        -917        -474        -535        -759        -643  






















Income after financial items

     -29,627        -731        2,129        7,379        6,580        6,549        4,101  






















Income tax

     -864        134        -554        -1,189        -1,220        -1,899        -1,189  






















Net income (loss)

     -30,491        -597        1,575        6,190        5,360        4,650        2,912  






















Net income (loss) attributable to:


Owners of the Parent Company

     -30,670        -686        1,516        6,066        5,214        4,504        2,940  

Non-controlling interests

     179        89        59        124        146        146        -28  

Other information


Average number of shares, basic (million)

     3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330  

Earnings (loss) per share, basic (SEK) ²)

     -9.21        -0.21        0.46        1.82        1.56        1.36        0.88  

Earnings (loss) per share, diluted (SEK) ³)

     -9.21        -0.21        0.45        1.82        1.56        1.35        0.88  



Q3 2023 includes write-down of goodwill of SEK -31.9 billion. Q4 2022 includes a provision of SEK -2.3 billion in relation to a potential resolution with the United States Department of Justice regarding previously announced, non-criminal, alleged breaches under the deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), including estimated expenses for the extended compliance monitorship, noting that the Company, on March 2, 2023, entered into the DOJ Plea Agreement with the DOJ and agreed to pay a fine of approximately SEK 2.2 billion. Q3 2022 includes revaluation of Ericsson Ventures investments of SEK 0.2 billion. Q2 2022 includes revaluation/disposals of Ericsson Ventures investments of SEK 0.1 billion. Q1 2022 includes a provision of SEK -0.9 billion for impairment of assets and other one-time costs due to the suspension of the affected business in Russia, and revaluation of Ericsson Venture investments of SEK -0.3 billion.


Based on net income attributable to owners of the Parent Company.


Potential ordinary shares are not considered when their conversion to ordinary shares would improve earnings per share.




23    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows – isolated quarters


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Operating activities


Net income (loss)

     -30,491        -597        1,575        6,190        5,360        4,650        2,912  

Adjustments for



     1,033        -215        1,069        1,304        1,307        1,751        1,021  

Earnings/ dividends in JV and associated companies

     27        -48        9        -24        -17        88        8  

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses

     34,901        2,813        3,092        3,535        2,638        2,224        2,146  


     1,021        606        1,646        432        -19        345        899  





















     6,491        2,559        7,391        11,437        9,269        9,058        6,986  






















Changes in operating net assets



     2,098        382        -60        5,898        -3,564        -4,728        -5,346  

Customer finance, current and non-current

     -4,702        558        -3,284        -871        -872        134        -123  

Trade receivables and contract assets

     6,469        1,753        200        -4,080        4,595        3,350        901  

Trade payables

     -4,367        -597        -4,107        -131        -1,817        1,324        -1,371  

Provisions and post-employment benefits

     379        841        -963        1,749        -58        -321        969  

Contract liabilities

     -2,616        -5,204        5,553        2,878        -2,623        -721        6,260  

Other operating assets and liabilities, net

     -350        -1,457        -9,105        5,235        1,052        -333        -6,767  





















     -3,089        -3,724        -11,766        10,678        -3,287        -1,295        -5,477  






















Interest received

     284        283        395        127        156        -17        78  

Interest paid

     -599        -549        -589        -406        -196        -437        -211  

Taxes paid/received

     -1,685        -1,451        -1,256        -1,941        -1,291        -1,022        -1,346  






















Cash flow from operating activities

     1,402        -2,882        -5,825        19,895        4,651        6,287        30  






















Investing activities


Investments in property, plant and equipment

     -817        -806        -954        -1,502        -1,104        -1,053        -818  

Sales of property, plant and equipment

     51        42        33        76        74        61        38  

Acquisitions/divestments of subs. and other operations, net

     -160        -911        -844        -445        -51,412        123        46  

Product development

     -485        -562        -575        -717        -414        -301        -288  

Purchase of interest-bearing securities

     -1,854        -2,132        —         -12,108        -437        -1,037        —   

Sale of interest-bearing securities

     2,847        4,072        3,704        789        978        22,747        16,027  

Other investing activities

     -1,445        -2,116        1,006        2,012        -6,537        1,384        -579  






















Cash flow from investing activities

     -1,863        -2,413        2,370        -11,895        -58,852        21,924        14,426  






















Financing activities


Proceeds from issuance of borrowings

     6,097        1,026        1,027        1,301        1,666        —         7,788  

Repayment of borrowings

     -2,306        -2,832        -1,080        -121        -5,915        -9,993        —   

Dividends paid

     -9        -4,591        —         -4,172        -79        -4,164        —   

Repayment of lease liabilities

     -691        -690        -693        -765        -658        -577        -593  

Other financing activities

     2,029        18        -24        -183        -277        243        569  






















Cash flow from financing activities

     5,120        -7,069        -770        -3,940        -5,263        -14,491        7,764  






















Effect of exchange rate changes on cash

     -90        562        9        -2,460        2,595        3,042        586  






















Net change in cash and cash equivalents

     4,569        -11,802        -4,216        1,600        -56,869        16,762        22,806  






















Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

     22,331        34,133        38,349        36,749        93,618        76,856        54,050  






















Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

     26,900        22,331        34,133        38,349        36,749        93,618        76,856  

























24    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed Parent Company income statement


     Q3      Jan-Sep  

SEK million

   2023      2022      2023      2022  

Net sales

     —         —         —         —   

Cost of sales

     —         —         —         —   













Gross income

     —         —         —         —   













Operating expenses

     -177        -390        -1,376        -955  

Other operating income and expenses

     973        672        2,903        1,925  














     796        282        1,527        970  













Financial net ¹)

     -31,895        1,616        -16,179        20,902  













Income (loss) after financial items

     -31,099        1,898        -14,652        21,872  













Transfers to (-) / from untaxed reserves

     —         —         —         —   

Income tax ¹)

     -98        -156        -113        -864  













Net income (loss)

     -31,197        1,742        -14,765        21,008  















Jan-Sep 2022 restated in accordance with the change in accounting described in Q4 2022 financial statements.

Condensed Parent Company statement of comprehensive income (loss)


     Q3      Jan-Sep  

SEK million

   2023      2022      2023      2022  

Net income (loss)

     -31,197        1,742        -14,765        21,008  

Cash flow hedge reserve


Gains/losses arising during the period

     —         -648        —         3,703  

Transfer to investments

     —         -3,677        —         -3,677  

Tax on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss

     —         891        —         —   













Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax

     —         -3,434        —         26  













Total comprehensive income (loss)

     -31,197        -1,692        -14,765        21,034  
















25    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Condensed Parent Company balance sheet


SEK million

   Sep 30
     Dec 31



Fixed assets


Intangible assets

     —         4  

Tangible assets

     375        380  

Financial assets 1)

     131,277        156,720  






     131,652        157,104  







Current assets



     16,839        27,664  

Short-term investments

     9,325        8,540  

Cash and cash equivalents

     12,213        23,731  






     38,377        59,935  







Total assets

     170,029        217,039  







Stockholders’ equity, provisions and liabilities




Restricted equity

     48,214        48,164  

Non-restricted equity

     13,980        37,753  






     62,194        85,917  








     273        2,435  

Non-current liabilities

     20,010        26,835  

Current liabilities

     87,552        101,852  







Total stockholders’ equity, provisions and liabilities

     170,029        217,039  







1) Of which interest-bearing securities, non-current

     4,032        9,157  




26    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Financial statements

Table of Contents

Accounting policies and Explanatory notes (unaudited)

Note 1 – Accounting policies

The group

This condensed consolidated interim financial report for the reporting period ended September 30, 2023, has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. The term “IFRS” used in this document refers to the application of IAS and IFRS as well as interpretations of these standards as issued by IASB’s Standards Interpretation Committee (SIC) and IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the annual report for the year ended December 31, 2022, and should be read in conjunction with that annual report. There are no amendments of IFRS during 2023 that are effective for the interim period that are estimated to have a material impact on the result and financial position of the Company.

Changes applied as from Q1 2023

- IoT business reported in segment Other

The IoT business was divested in Q1 2023. As previously announced in Q4 2022 the IoT business has been transferred from segment Enterprise to segment Other in Q1 2023. In order to reflect the change all prior quarters in 2022 have been restated where applicable.

Sensitivity disclosure in Q3 2023

The impairment charge in the Vonage CGU is a result of a higher post-tax discount rate and lower revenue forecast in line with the lower market growth outlook. Consequently, the sensitivity of a reasonably possible change in the key assumptions has changed compared to the disclosure in the annual report. A change in the EBITA assumptions is most sensitive to a possible change.




27    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Note 2 – Segment information*)

Net sales by segment by quarter


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     41,537       42,440       42,467       58,626       48,147       45,983       40,712  

Of which Products

     31,740       32,774       32,175       45,804       35,763       35,299       31,131  

Of which Services

     9,797       9,666       10,292       12,822       12,384       10,684       9,581  

Cloud Software and Services

     15,564       15,108       13,400       20,210       14,213       14,014       12,087  

Of which Products

     5,010       5,161       4,455       8,047       4,752       4,675       3,631  

Of which Services

     10,554       9,947       8,945       12,163       9,461       9,339       8,456  


     6,673       6,379       5,995       6,314       4,981       1,703       1,599  


     699       517       691       830       699       765       663  























     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  





















     2023     2022  

Sequential change, percent

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     -2     0     -28     22     5     13     -20

Of which Products

     -3     2     -30     28     1     13     -22

Of which Services

     1     -6     -20     4     16     12     -14

Cloud Software and Services

     3     13     -34     42     1     16     -33

Of which Products

     -3     16     -45     69     2     29     -49

Of which Services

     6     11     -26     29     1     10     -22


     5     6     -5     27     192     7     0


     35     -25     -17     19     -9     15     -3























     0     3     -27     26     9     13     -23





















     2023     2022  

Year over year change, percent

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     -14     -8     4     15     19     15     12

Of which Products

     -11     -7     3     15     15     16     13

Of which Services

     -21     -10     7     15     30     13     9

Cloud Software and Services

     10     8     11     13     4     8     3

Of which Products

     5     10     23     13     4     18     2

Of which Services

     12     7     6     12     5     4     4


     34     275     275     295     256     20     47


     0     -32     4     22     5     11     -6























     -5     3     14     21     21     14     11





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     126,444       84,907       42,467       193,468       134,842       86,695       40,712  

Of which Products

     96,689       64,949       32,175       147,997       102,193       66,430       31,131  

Of which Services

     29,755       19,958       10,292       45,471       32,649       20,265       9,581  

Cloud Software and Services

     44,072       28,508       13,400       60,524       40,314       26,101       12,087  

Of which Products

     14,626       9,616       4,455       21,105       13,058       8,306       3,631  

Of which Services

     29,446       18,892       8,945       39,419       27,256       17,795       8,456  


     19,047       12,374       5,995       14,597       8,283       3,302       1,599  


     1,907       1,208       691       2,957       2,127       1,428       663  























     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  





















     2023     2022  

Year over year change, percent

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     -6     -2     4     15     16     14     12

Of which Products

     -5     -2     3     15     15     15     13

Of which Services

     -9     -2     7     17     18     11     9

Cloud Software and Services

     9     9     11     8     5     6     3

Of which Products

     12     16     23     10     8     10     2

Of which Services

     8     6     6     7     4     4     4


     130     275     275     165     112     31     47


     -10     -15     4     8     3     2     -6























     3     8     14     17     15     12     11
























Financial information by segment has been restated for the quarters 2022, where the divested IoT business in Q1 2023 has moved from segment Enterprise to segment Other.




28    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Gross income by segment by quarter


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


     16,146        16,318        16,869        26,056        21,366        20,735        18,211  

Cloud Software and Services

     5,494        4,944        4,476        6,664        4,516        4,692        4,234  


     3,253        2,954        2,841        2,885        2,429        900        882  


     -165        -115        -18        -36        -176        -25        -38  























     24,728        24,101        24,168        35,569        28,135        26,302        23,289  























     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  


     49,333        33,187        16,869        86,368        60,312        38,946        18,211  

Cloud Software and Services

     14,914        9,420        4,476        20,106        13,442        8,926        4,234  


     9,048        5,795        2,841        7,096        4,211        1,782        882  


     -298        -133        -18        -275        -239        -63        -38  























     72,997        48,269        24,168        113,295        77,726        49,591        23,289  






















EBIT (loss) by segment by quarter


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


     4,627        2,623        6,020        12,453        9,597        8,861        7,601  

Cloud Software and Services

     86        -1,200        -942        673        -792        -733        -837  


     -33,302        -1,679        -1,712        -1,893        -1,456        -593        -531  


     -319        -56        -320        -3,380        -234        -227        -1,489  























     -28,908        -312        3,046        7,853        7,115        7,308        4,744  























     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  


     13,270        8,643        6,020        38,512        26,059        16,462        7,601  

Cloud Software and Services

     -2,056        -2,142        -942        -1,689        -2,362        -1,570        -837  


     -36,693        -3,391        -1,712        -4,473        -2,580        -1,124        -531  


     -695        -376        -320        -5,330        -1,950        -1,716        -1,489  























     -26,174        2,734        3,046        27,020        19,167        12,052        4,744  
























Financial information by segment has been restated for the quarters 2022, where the divested IoT business in Q1 2023 has moved from segment Enterprise to segment Other.




29    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Net sales by market area by quarter


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     13,764        13,839        13,911        11,239        7,914        7,962        5,836  

North East Asia

     5,378        5,062        4,363        8,396        5,597        7,319        5,421  

North America

     13,456        14,443        16,927        25,301        26,517        22,849        20,727  

Europe and Latin America ¹) ²)

     15,475        15,972        14,219        20,877        15,298        15,325        15,290  

Middle East and Africa

     6,455        5,348        4,186        7,379        5,668        5,223        4,301  

Other ¹) ²)

     9,945        9,780        8,947        12,788        7,046        3,787        3,486  























     64,473        64,444        62,553        85,980        68,040        62,465        55,061  






















¹) Of which in Sweden

     454        370        611        778        833        950        678  

²) Of which in EU

     7,850        8,054        8,205        10,495        8,242        8,511        8,611  


     2023     2022  

Sequential change, percent

    Q3       Q2        Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1   

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     -1     -1     24     42     -1     36     -32

North East Asia

     6     16     -48     50     -24     35     -45

North America

     -7     -15     -33     -5     16     10     -7

Europe and Latin America ¹) ²)

     -3     12     -32     36     0     0     -21

Middle East and Africa

     21     28     -43     30     9     21     -38

Other ¹) ²)

     2     9     -30     81     86     9     -22























     0     3     -27     26     9     13     -23






















¹) Of which in Sweden

      23     -39     -21     -7     -12     40     -37

²) Of which in EU

     -3     -2     -22     27     -3     -1     -15


     2023     2022  

Year over year change, percent

    Q3       Q2       Q1        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1   

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     74     74     138     31     23     12     -13

North East Asia

     -4     -31     -20     -14     -2     3     -16

North America

     -49     -37     -18     14     32     27     21

Europe and Latin America ¹) ²)

     1     4     -7     9     6     9     21

Middle East and Africa

     14     2     -3     6     14     17     -2

Other ¹) ²)

     41     158     157     186     53     -12     40























     -5     3     14     21     21     14     11






















¹) Of which in Sweden

     -45     -61     -10     -28     74     135     74

²) Of which in EU

     -5     -5     -5     3     17     17     27


     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     41,514        27,750        13,911        32,951        21,712        13,798        5,836  

North East Asia

     14,803        9,425        4,363        26,733        18,337        12,740        5,421  

North America

     44,826        31,370        16,927        95,394        70,093        43,576        20,727  

Europe and Latin America ¹) ²)

     45,666        30,191        14,219        66,790        45,913        30,615        15,290  

Middle East and Africa

     15,989        9,534        4,186        22,571        15,192        9,524        4,301  

Other ¹) ²)

     28,672        18,727        8,947        27,107        14,319        7,273        3,486  























     191,470        126,997        62,553        271,546        185,566        117,526        55,061  






















¹) Of which in Sweden

     1,435        981        611        3,239        2,461        1,628        678  

²) Of which in EU

     24,109        16,259        8,205        35,859        25,364        17,122        8,611  


     2023     2022  

Year to date, year over year change, percent

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     91     101     138     14     7     0     -13

North East Asia

     -19     -26     -20     -8     -5     -6     -16

North America

     -36     -28     -18     23     27     24     21

Europe and Latin America ¹) ²)

     -1     -1     -7     11     12     15     21

Middle East and Africa

     5     0     -3     9     10     8     -2

Other ¹) ²)

     100     157     157     71     26     7     40























     3     8     14     17     15     12     11






















¹) Of which in Sweden

     -42     -40     -10     38     94     105     74

²) Of which in EU

     -5     -5     -5     15     20     22     27




30    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Net sales by market area by segment


   Q3 2023     Jan-Sep 2023  

SEK million

   Networks     Cloud Software
and Services
    Enterprise     Other     Total     Networks     Cloud Software
and Services
    Enterprise     Other     Total  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     11,134       2,619       11       0       13,764       34,346       7,131       28       9       41,514  

North East Asia

     4,417       861       16       84       5,378       11,670       2,964       29       140       14,803  

North America

     9,589       3,700       98       69       13,456       34,439       10,125       183       79       44,826  

Europe and Latin America

     10,322       5,076       77       0       15,475       30,149       15,276       171       70       45,666  

Middle East and Africa

     3,700       2,682       74       -1       6,455       8,648       7,078       262       1       15,989  

Other 1)

     2,375       626       6,397       547       9,945       7,192       1,498       18,374       1,608       28,672  
































     41,537       15,564       6,673       699       64,473       126,444       44,072       19,047       1,907       191,470  































Share of total

     65     24     10     1     100     66     23     10     1     100



Includes primarily IPR licensing revenues and a major part of segment Enterprise.


   Q3 2023  

Sequential change, percent

   Networks     Cloud Software
and Services
    Enterprise     Other     Total  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     -5     22     22     -100     -1

North East Asia

     11     -20     220     1580     6

North America

     -11     3     109     6800     -7

Europe and Latin America

     -1     -7     5     —        -3

Middle East and Africa

     30     11     -12     -83     21


     -11     47     4     6     2

















     -2     3     5     35     0

















   Q3 2023     Jan-Sep 2023  

Year over year change, percent

   Networks     Cloud Software
and Services
    Enterprise     Other     Total     Networks     Cloud Software
and Services
    Enterprise     Other     Total  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     100     12     120     -100     74     126     10     180     -59     91

North East Asia

     -7     8     1500     65     -4     -25     11     480     -10     -19

North America

     -59     11     1125     263     -49     -44     15     632     88     -36

Europe and Latin America

     1     2     185     -100     1     -3     5     180     -75     -1

Middle East and Africa

     20     8     -24     -150     14     8     2     11     -92     5


     69     123     32     5     41     82     87     131     0     100
































     -14     10     34     0     -5     -6     9     130     -10     3


































31    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Top 5 countries in sales


     Q3     Jan-Sep  

Country, percentage of net sales¹)

   2023     2022     2023     2022  

United States

     31     44     33     40


     15     4     13     3


     4     3     4     4

United Kingdom

     4     3     3     4


     3     3     3     3



Countries included based on Jan-Sep 2023. Includes IPR licensing revenues.

IPR licensing revenues by segment by quarter


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

     Q3         Q2         Q1         Q4         Q3         Q2         Q1   


     2,283        2,603        2,041        4,917        1,282        1,186        1,142  

Cloud Software and Services

     500        572        448        1,080        281        261        250  























     2,783        3,175        2,489        5,997        1,563        1,447        1,392  























     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  


     6,927        4,644        2,041        8,527        3,610        2,328        1,142  

Cloud Software and Services

     1,520        1,020        448        1,872        792        511        250  























     8,447        5,664        2,489        10,399        4,402        2,839        1,392  






















Note 3 – Financial income and expenses, net

Financial income and expenses, net


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

     Q3         Q2         Q1          Q4         Q3          Q2          Q1    

Financial income

     471        639        517        283        319        117        59  

Financial expenses

     -1,024        -942        -865        -757        -428        -452        -293  

Net foreign exchange gains/losses

     -166        -116        -569        —         -426        -424        -409  























     -719        -419        -917        -474        -535        -759        -643  























     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Financial income

     1,627        1,156        517        778        495        176        59  

Financial expenses

     -2,831        -1,807        -865        -1,930        -1,173        -745        -293  

Net foreign exchange gains/losses

     -851        -685        -569        -1,259        -1,259        -833        -409  























     -2,055        -1,336        -917        -2,411        -1,937        -1,402        -643  

























32    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

Table of Contents

Note 4 – Provisions



   2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Opening balance

     12,005        10,541        11,588        10,562        9,668        10,197        9,504  

Additions 1)

     1,462        4,760        1,699        4,304        351        547        1,583  


     -1,422        -2,953        -2,463        -1,974        -533        -893        -1,173  

Of which restructuring

     -994        -423        -274        -150        -70        -51        -67  

Reversal of excess amounts

     -384        -564        -224        -1,034        -236        -316        -452  

Reclassification, translation difference and other

     -126        221        -59        -270        1,312        133        735  

Closing balance

     11,535        12,005        10,541        11,588        10,562        9,668        10,197  






















Of which restructuring

     4,235        4,413        1,096        668        595        579        604  


   2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Opening balance

     11,588        11,588        11,588        9,504        9,504        9,504        9,504  

Additions 1)

     7,921        6,459        1,699        6,785        2,481        2,130        1,583  


     -6,838        -5,416        -2,463        -4,573        -2,599        -2,066        -1,173  

Of which restructuring

     -1,691        -697        -274        -338        -188        -118        -67  

Reversal of excess amounts

     -1,172        -788        -224        -2,038        -1,004        -768        -452  

Reclassification, translation difference and other

     36        162        -59        1,910        2,180        868        735  






















Closing balance

     11,535        12,005        10,541        11,588        10,562        9,668        10,197  






















Of which restructuring

     4,235        4,413        1,096        668        595        579        604  



Q2 2023 mainly relates to restructuring provisions for the cost-reduction activities. Q4 2022 includes a provision of SEK -2.3 billion in relation to a potential resolution with the United States Department of Justice regarding previously announced, non-criminal, alleged breaches under the deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), including estimated expenses for the extended compliance monitorship, noting that the Company, on March 2, 2023, entered into the DOJ Plea Agreement with the DOJ and the provision was utilized in Q2 2023.




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Note 5 – Financial risk management

Since Q1 2023, liquidity portfolios in some subsidiaries have been managed globally on a fair value basis, therefore deposits (cash equivalents) held in these portfolios are classified as fair value through P&L (previously classified as amortized costs). During the year, the Company issued Commercial Papers and drew down its revolving credit facilities for short term liquidity purposes, both borrowings are classified as amortized costs liabilities.

There have been no changes to the fair value hierarchy categorization from that presented in the latest Annual Report. Where Level 2 and Level 3 fair value hierarchies apply, the inputs and valuation methods used remained unchanged. The book values and fair values of financial instruments are as follows:

Financial instruments


SEK billion

   Sep 30
     Dec 31
     Fair value hierarchy level      Fair value hierarchy level  
     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Carrying
     Level 1      Level 2      Level 3  

Assets at fair value through profit or loss


Customer finance 1)

     13.1        —         —         13.1        5.4        —         —         5.4  

Interest-bearing securities

     13.0        13.0        —         —         17.5        17.5        —         —   

Cash equivalents 2)

     3.7        —         3.7        —         15.7        —         15.7        —   

Other financial assets

     2.3        0.1        —         2.2        2.1        0.1        —         2.0  

Other current assets

     0.3        —         0.3        —         1.1        —         1.1        —   

Assets at fair value through OCI


Trade receivables

     43.0        —         —         43.0        48.4        —         —         48.4  

Assets at amortized costs


Interest-bearing securities

     0.6        —         —         —         0.4        —         —         —   

Cash equivalents 2)

     —         —         —         —         2.9        —         —         —   

Other financial assets

     0.7        —         —         —         0.6        —         —         —   

























Total financial assets

     76.7                 94.1           

























Financial liabilities at designated FVTPL


Parent company borrowings

     -29.0        -17.9        -11.1        —         -29.6        -16.7        -12.9        —   

Financial liabilities at FVTPL


Other current liabilities

     -4.0        —         -4.0        —         -2.6        —         -2.6        —   

Liabilities at amortized cost


Trade payables

     -30.6        —         —         —         -38.4        —         —         —   


     -9.9        —         —         —         -3.3        —         —         —   

























Total financial liabilities

     -73.5                 -73.9           



























Year to date movements of customer finance receivables are as follows: additions of SEK 38.2 billion, disposals and repayments of SEK 30.1 billion and revaluation loss of SEK 0.3 billion.


Total Cash and cash equivalent is SEK 26.9 (38.3 on Dec 31, 2022) billion, of which SEK 3.7 (18.6 on Dec 31, 2022) billion relating to Cash equivalents are presented in the table above.

Exchange rates used in the consolidation


     Jan-Sep      Jan-Dec  
     2023      2022      2022  

SEK/EUR - closing rate

     11.48        10.91        11.08  

SEK/USD - closing rate

     10.82        11.18        10.38  




34    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

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Note 6 – Cash flow

Information on investments

Investments in assets subject to depreciation, amortization, impairment and write-downs


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  



Property, plant and equipment

     817        806        954        1,502        1,104        1,053        818  

Capitalized development expenses

     485        562        575        717        414        301        288  

IPR, brands and other intangible assets

     —         94        2        120        2        2        2  























     1,302        1,462        1,531        2,339        1,520        1,356        1,108  






















Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses


Property, plant and equipment

     1,331        1,066        1,183        1,250        1,100        1,074        964  

Capitalized development expenses

     222        244        397        395        387        403        401  

Goodwill, IPR, brands and other intangible assets

     32,735        853        803        1,196        499        159        198  

Right-of-use assets

     613        650        709        694        652        588        583  























     34,901        2,813        3,092        3,535        2,638        2,224        2,146  























     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  



Property, plant and equipment

     2,577        1,760        954        4,477        2,975        1,871        818  

Capitalized development expenses

     1,622        1,137        575        1,720        1,003        589        288  

IPR, brands and other intangible assets

     96        96        2        126        6        4        2  























     4,295        2,993        1,531        6,323        3,984        2,464        1,108  






















Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses


Property, plant and equipment

     3,580        2,249        1,183        4,388        3,138        2,038        964  

Capitalized development expenses

     863        641        397        1,586        1,191        804        401  

Goodwill, IPR, brands and other intangible assets

     34,391        1,656        803        2,052        856        357        198  

Right-of-use assets

     1,972        1,359        709        2,517        1,823        1,171        583  























     40,806        5,905        3,092        10,543        7,008        4,370        2,146  






















Note 7 – Contingent liabilities and Assets pledged as collateral

Contingent liabilities and Assets pledged as collateral


SEK million

   Sep 30
     Dec 31

Contingent liabilities

     3,568        3,322  

Assets pledged as collateral

     8,586        7,226  




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Note 8 – Share information

Number of shares and earnings per share


     Q3      Jan-Sep  
     2023      2022      2023      2022  

Number of shares, end of period (million)

     3,344        3,334        3,344        3,334  

Of which class A-shares (million)

     262        262        262        262  

Of which class B-shares (million)

     3,082        3,072        3,082        3,072  

Number of treasury shares, end of period (million)

     14        4        14        4  

Number of shares outstanding, basic, end of period (million)

     3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330  

Numbers of shares outstanding, diluted, end of period (million)

     3,337        3,334        3,337        3,334  

Average number of treasury shares (million)

     14        4        10        4  

Average number of shares outstanding, basic (million)

     3,330        3,330        3,330        3,330  

Average number of shares outstanding, diluted (million) 1)

     3,337        3,334        3,337        3,334  

Earnings (loss) per share, basic (SEK) 2)

     -9.21        1.56        -8.96        3.80  

Earnings (loss) per share, diluted (SEK) 1)

     -9.21        1.56        -8.96        3.80  



Potential ordinary shares are not considered when their conversion to ordinary shares would increase earnings per share.


Based on net income attributable to owners of the Parent Company.

The proposed dividend of SEK 2.70 per share was approved by the AGM on March 29, 2023. The first of two equal dividend payouts were made in the first week of April 2023. The second payout was paid out in October 2023.

Note 9 – Employee information

Number of employees


     2023      2022  

End of period

   Sep 30      Jun 30      Mar 31      Dec 31      Sep 30      Jun 30      Mar 31  

South EastAsia, Oceania and India

     27,648        27,726        27,981        27,761        26,844        26,127        26,255  

North EastAsia

     12,535        12,602        13,136        13,207        13,219        13,077        12,999  

North America

     10,860        11,518        11,765        11,993        11,706        10,501        10,327  

Europe and Latin America 1)

     45,821        47,521        47,500        48,023        48,144        47,240        46,994  

Middle East and Africa

     4,487        4,523        4,549        4,545        4,577        4,514        4,492  























     101,351        103,890        104,931        105,529        104,490        101,459        101,067  






















1) Of which in Sweden

     14,109        14,713        14,384        14,481        14,444        14,564        14,195  




36    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Accounting policies and Explanatory notes

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Alternative performance measures (unaudited)


In this section, the Company presents its Alternative Performance Measures (APMs), which are not recognized measures of financial performance under IFRS. The presentation of APMs has limitations as analytical tools and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for related financial measures prepared in accordance with IFRS.

APMs are presented to enhance an investor’s evaluation of ongoing operating results, to aid in forecasting future periods and to facilitate meaningful comparison of results between periods.

Management uses these APMs to, among other things, evaluate ongoing operations in relation to historical results, for internal planning and forecasting purposes and in the calculation of certain performance-based compensation. APMs should not be viewed as substitutes for income statement or cash flow items computed in accordance with IFRS.

This section also includes a reconciliation of the APMs to the most directly reconcilable line items in the financial statements. For more information about non-IFRS key operating measures, see Ericsson Annual Report 2022.





37    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

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Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency

Sales growth adjusted for the impact of acquisitions and divestments as well as the effects of foreign currency fluctuations. Also named organic sales.


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, year over year change

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Reported net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

Acquired business

     -1,000       -4,154       -3,894       -4,090       -2,925       —        —   

Net FX impact

     -2,052       -3,662       -3,596       -9,489       -7,437       -5,034       -4,008  

Comparable net sales, excluding FX impact

     61,421       56,628       55,063       72,401       57,678       57,431       51,053  

Comparable quarter net sales adj. for acq/div business

     68,040       62,292       55,061       71,332       56,263       54,941       49,778  

Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency (% )

     -10     -9     0     1     3     5     3
     2023     2022  

Year to date, year over year change

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

Reported net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

Acquired business

     -9,048       -8,048       -3,894       -7,015       -2,925       —        —   

Net FX impact

     -9,310       -7,258       -3,596       -25,968       -16,479       -9,042       -4,008  

Comparable net sales, excluding FX impact

     173,112       111,691       55,063       238,563       166,162       108,484       51,053  

Comparable quarter net sales adj. for acq/div business

     185,393       117,353       55,061       232,314       160,982       104,719       49,778  

Sales growth adjusted for comparable units and currency (% )

     -7     -5     0     3     3     4     3




38    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

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Items excluding restructuring charges

Gross income, operating expenses, and EBIT are presented excluding restructuring charges and, for certain measures, as a percentage of net sales.


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Gross income

     24,728       24,101       24,168       35,569       28,135       26,302       23,289  

Net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

Gross margin (% )

     38.4     37.4     38.6     41.4     41.4     42.1     42.3

Gross income

     24,728       24,101       24,168       35,569       28,135       26,302       23,289  

Restructuring charges included in cost of sales

     548       552       746       96       55       42       2  

Gross income excluding restructuring charges

     25,276       24,653       24,914       35,665       28,190       26,344       23,291  

Net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

Gross margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     39.2     38.3     39.8     41.5     41.4     42.2     42.3

Operating expenses

     -21,629       -24,733       -21,139       -24,909       -21,283       -19,365       -17,473  

Restructuring charges included in R&D expenses

     197       1,659       91       10       7       4       33  

Restructuring charges included in selling and adm initiative expenses

     143       922       143       122       19       3       6  

Operating expenses excluding restructuring charges

     -21,289       -22,152       -20,905       -24,777       -21,257       -19,358       -17,434  

EBIT (loss)

     -28,908       -312       3,046       7,853       7,115       7,308       4,744  

Net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

EBIT margin (%)

     -44.8     -0.5     4.9     9.1     10.5     11.7     8.6

EBIT (loss)

     -28,908       -312       3,046       7,853       7,115       7,308       4,744  

Total restructuring charges

     888       3,133       980       228       81       49       41  

EBIT (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     -28,020       2,821       4,026       8,081       7,196       7,357       4,785  

Net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     -43.5     4.4     6.4     9.4     10.6     11.8     8.7
     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

Gross income

     72,997       48,269       24,168       113,295       77,726       49,591       23,289  

Net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

Gross margin (%)

     38.1     38.0     38.6     41.7     41.9     42.2     42.3

Gross income

     72,997       48,269       24,168       113,295       77,726       49,591       23,289  

Restructuring charges included in cost of sales

     1,846       1,298       746       195       99       44       2  

Gross income excluding restructuring charges

     74,843       49,567       24,914       113,490       77,825       49,635       23,291  

Net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

Gross margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     39.1     39.0     39.8     41.8     41.9     42.2     42.3

Operating expenses

     -67,501       -45,872       -21,139       -83,030       -58,121       -36,838       -17,473  

Restructuring charges included in R&D expenses

     1,947       1,750       91       54       44       37       33  

Restructuring charges included in selling and administrative expenses

     1,208       1,065       143       150       28       9       6  

Operating expenses excluding restructuring charges

     -64,346       -43,057       -20,905       -82,826       -58,049       -36,792       -17,434  

EBIT (loss)

     -26,174       2,734       3,046       27,020       19,167       12,052       4,744  

Net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

EBIT margin (%)

     -13.7     2.2     4.9     10.0     10.3     10.3     8.6

EBIT (loss)

     -26,174       2,734       3,046       27,020       19,167       12,052       4,744  

Total restructuring charges

     5,001       4,113       980       399       171       90       41  

EBIT (loss) excluding restructuring charges

     -21,173       6,847       4,026       27,419       19,338       12,142       4,785  

Net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     -11.1     5.4     6.4     10.1     10.4     10.3     8.7




39    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

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EBITA and EBITA margin / EBITA and EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges

Earnings before interest, taxes, amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangibles (including goodwill) also expressed as a percentage of net sales.

EBITA excluding restructuring charges also expressed as a percentage of net sales.


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Net income (loss)

     -30,491       -597       1,575       6,190       5,360       4,650       2,912  

Income tax

     864       -134       554       1,189       1,220       1,899       1,189  

Financial income and expenses, net

     719       419       917       474       535       759       643  

Amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangibles ¹)

     32,736       854       802       1,196       498       158       199  























     3,828       542       3,848       9,049       7,613       7,466       4,943  






















Net sales

     64,473       64,444       62,553       85,980       68,040       62,465       55,061  

EBITA margin (%)

     5.9     0.8     6.2     10.5     11.2     12.0     9.0

Restructuring charges

     888       3,133       980       228       81       49       41  

EBITA excluding restructuring charges

     4,716       3,675       4,828       9,277       7,694       7,515       4,984  

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     7.3     5.7     7.7     10.8     11.3     12.0     9.1



Of which segment Enterprise 32,702 in Q3 2023 ,788 in Q2 2023, 767 in Q1 2023, 1,062 in Q4 2022, 447 in Q3 2022, 107 in Q2 2022 and 117 in Q1 2022.


     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

Net income (loss)

     -29,513       978       1,575       19,112       12,922       7,562       2,912  

Income tax

     1,284       420       554       5,497       4,308       3,088       1,189  

Financial income and expenses, net

     2,055       1,336       917       2,411       1,937       1,402       643  

Amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangibles ¹)

     34,392       1,656       802       2,051       855       357       199  























     8,218       4,390       3,848       29,071       20,022       12,409       4,943  






















Net sales

     191,470       126,997       62,553       271,546       185,566       117,526       55,061  

EBITA margin (% )

     4.3     3.5     6.2     10.7     10.8     10.6     9.0

Restructuring charges

     5,001       4,113       980       399       171       90       41  

EBITA excluding restructuring charges

     13,219       8,503       4,828       29,470       20,193       12,499       4,984  

EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges (% )

     6.9     6.7     7.7     10.9     10.9     10.6     9.1



Of which segment Enterprise 34,257 in Jan-Sep, 1,555 in Jan-Jun,767 in Jan-Mar 2023, 1,733 in Jan-Dec 2022, 671 in Jan-Sep 2022, 224 in Jan-Jun 2022 and 117 in Jan-Mar 2022.

Additionally, Ericsson provides forward-looking targets for EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges and free cash flow before M&A, which are non-IFRS financial measures. Ericsson has not provided quantitative reconciliation of these targets to the most directly comparable IFRS measures because certain information needed to reconcile these non-IFRS financial measures to the most comparable IFRS financial measures are dependent on specific items or impacts that are not yet determined, are subject to incarcerating and variability in timing and amount due to their nature, are outside of Ericsson’s control or cannot be predicted, including items and impacts such as currency exchange rate changes, acquisitions and disposals, and charges such as impairments or acquisition related charges. Accordingly, reconciliation of these non-IFRS forward-looking financial measures to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures are not available without unreasonable efforts. Such unavailable reconciling items could significantly impact our results of operations and financial condition.

Rolling four quarters of net sales and EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges (%)

Net sales, EBIT margin and restructuring charges as a sum of last four quarters.


     2023     2022  

Rolling four quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Net sales

     277,450       281,017       279,038       271,546       256,898       245,121       237,597  

EBIT (loss)

     -18,321       17,702       25,322       27,020       31,028       32,748       31,263  

Restructuring charges

     5,229       4,422       1,338       399       634       558       513  

EBIT (loss) excl. restr. charges

     -13,092       22,124       26,660       27,419       31,662       33,306       31,776  

EBIT margin excl. restr. charges (% )

     -4.7     7.9     9.6     10.1     12.3     13.6     13.4




40    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

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Gross cash and net cash, end of period

Gross cash: Cash and cash equivalents plus interest-bearing securities (current and non-current).

Net cash: Cash and cash equivalents plus interest-bearing securities (current and non-current) less borrowings (current and non-current).


     2023      2022  

SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Cash and cash equivalents

     26,900        22,331        34,133        38,349        36,749        93,618        76,856  

+ Interest-bearing securities, current

     9,553        8,513        9,259        8,736        6,640        3,715        12,292  

+ Interest-bearing securities, non-current

     4,032        4,878        3,925        9,164        2,423        3,061        15,022  

Gross cash, end of period

     40,485        35,722        47,317        56,249        45,812        100,394        104,170  

-Borrowings, current

     18,772        10,354        11,577        5,984        5,437        3,686        10,403  

-Borrowings, non-current

     20,103        23,476        22,167        26,946        26,994        26,363        28,599  

Net cash, end of period

     1,610        1,892        13,573        23,319        13,381        70,345        65,168  

Capital employed

Total assets less non-interest-bearing provisions and liabilities (which includes non-current provisions, deferred tax liabilities, contract liabilities, other non-current liabilities, current provisions, trade payables, current tax liabilities and other current liabilities).


     2023      2022  

SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Total assets

     306,349        343,358        345,658        349,537        361,166        332,453        323,935  

Non-interest-bearing provisions and liabilities


Provisions, non-current

     5,190        5,263        4,119        3,959        4,511        4,020        4,498  

Deferred tax liabilities

     4,343        4,887        4,986        4,784        8,025        1,250        1,012  

Other non-current liabilities

     812        788        716        745        791        762        1,070  

Provisions, current

     6,345        6,742        6,422        7,629        6,051        5,648        5,699  

Contract liabilities

     41,234        44,237        47,916        42,251        41,105        41,547        39,875  

Trade payables

     30,629        35,463        34,554        38,437        40,864        39,539        35,316  

Current tax liabilities

     3,029        2,665        2,478        2,640        5,008        6,703        5,701  

Other current liabilities

     43,841        45,637        49,064        46,193        50,554        40,346        41,919  

Capital employed

     170,926        197,676        195,403        202,899        204,257        192,638        188,845  

Capital turnover

Annualized net sales divided by average capital employed.

Annualization factor of four is used for isolated quarter.

Annualization factor of four is used for Jan-Mar, two is used for Jan-Jun, 4/3 is used for Jan-Sep and one is used for Jan-Dec.


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Net sales

     64,473        64,444        62,553        85,980        68,040        62,465        55,061  

Annualized net sales

     257,892        257,776        250,212        343,920        272,160        249,860        220,244  

Average capital employed


Capital employed at beginning of period

     197,676        195,403        202,899        204,257        192,638        188,845        184,283  

Capital employed at end of period

     170,926        197,676        195,403        202,899        204,257        192,638        188,845  

Average capital employed

     184,301        196,540        199,151        203,578        198,448        190,742        186,564  

Capital turnover (times)

     1.4        1.3        1.3        1.7        1.4        1.3        1.2  


     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Net sales

     191,470        126,997        62,553        271,546        185,566        117,526        55,061  

Annualized net sales

     255,293        253,994        250,212        271,546        247,421        235,052        220,244  

Average capital employed


Capital employed at beginning of period

     202,899        202,899        202,899        184,283        184,283        184,283        184,283  

Capital employed at end of period

     170,926        197,676        195,403        202,899        204,257        192,638        188,845  

Average capital employed

     186,913        200,288        199,151        193,591        194,270        188,461        186,564  

Capital turnover (times)

     1.4        1.3        1.3        1.4        1.3        1.2        1.2  




41    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Return on capital employed

The annualized total of EBIT as a percentage of average capital employed.

Annualization factor of four is used for isolated quarter.

Annualization factor of four is used for Jan-Mar, two is used for Jan-Jun, 4/3 is used for Jan-Sep and one is used for Jan-Dec.


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

EBIT (loss)

     -28,908       -312       3,046       7,853       7,115       7,308       4,744  

Annualized EBIT (loss)

     -115,632       -1,248       12,184       31,412       28,460       29,232       18,976  

Average capital employed


Capital employed at beginning of period

     197,676       195,403       202,899       204,257       192,638       188,845       184,283  

Capital employed at end of period

     170,926       197,676       195,403       202,899       204,257       192,638       188,845  

Average capital employed

     184,301       196,540       199,151       203,578       198,448       190,742       186,564  

Return on capital employed (% )

     -62.7     -0.6     6.1     15.4     14.3     15.3     10.2


     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

EBIT (loss)

     -26,174       2,734       3,046       27,020       19,167       12,052       4,744  

Annualized EBIT (loss)

     -34,899       5,468       12,184       27,020       25,556       24,104       18,976  

Average capital employed


Capital employed at beginning of period

     202,899       202,899       202,899       184,283       184,283       184,283       184,283  

Capital employed at end of period

     170,926       197,676       195,403       202,899       204,257       192,638       188,845  

Average capital employed

     186,913       200,288       199,151       193,591       194,270       188,461       186,564  

Return on capital employed (% )

     -18.7     2.7     6.1     14.0     13.2     12.8     10.2

Equity ratio

Equity expressed as a percentage of total assets.


     2023     2022  

SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Total equity

     105,435       132,355       125,832       133,304       136,820       127,799       109,879  

Total assets

     306,349       343,358       345,658       349,537       361,166       332,453       323,935  

Equity ratio (% )

     34.4     38.5     36.4     38.1     37.9     38.4     33.9

Return on equity

Annualized net income attributable to owners of the Parent Company as a percentage of average stockholders’ equity.

Annualization factor of four is used for isolated quarter.

Annualization factor of four is used for Jan-Mar, two is used for Jan-Jun, 4/3 is used for Jan-Sep and one is used for Jan-Dec.


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

Net income (loss) attributable to

owners of the Parent Company

     -30,670       -686       1,516       6,066       5,214       4,504       2,940  


     -122,680       -2,744       6,064       24,264       20,856       18,016       11,760  

Average stockholders ‘equity


Stockholders’ equity, beginning of period

     133,869       127,396       134,814       138,607       129,620       111,701       108,775  

Stockholders’ equity, end of period

     106,791       133,869       127,396       134,814       138,607       129,620       111,701  

Average stockholders’ equity

     120,330       130,633       131,105       136,711       134,114       120,661       110,238  

Return on equity (% )

     -102.0     -2.1     4.6     17.7     15.6     14.9     10.7


     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

Net income (loss) attributable to

owners of the Parent Company

     -29,840       830       1,516       18,724       12,658       7,444       2,940  


     -39,787       1,660       6,064       18,724       16,877       14,888       11,760  

Average stockholders ‘equity


Stockholders’ equity, beginning of period

     134,814       134,814       134,814       108,775       108,775       108,775       108,775  

Stockholders’ equity, end of period

     106,791       133,869       127,396       134,814       138,607       129,620       111,701  

Average stockholders’ equity

     120,803       134,342       131,105       121,795       123,691       119,198       110,238  

Return on equity (% )

     -32.9     1.2     4.6     15.4     13.6     12.5     10.7




42    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Adjusted earnings per share

Earnings (loss) per share (EPS), diluted, excluding amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangible assets and excluding restructuring charges.


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Earnings (loss) per share, diluted

     -9.21        -0.21        0.45        1.82        1.56        1.35        0.88  

Restructuring charges

     0.21        0.73        0.24        0.05        0.02        0.01        0.01  

Amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangibles

     9.76        0.19        0.18        0.26        0.12        0.03        0.05  

Adjusted earnings per share

     0.76        0.71        0.87        2.13        1.70        1.39        0.94  


     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Earnings (loss) per share, diluted

     -8.96        0.25        0.45        5.62        3.80        2.23        0.88  

Restructuring charges

     1.18        0.97        0.24        0.09        0.04        0.02        0.01  

Amortizations and write-downs of acquired intangibles

     10.13        0.37        0.18        0.45        0.19        0.08        0.05  

Adjusted earnings per share

     2.35        1.59        0.87        6.16        4.03        2.33        0.94  

Free cash flow before M&A / Free cash flow after M&A

Free cash flow before M&A: Cash flow from operating activities less net capital expenditures, other investments and repayment of lease liabilities (excluding M&A).

Free cash flow after M&A: Cash flow from operating activities less net capital expenditures, other investments, repayment of lease liabilities and, acquisitions/divestments of subsidiaries and other operations, net.


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Cash flow from operating activities

     1,402        -2,882        -5,825        19,895        4,651        6,287        30  

Net capital expenditures and other investments (excl M & A)


Investments in property, plant and equipment

     -817        -806        -954        -1,502        -1,104        -1,053        -818  

Sales of property, plant and equipment

     51        42        33        76        74        61        38  

Product development

     -485        -562        -575        -717        -414        -301        -288  

Other investments¹)

     0        -94        -2        -121        -1        23        -27  

Repayment of lease liabilities

     -691        -690        -693        -765        -658        -577        -593  

Free cash flow before M & A

     -540        -4,992        -8,016        16,866        2,548        4,440        -1,658  

Acquisitions/ divestments of subs and other operations, net

     -160        -911        -844        -445        -51,412        123        46  

Free cash flow after M & A

     -700        -5,903        -8,860        16,421        -48,864        4,563        -1,612  


     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Cash flow from operating activities

     -7,305        -8,707        -5,825        30,863        10,968        6,317        30  

Net capital expenditures and other investments (excl M & A)


Investments in property, plant and equipment

     -2,577        -1,760        -954        -4,477        -2,975        -1,871        -818  

Sales of property, plant and equipment

     126        75        33        249        173        99        38  

Product development

     -1,622        -1,137        -575        -1,720        -1,003        -589        -288  

Other investments¹)

     -96        -96        -2        -126        -5        -4        -27  

Repayment of lease liabilities

     -2,074        -1,383        -693        -2,593        -1,828        -1,170        -593  

Free cash flow before M & A

     -13,548        -13,008        -8,016        22,196        5,330        2,782        -1,658  

Acquisitions/ divestments of subs and other operations, net

     -1,915        -1,755        -844        -51,688        -51,243        169        46  

Free cash flow after M & A

     -15,463        -14,763        -8,860        -29,492        -45,913        2,951        -1,612  



Other investments is part of the line item Other investing activities in the Consolidated cash flow statement. The differences are movements in other interest-bearing assets and the cash flow hedge reserve gain, which are not to be part of the definition of Free cash flow.




43    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Sales growth by segment adjusted for comparable units and currency*)


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarter, year over year change, percent

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     -16     -13     -2     1     4     —        —   

Cloud Software and Services

     5     1     5     2     -5     —        —   


     11     20     19     15     21     —        —   


     -8     -18     0     10     -1     —        —   























     -10     -9     0     1     3     5     3























     2023     2022  

Year to date, year over year change, percent

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     -11     -8     -2     4     5     —        —   

Cloud Software and Services

     4     3     5     -1     -3     —        —   


     14     20     19     16     17     —        —   


     -8     -8     0     3     0     —        —   























     -7     -5     0     3     3     4     3
























Sales growth by segment adjusted for comparable units and currency has not been restated by segment for the first two quarters of 2022 due to the re-organization in 2022.

Sales growth by market area adjusted for comparable units and currency


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarter, year over year change, percent

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     74     71     132     21     13     6     -17

North East Asia

     -2     -32     -19     -16     -6     -1     -20

North America

     -51     -42     -26     -7     9     12     9

Europe and Latin America

     -6     -3     -12     0     0     4     15

Middle East and Africa

     10     -4     -8     -4     3     8     -9


     21     38     28     60     -21     -24     31























     -10     -9     0     1     3     5     3























     2023     2022  

Year to date, year over year change, percent

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  

South East Asia, Oceania and India

     88     97     132     7     1     -5     -17

North East Asia

     -19     -26     -19     -11     -9     -10     -20

North America

     -41     -35     -26     5     10     10     9

Europe and Latin America

     -7     -8     -12     4     6     9     15

Middle East and Africa

     0     -6     -8     -1     1     0     -9


     27     33     28     9     -11     -4     31























     -7     -5     0     3     3     4     3

























44    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Gross margin by segment by quarter


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     38.9     38.4     39.7     44.4     44.4     45.1     44.7

Cloud Software and Services

     35.3     32.7     33.4     33.0     31.8     33.5     35.0


     48.7     46.3     47.4     45.7     48.8     52.8     55.2


     -23.6     -22.2     -2.6     -4.3     -25.2     -3.3     -5.7























     38.4     37.4     38.6     41.4     41.4     42.1     42.3





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     39.0     39.1     39.7     44.6     44.7     44.9     44.7

Cloud Software and Services

     33.8     33.0     33.4     33.2     33.3     34.2     35.0


     47.5     46.8     47.4     48.6     50.8     54.0     55.2


     -15.6     -11.0     -2.6     -9.3     -11.2     -4.4     -5.7























     38.1     38.0     38.6     41.7     41.9     42.2     42.3






















EBIT margin by segment by quarter


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     11.1     6.2     14.2     21.2     19.9     19.3     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     0.6     -7.9     -7.0     3.3     -5.6     -5.2     -6.9


     -499.1     -26.3     -28.6     -30.0     -29.2     -34.8     -33.2


     -45.6     -10.8     -46.3     -407.2     -33.5     -29.7     -224.6























     -44.8     -0.5     4.9     9.1     10.5     11.7     8.6





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     10.5     10.2     14.2     19.9     19.3     19.0     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     -4.7     -7.5     -7.0     -2.8     -5.9     -6.0     -6.9


     -192.6     -27.4     -28.6     -30.6     -31.1     -34.0     -33.2


     -36.4     -31.1     -46.3     -180.3     -91.7     -120.2     -224.6























     -13.7     2.2     4.9     10.0     10.3     10.3     8.6

























45    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Restructuring charges by function


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Cost of sales

     -548        -552        -746        -96        -55        -42        -2  

Research and development expenses

     -197        -1,659        -91        -10        -7        -4        -33  

Selling and administrative expenses

     -143        -922        -143        -122        -19        -3        -6  























     -888        -3,133        -980        -228        -81        -49        -41  





















     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  

Cost of sales

     -1,846        -1,298        -746        -195        -99        -44        -2  

Research and development expenses

     -1,947        -1,750        -91        -54        -44        -37        -33  

Selling and administrative expenses

     -1,208        -1,065        -143        -150        -28        -9        -6  























     -5,001        -4,113        -980        -399        -171        -90        -41  






















Restructuring charges by segment


     2023      2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


     -564        -2,177        -404        -65        -26        -45        -10  

of which cost of sales

     -408        -376        -367        -69        -3        -44        -10  

of which operating expenses

     -156        -1,801        -37        4        -23        -1        0  

Cloud Software and Services

     -335        -906        -500        -16        -55        0        -25  

of which cost of sales

     -143        -177        -367        1        -52        2        8  

of which operating expenses

     -192        -729        -133        -17        -3        -2        -33  


     -5        -52        -89        -60        0        -4        -1  

of which cost of sales

     -3        -1        -12        0        0        0        0  

of which operating expenses

     -2        -51        -77        -60        0        -4        -1  


     16        2        13        -87        0        0        -5  

of which cost of sales

     6        2        0        -28        0        0        0  

of which operating expenses

     10        0        13        -59        0        0        -5  























     -888        -3,133        -980        -228        -81        -49        -41  





















     2023      2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar      Jan-Dec      Jan-Sep      Jan-Jun      Jan-Mar  


     -3,145        -2,581        -404        -146        -81        -55        -10  

of which cost of sales

     -1,151        -743        -367        -126        -57        -54        -10  

of which operating expenses

     -1,994        -1,838        -37        -20        -24        -1        0  

Cloud Software and Services

     -1,741        -1,406        -500        -96        -80        -25        -25  

of which cost of sales

     -687        -544        -367        -41        -42        10        8  

of which operating expenses

     -1,054        -862        -133        -55        -38        -35        -33  


     -146        -141        -89        -65        -5        -5        -1  

of which cost of sales

     -16        -13        -12        0        0        0        0  

of which operating expenses

     -130        -128        -77        -65        -5        -5        -1  


     31        15        13        -92        -5        -5        -5  

of which cost of sales

     8        2        0        -28        0        0        0  

of which operating expenses

     23        13        13        -64        -5        -5        -5  























     -5,001        -4,113        -980        -399        -171        -90        -41  

























46    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

Gross income and gross margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     16,554       16,694       17,236       26,125       21,369       20,779       18,221  

Cloud Software and Services

     5,637       5,121       4,843       6,663       4,568       4,690       4,226  


     3,256       2,955       2,853       2,885       2,429       900       882  


     -171       -117       -18       -8       -176       -25       -38  























     25,276       24,653       24,914       35,665       28,190       26,344       23,291  





















     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     39.9     39.3     40.6     44.6     44.4     45.2     44.8

Cloud Software and Services

     36.2     33.9     36.1     33.0     32.1     33.5     35.0


     48.8     46.3     47.6     45.7     48.8     52.8     55.2


     -24.5     -22.6     -2.6     -1.0     -25.2     -3.3     -5.7























     39.2     38.3     39.8     41.5     41.4     42.2     42.3





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     50,484       33,930       17,236       86,494       60,369       39,000       18,221  

Cloud Software and Services

     15,601       9,964       4,843       20,147       13,484       8,916       4,226  


     9,064       5,808       2,853       7,096       4,211       1,782       882  


     -306       -135       -18       -247       -239       -63       -38  























     74,843       49,567       24,914       113,490       77,825       49,635       23,291  





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     39.9     40.0     40.6     44.7     44.8     45.0     44.8

Cloud Software and Services

     35.4     35.0     36.1     33.3     33.4     34.2     35.0


     47.6     46.9     47.6     48.6     50.8     54.0     55.2


     -16.0     -11.2     -2.6     -8.4     -11.2     -4.4     -5.7























     39.1     39.0     39.8     41.8     41.9     42.2     42.3

























47    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

EBIT and EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     5,191       4,800       6,424       12,518       9,623       8,906       7,611  

Cloud Software and Services

     421       -294       -442       689       -737       -733       -812  


     -33,297       -1,627       -1,623       -1,833       -1,456       -589       -530  


     -335       -58       -333       -3,293       -234       -227       -1,484  























     -28,020       2,821       4,026       8,081       7,196       7,357       4,785  





















     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     12.5     11.3     15.1     21.4     20.0     19.4     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     2.7     -1.9     -3.3     3.4     -5.2     -5.2     -6.7


     -499.0     -25.5     -27.1     -29.0     -29.2     -34.6     -33.1


     -47.9     -11.2     -48.2     -396.7     -33.5     -29.7     -223.8























     -43.5     4.4     6.4     9.4     10.6     11.8     8.7





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     16,415       11,224       6,424       38,658       26,140       16,517       7,611  

Cloud Software and Services

     -315       -736       -442       -1,593       -2,282       -1,545       -812  


     -36,547       -3,250       -1,623       -4,408       -2,575       -1,119       -530  


     -726       -391       -333       -5,238       -1,945       -1,711       -1,484  























     -21,173       6,847       4,026       27,419       19,338       12,142       4,785  





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     13.0     13.2     15.1     20.0     19.4     19.1     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     -0.7     -2.6     -3.3     -2.6     -5.7     -5.9     -6.7


     -191.9     -26.3     -27.1     -30.2     -31.1     -33.9     -33.1


     -38.1     -32.4     -48.2     -177.1     -91.4     -119.8     -223.8























     -11.1     5.4     6.4     10.1     10.4     10.3     8.7






















Rolling four quarters of net sales by segment


     2023      2022  

Rolling four quarters, SEK million

   Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


     185,070        191,680        195,223        193,468        185,939        178,383        172,276  

Cloud Software and Services

     64,282        62,931        61,837        60,524        58,269        57,666        56,601  


     25,361        23,669        18,993        14,597        —         —         —   


     2,737        2,737        2,985        2,957        —         —         —   























     277,450        281,017        279,038        271,546        256,898        245,121        237,597  
























Rolling four quarters of net sales by segment for segments Enterprise and Other have not been restated for the first three quarters of 2022.

Rolling four quarters of EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges by segment (%)


     2023     2022  

Rolling four quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     15.6     17.4     19.2     20.0     20.5     21.4     22.0

Cloud Software and Services

     0.6     -1.2     -2.0     -2.6     -2.6     -2.2     -2.9


     -151.3     -27.6     -29.0     -30.2     —        —        —   


     -146.8     -143.1     -136.9     -177.1     —        —        —   























     -4.7     7.9     9.6     10.1     12.3     13.6     13.4
























Rolling four quarters of EBIT margin excluding restructuring charges by segment for segment Enterprise and segment Other have not been restated for the first three quarters of 2022.




48    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

EBITA and EBITA margin by segment by quarter


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     4,651       2,678       6,042       12,555       9,624       8,889       7,629  

Cloud Software and Services

     96       -1,190       -929       695       -769       -710       -783  


     -600       -891       -945       -831       -1,009       -486       -414  


     -319       -55       -320       -3,370       -233       -227       -1,489  























     3,828       542       3,848       9,049       7,613       7,466       4,943  





















     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     11.2     6.3     14.2     21.4     20.0     19.3     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     0.6     -7.9     -6.9     3.4     -5.4     -5.1     -6.5


     -9.0     -14.0     -15.8     -13.2     -20.3     -28.5     -25.9


     -45.6     -10.6     -46.3     -406.0     -33.3     -29.7     -224.6























     5.9     0.8     6.2     10.5     11.2     12.0     9.0





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     13,371       8,720       6,042       38,697       26,142       16,518       7,629  

Cloud Software and Services

     -2,023       -2,119       -929       -1,567       -2,262       -1,493       -783  


     -2,436       -1,836       -945       -2,740       -1,909       -900       -414  


     -694       -375       -320       -5,319       -1,949       -1,716       -1,489  























     8,218       4,390       3,848       29,071       20,022       12,409       4,943  





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     10.6     10.3     14.2     20.0     19.4     19.1     18.7

Cloud Software and Services

     -4.6     -7.4     -6.9     -2.6     -5.6     -5.7     -6.5


     -12.8     -14.8     -15.8     -18.8     -23.0     -27.3     -25.9


     -36.4     -31.0     -46.3     -179.9     -91.6     -120.2     -224.6























     4.3     3.5     6.2     10.7     10.8     10.6     9.0

























49    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures

Table of Contents

EBITA and EBITA margin excluding restructuring charges by segment


     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, SEK million

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     5,215       4,855       6,446       12,620       9,650       8,934       7,639  

Cloud Software and Services

     431       -284       -429       711       -714       -710       -758  


     -595       -839       -856       -771       -1,009       -482       -413  


     -335       -57       -333       -3,283       -233       -227       -1,484  























     4,716       3,675       4,828       9,277       7,694       7,515       4,984  





















     2023     2022  

Isolated quarters, as percentage of net sales

   Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  


     12.6     11.4     15.2     21.5     20.0     19.4     18.8

Cloud Software and Services

     2.8     -1.9     -3.2     3.5     -5.0     -5.1     -6.3


     -8.9     -13.2     -14.3     -12.2     -20.3     -28.3     -25.8


     -47.9     -11.0     -48.2     -395.5     -33.3     -29.7     -223.8























     7.3     5.7     7.7     10.8     11.3     12.0     9.1





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, SEK million

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     16,516       11,301       6,446       38,843       26,223       16,573       7,639  

Cloud Software and Services

     -282       -713       -429       -1,471       -2,182       -1,468       -758  


     -2,290       -1,695       -856       -2,675       -1,904       -895       -413  


     -725       -390       -333       -5,227       -1,944       -1,711       -1,484  























     13,219       8,503       4,828       29,470       20,193       12,499       4,984  





















     2023     2022  

Year to date, as percentage of net sales

   Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar     Jan-Dec     Jan-Sep     Jan-Jun     Jan-Mar  


     13.1     13.3     15.2     20.1     19.4     19.1     18.8

Cloud Software and Services

     -0.6     -2.5     -3.2     -2.4     -5.4     -5.6     -6.3


     -12.0     -13.7     -14.3     -18.3     -23.0     -27.1     -25.8


     -38.0     -32.3     -48.2     -176.8     -91.4     -119.8     -223.8























     6.9     6.7     7.7     10.9     10.9     10.6     9.1






















Other ratios


     Q3      Jan-Sep  
     2023      2022      2023      2022  

Days sales outstanding

     —         —         72        76  

Inventory turnover days

     106        115        104        112  

Payable days

     76        92        80        97  




50    Ericsson | Third quarter report 2023    Alternative performance measures